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16 Personality Types: The Ultimate Guide

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Have you noticed how many personality quizzes there are on the Internet? DISC, Enneagram types, and the Big 5 Personality types are just a few, and all of them aim to give the reader a better understanding of their own personality type.

Psychologists have been debating for years over which the best personality types test is and which test gives the most accurate breakdown of the 16 personality types. The truth is, they all can help you gain more insights into different aspects of your personality.

In the article that follows, you will learn things like:

  • What are the most important things to know of the personality descriptions?
  • Which is the most common personality type?
  • Which is the rarest personality type?
  • What do the personality type letters stand for?

Determining Your Personality Type

If you do not know what your personality type is, simply take our free personality test to find out.

If you take the 16 personalities test, your personality type will be an acronym made of four letters: ESTJ, ISTJ, ENTJ, INTJ, ESTP, ISTP, ENTP, INTP, ESFJ, ISFJ, ENFJ, INFJ, ESFP, ISFP, ENFP, or INFP.

What do the letters stand for in the 16 personalities test? According to Carl G. Jung’s theory of psychological types, your personality type is determined by your Preferences:

  • Introvert stands for “I”,
  • Extravert stands for “E”,
  • Thinking stands for “T”,
  • Feeling stands for “F”,
  • Sensing stands for “S”,
  • Intuition stands for “N”,
  • Judging stands for “J”,
  • Perceiving stands for “P”.

Combining the letters associated with your dominant function leads you to your personality type. If, for example, your four preferences are Introverted (I), Sensing (S), Feeling (F) and Judging (J), your personality type is ISFJ. All possible combinations of the four preferences yield 16 different personality types.

The total of eight letters are grouped in 4 personality categories, as follows:

  1. Introversion/Extraversion: How you expend energy
  2. Sensing/Intuition: How you receive information
  3. Thinking/Feeling: How you make decisions
  4. Judging/Perceiving: How you see the world

No psychological type is better than another. All personality types have their strengths and weaknesses, and each person has a unique set of equally valuable characteristics. Understanding your distinctive personality archetypes can be useful in many ways, including relationships, career and learning.

Take our Free Personality Test to learn what your personality type is. Your personalized report includes more than 20 pages about your personality type, preferences, Cognitive Functions and other aspects of your personality. You may optionally include Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles. No registration is required.

We recommend reading the profiles below and studying the different preferences to be extra sure of your personality type since no test can determine type with 100% accuracy for every person. Our test serves as a tool to assist you in determining your type.

The 16 Personality Types

The personality types are grouped by 4 Temperaments — Intellectuals, Visionaries, Protectors and Creators. Intellectuals are known for their rationality and intellectual superiority, Visionaries are known for their empathy and idealism, Protectors are known for their practicality and orderliness and Creators are known for their spontaneity and flexible nature.

The Four Temperaments

A summary of each of the four temperaments along with common career matches and famous people is provided below.

SJ – The “Protector”
Protectors (SJs) are dependable, altruistic and honest. They are driven by a strict work ethic and place a high premium on helping others and serving the community. Protectors are gifted leaders because of their natural ability to organize, plan and strategize. They thrive in situations where they know what is expected. They appreciate rules and structure.

SP – The “Creator”
Creators (SPs) are naturally artistic, brave and adaptable. They appreciate the beauty in nature, fashion and decoration. Their adventurous nature makes them excitable, energetic and spontaneous. Driven by their curiosity and playfulness, Creators are willing to try almost anything. They are likable and popular. They love to tell a good story.

NT – The “Intellectual”
Intellectuals (NTs) are intelligent, independent and determined. They are high-achievers, driven not only to acquire but also to master large amounts of information. They are self-sufficient, logical and value reason. They seek to know everything and will question anything. Their keen interest in investigation makes them great researchers and inventors.

NF – The “Visionary”
Visionaries (NFs) are empathetic, generous and original. They are caring individuals who are not only sensitive to the feelings of others but also very adept at identifying them. They are idealistic and are driven by values they deeply believe in and defend. Visionaries desire to understand themselves and to be understood for who they really are.

Take the Personality Test to learn your temperament and personality type. It includes 20 pages of results about you, for free. No registration or email required.

Let’s dive into each personality types’ psychology, shall we?

Intellectual Types

The Intellectual personality types consist of: the Strategist, the Engineer, the Chief, and the Originator. These personality types are introspective, logical, and on a constant quest for knowledge. Naturally curious and inventive, they hold a special love and devotion to rationality. Despite their rational mindset and feet-on-the-ground approach, they are often very imaginative and are compelled to explore matters on a deeper level. This love for experiments and speculations makes these personality personalities a valuable asset in any community. Stupid questions don’t exist to the Intellectuals — they are always ready to brainstorm.

The Intellectual types correspond to the Choleric temperament from the 4 temperament types.

The Strategist (INTJ)

INTJs sail through life with their undying belief in the strength of human knowledge and wit. They spend the majority of their time analyzing situations to try to find ways to improve on them. They are very disciplined and thrive on knowledge — being deemed “bookworms” in their early years is one of their main personality archetypes. However, there is no other label that the Strategist would relate to more. These people are unbothered by the general opinion of the masses and are not afraid to pursue their own philosophy of life. Avoiding the spotlight and working from the shadows, this type is often seen alone — but they don’t mind this at all. For them, every move they make in life is carefully considered and planned in advance — life is like a giant chessboard for this personality type, and they are the grandmaster players that move the pieces.

Strategists are smart — and they know it. This however can lead to others seeing them as arrogant, because of their high self-confidence and perception that they are intellectually superior to those around them. Other points in the INTJ’s personality traits list are that they can be judgmental and take their tendency to be analytical a step too far. On the plus side — there is little to nothing they can’t achieve. Valuing hard work, determination, and consistency, their mantra in life is that nothing is impossible if you are willing to pour the necessary energy and time into it.


  • The least likely type to believe in a higher power
  • One of the types with highest college GPA
  • Among the types with highest income
  • The top personal value is Achievement
  • Likely to get a career in IT, scientific and technical fields
The Engineer (INTP)

Brilliant theorists, guided by unquestionable logic and rationality, out of all the 16 personalities, INTP are the most logically precise. It’s easy for them to spot problems and take into consideration all the factors that are involved when creating a solution. Typically reserved and even loners, Engineers pride themselves on their unique perspectives, intellect, and creativity. They are used to people “not getting them” and if you are their friend, don’t expect to find emotional support from their side when you need it. This personality type is more likely to offer you a series of well thought out suggestions on how to deal with your problem, rather than empathizing with it. This rational approach can often be met with disapproval from more sensitive types. Emotionality is confusing for Engineers — they simply do not find logic in it.

It’s common for INTPs to have trouble getting their messages across. It’s not because they can’t articulate them properly — others simply have trouble keeping up with their sharp minds. This can be very frustrating for people with these personality profiles, as they don’t like to slow down and simplify their notions for their listener’s sake. The typical “nevermind” with which they dismiss conversation when they finally give up can be seen as condescending. However, when you are in need of an abstract thinker and problem solver — they are definitely your person.


  • One of the more likely types to study a foreign language
  • One of the types least likely to believe in a higher power
  • Among the lowest-scored types in resources available for handling stress
  • Highest of all types in career dissatisfaction
  • Top personal values are Freedom, Independence and Autonomy
  • Likely to get a career in IT and science fields
The Chief (ENTJ)

ENTJs know a thing or two about leadership — and they are not afraid to demonstrate it. They are people who live for accomplishment and spare no time when a decision has to be made. These qualities, combined with their personality assessment of natural charisma and appeal, make them superb leaders. However, given their extreme determination and frequent “the end justifies the means” mindset, they may seem ruthless and overwhelming to less strong characters. This is why understanding these personality types might be a bit difficult.

Dominant, with little room for compromise, Chiefs enjoy a good challenge and thrive at an opportunity to pour their energy in conquering it. They value people who are up to the task of matching their intellect and determination, and can be useful partners in achieving their goals. They know that no matter how capable they are, they can’t do everything alone, which is why ENTJs value the people around them.

A big part of the personality profiling of ENTJs is their inflexibility to listen to other ideas than their own. This makes them very stubborn, especially when it comes to suggestions based on emotional notions. They are also very impatient because of their quick-thinking and they have low tolerance for people who take too long to make a decision. While they can often come across as cold and insensitive, when it comes to solving a crisis, they are the right person to call. Very efficient, energetic and strong-willed, Chiefs often are some of the most successful people around.


  • The least likely type to report work- or money-related stress
  • One of the least likely types to believe in a higher power
  • One of the types with the highest college GPA
  • One of the types more likely to stay in college
  • Top personal values include Achievement, Learning and Creativity
  • One of the two top types that are likely to be satisfied with their work
The Originator (ENTP)

No one likes intellectual sparring more than the Originator. These people enjoy hearing different personality types’ points of view and debating with them not because of any high stakes or higher purposes — often, it’s simply entertaining. Like all Intellectual types, they are in constant pursuit of knowledge, and acknowledge different perspectives from the personality type grid as a good way to broaden their own. They like to challenge others and to question existing rules and regulations. This can make them invaluable in reworking systems, processes, and the way things are done. Sometimes they can get caught up in the excitement of winning an argument to the extent that they can forget that diplomacy and flexibility is also required to achieve peace. They tend to forget that not everyone likes conflict and most people in fact steer away from it.

Not likely to shy away from a risky situation, ENTPs are charismatic brainstormers who think quickly on their feet and enjoy training their brains. Like all Intellectual types of personalities, they can be perceived as insensitive and intolerant — they simply believe too much in their own brainpower. Unlike the other Intellectuals, they aren’t fond of practical matters or taking action on their plans — they prefer to create the blueprints, rather than work on turning them into reality. This doesn’t mean they are lazy — they simply have trouble focusing for prolonged periods of time. Some celebrities of this personality type are Mark Twain, Tom Hanks and Thomas Edison.


  • Least likely to be stressed over health and family
  • Among the highest-scored types in resources available for handling stress
  • Typically are more common among people with Type A behavior
  • One of the most creative types
  • Among the types which are most dissatisfied with their work, while still having some of the highest incomes
  • Likely to get a career in management, science and technology

You can take the best personality test right here on our website.

Visionary Types

The Visionary personality types consist of the Mentor, the Confidant, the Advocate, and the Dreamer. These types of personalities are introspective, intuitive, and highly idealistic. They are compassionate people who want to help out others and make the world a better place. For them, kindness is key and they will willingly cooperate, rather than compete, like the Intellectuals. Naturally empathetic, they love to surround themselves with emotions and prefer deep conversations to small talk. Very optimistic, caring and kind, they don’t have a problem being open to the world, but should be careful who they are vulnerable in front of, to avoid being hurt. The deep intuition of these personality test types acts as helpful guidance in distinguishing that.

The Visionary types correspond to the Melancholic temperament from the 4 temperament types.

The Confidant (INFJ)

There is a reason that this personality type is the rarest one out of all 16 personalities, INFJs make up only 1.5% of all people. They are gentle, idealistic and sensitive, but still capable of making decisions and carrying on with their goals. They aren’t static spectators — their belief that good and love will save the world compels them to act. However, these good intentions aren’t always working for their benefit. When Confidants get too entangled with saving the world, they can easily forget that they need saving as well. They need to remember to also take care of themselves and project the warmth and gentleness inwardly as well. People around them need to remember that as well, and allow INFJs to withdraw within from time to time.

While their passion and noble battle to do good can be admirable, the INFJ personality type is prone to easy burnout. They need to find ways to let off steam and to manage their tendency for privacy. Very sensitive to criticism or someone questioning their ways, Confidants can react very harshly when they perceive that someone is putting a big question mark on their beliefs. Still, they are very creative and have an almost unnatural ability to connect with others. Given their knack for speaking in human terms and helping others, it makes it easy for people to trust them.


  • According to the 16 personalities test INFJ is the rarest type
  • Among the types prone to score high GPA
  • Among the most likely types to stay in college
  • The type that is most likely to be seeing a therapist as a way to deal with stress
  • Top personal values include: Learning, Spirituality and Community Service
  • Likely to get a career in religion, counseling and teaching.
The Dreamer (INFP)

Like true idealists, the INFP personality type is always on the lookout for meaning in their lives. Strong believers in good, they are rarely discouraged and prefer to think of the glass as half full. For them, good is everywhere — even in the worst of people. Even if it’s hard to discover, they will smile and do their best to help push through. Their calm and reserved exterior may be misleading, as they are bursting with passion and strife from the inside. Dreamers aren’t interested in the material goods that their deeds will provide them with. Rather, they are more entranced by their pure intentions and desire to do good. They are often proud of these qualities and how led by principles they are.

Out of all 16 personalities, INFPs can have problems with taking things too personally when faced with criticism (similarly to their close cousins, INFJs). They also tend to be private, which can make them difficult to get to know. However, if someone puts in the effort to do so, they will be greatly rewarded. Dreamers are very good people to keep around — their optimism is contagious and they often radiate a sense of peace and harmony. Passionate and determined, this gentle and loyal personality type is ready to fight for what they believe in.


  • They are among the least likely types to have heart disease
  • They are some of the most likely types to have suicidal thoughts
  • Tend to find it easier to study a foreign language (and are more successful than the rest of the types)
  • Among the types to be least satisfied with their work
  • Some of their personal values include Creativity and Autonomy
  • Likely to get a career in counseling, the arts, and writing.
The Mentor (ENFJ)

Warm, passionate and charismatic, out of all 16 personalities, ENFJs are the leaders people flock to and follow, without a second thought. They don’t like leading for the sole sake of boosting their egos and self-esteem, as they have plenty of that last. Rather, they have a genuine interest in bettering the world and its people, striving to improve the community in any way they can. It’s easy for them to communicate on a wide range of levels, given their excellent language skills, so it’s not hard for them to find an audience. Next to being drawn to their silver tongued skills, people also like their honest and raw sincerity. When Mentors see a potential in someone, they will do whatever is needed to help the person develop it.

This high degree of involvement in other people’s lives can be a bit overwhelming at times for the Mentors. If they indulge too much in others, at some point they will start over-reflecting and seeing faults in themselves, which aren’t there. If they fail to live to their own set ideals, this can impact their self-esteem greatly and leave them feeling hopeless. However, their charismatic tolerance and genuine interest in people are sure to never leave them feeling lonely. People are drawn to passion and honesty, which is why ENFJs tend to be surrounded by loving friends and family, which help lift them up and keep them grounded.


  • They are the most likely type to use working out as a way to manage stress
  • They are the most likely type to believe in the existence of higher powers
  • They are the least likely to have problems in school
  • They are some of the types that report highest job satisfaction, but also some of the most likely to leave their jobs
  • Some of their top personal values include: Education and Learning, Creativity and Friendships
  • Likely to get a career in teaching, the arts, and religion.
The Advocate (ENFP)

True free spirits, nothing excites the ENFP personality type more than making meaningful connections with people. For them, deep conversations are a source of great pleasure, as they thrive on hearing different points of view and explaining their own. For ENFPs, everything in life is connected in one way or another, and trying to untangle these knots and make sense of the connections is exhilarating. They don’t work well with bounds and limitations, and being expressive is what they excel at. Great company, both at parties and at the workplace, these warm and positive individuals are easy to spot in a crowd. Enthusiastic rays of sunshine, which brighten the days of everyone around, few personality types are as creative and charismatic as the Advocates.

Being expressive as they are, at times ENFPs can struggle with handling a practical approach to their endless stream of ideas. As good as they are with coming up with creative solutions, their follow-up practices are terrible or non-existent. They lack the methodical approach required to carry on with turning their ideas into reality — something that Intellectuals are very good at. Combined with their tendency to overthink and troubles focusing, they make very poor project planners. However, if you are in need of curious, enthusiastic and often wacky creative machines, out of the personalities, ENFPs are the best people for the task.


  • Among the highest-scored types in resources available for handling stress
  • Among the most likely types to have trouble in school (according to psychologists)
  • Common in academically talented elementary school students
  • Top personal values are Friendship, Learning, Family and Creativity
  • Likely to get a career in religion, counseling and teaching

Protector Types

The Protector personality types consist of the Overseer, the Examiner, the Supporter and the Defender. The types of personality traits they share are grounded, observant, and motivated to maintain security. They are also the most common personality types — Protectors make up around 50% of the total population on the planet. Very self-motivated, Protectors know who they are and feel comfortable in their own skin. While stubborn, the descriptions of these types paint them as people who steer them away from drama the best they can. The moving force in their lives is to show their love by taking care of their loved ones in a practical and subtle way. They tend to work hard and see things through — this is provoked by their strong inner principles, such as diligence and respect. Reliable, honest and industrious, they make excellent leaders.

The Protector types correspond to the Phlegmatic temperament from the 4 temperament types.

The Examiner (ISTJ)

Responsible, loyal and hard-working, more than anything, Examiners value order and procedures. They have an acute sense of right and wrong and work hard in preserving established traditions and norms. While this may seem uptight to more fun-loving and free spirited personality types (like the Visionaries), ISTJs take particular pride in standing behind their actions. Not quick to assume, they prefer to carefully look through the cold facts before setting their mind on a decision. Their sharp fact-based minds make them the personality type that has the least tolerance for improbable theories or empty ramblings. With their blunt approach and unapologetic honesty, they might come off as cold and robotic, but in the head of the Examiner everything is always justified and solidified by carefully analyzed factors.

This stubbornness can cause them problems — Examiners don’t like to admit they were wrong in a situation. They can’t come to terms with the notion that sometimes following rules “by the book” may not be so good and a more innovative approach is needed. This, in turn, can lead to them coming across as judgmental, as they have little regard for empty words. However, their honest bluntness can also be one of their biggest strengths, if used correctly. Their responsibility, strong will and practical nature makes them excellent workers in responsible positions.


  • The most common personality type
  • They are in the top four types to have the highest GPA in college
  • The most likely of all types to experience “chronic pain”
  • The type that most enjoys working environment where things are done “by the book”
  • Their top personal value is Financial Security
  • Likely to get a career in management, accounting, law enforcement and the military.
The Defender (ISFJ)

Loyal and quiet traditionalists, ISFJs are true altruists, who give out as much kindness in the world as possible — sometimes even too much. According to the 16 personalities test, they are responsible and you can count on them to get the job done, even if they tend to procrastinate at times. Defenders like to please others, so don’t be surprised if they go above and beyond to exceed the expectations that are set on them. Despite this quality, however, they don’t enjoy taking credit for their accomplishments. This can make it easy for more selfish people to take advantage of them. Even though they are introverted, Defenders have an unmatched ability to connect with people on a deeper emotional level and generally enjoy socialization.

The humble nature of the ISFJ can be their biggest challenge to overcome. They need to learn to stand up for themselves the same way they stand up for people they care for. Their tendency for perfectionism can also lead to them overloading themselves, both with workload and emotions. Despite that, they are extremely supportive, reliable and loyal people to have around, who enjoy giving attention to detail. You can be sure that you can count on them, as they will always have your back, no matter what.


  • One of the two most likely types to watch more than 3 hours of TV per day
  • The second most common type to prefer education majors
  • One of the types that are most likely to believe in higher powers
  • One of the types with the lowest income
  • Their top personal values are Health, Happy relationships and Spirituality
  • Likely to get a career in education, healthcare and religion
The Overseer (ESTJ)

According to the 16 personalities test, ESTJs are the personification of good old traditional values, like purposeful honesty, leading by example and doing everything with utmost dedication. They enjoy bringing communities together and leading them in preserving traditional celebrations. When working together with others, they expect them to act the same way as an Overseer would — being competent, honest and hard working. If their expectations aren’t met, an ESTJ can get angry very quickly. This solidifies their tendency to be inflexible (just like all Protector types), but this is simply because they believe that those mechanisms are essential to make the world run smoothly. Overseers are the true model citizen — they rarely step out of place and do everything to keep up the good image of the community.

Their inflexibility can cause them issues where innovative solutions to problems are required. Because they trust data and facts so devotedly, they tend to mistrust hunches and intuition, unless it’s supported by concrete evidence. This also makes them bad at dealing with unorthodox situations, for which a careful methodology isn’t developed yet. However, they are excellent organizers, whose dedication is unmatched. The strong will of Overseers helps them carry out this dedication, and their honest and reliable nature makes them invaluable in any community.


  • Among the highest-scored types in resources available for handling stress
  • Among the types with top college GPA
  • The least likely type to think about suicide in college
  • One of the most likely types to stay in college
  • One of the types who are most satisfied with their work
  • Top personal values are Achievement, Health and Financial Security
  • Likely to get a career in banking and financial businesses
The Supporter (ESFJ)

ESFJs are very social and popular butterflies who value relationships and supporting and nurturing others. They like to surround themselves with family and friends and always make sure that their loved ones are happy and okay. While they may like gossip and discussing practicalities, those preferences do not stem from a bad place. Above all else, out of all 16 personalities, ESFJs take their responsibility to help others very seriously. They love to be of service and are up to doing almost anything to help their community out, as long as they feel appreciated. You can always count on them to keep the harmony and stability in any social group. Caring, thoughtful and warm, nothing can hurt Supporters more than someone rejecting their ideas or lacking interest in their activities.

Sometimes ESFJs can get too caught up in worry about their social status. Despite a lot of their good qualities — loyal, dutiful, sensitive and warm — stemming from this preoccupation with status, it can also play them a bad joke. It can cause them to be reluctant when it comes to being flexible and improvising, and can make them especially vulnerable to criticism. Their need for appreciation can sometimes be too much for people of other personality types and can be suffocating. This is why people of this personality type need to remind themselves that often things aren’t personally targeted towards them, but rather are a result of a different point of view.


  • Among the highest-scored types in resources available for handling stress
  • Second most likely type to believe in a higher power
  • The type that is most satisfied in their marriage or relationship
  • Most likely to be satisfied with their co-workers
  • One of the types most satisfied with their work
  • Likely to get a career in religion, education and healthcare

Creator Types

The Creator personality types consist of the Persuader, the Craftsman, the Entertainer and the Artist. These character personality types are self-reliant explorers, who don’t mind leaving the trail without a map on a day-hike. Their impulsiveness teaches them to easily adapt to any situation. People with these personalities test low on being fond of obligations, and nothing can frustrate them more than leading a monotonous life. This is why they like to spice things up for themselves and it’s typical of them to always be on the move. Constantly on the lookout for new experiences, it’s never boring when a Creator is around.

The Creator types correspond to the Sanguine temperament from the 4 temperament types.

The Craftsman (ISTP)

These naturally curious handymen find it very difficult to keep their hands still. The personality type breakdown of Craftsmen is of people who like to figure out how things work — even if it means disassembling them and putting them back together, just to study the intricate details that they are made of. They don’t mind someone getting their hands dirty together with them, especially if it’s a loved one. However, those people should keep in mind that Craftsmen don’t take lightly when someone interferes with their freedom and principles. This love of freedom can make it difficult for Craftsmen to respect the boundaries that others lay down for them. This causes them to sometimes act inappropriately, according to social norms — for example they are the first to tell an insensitive joke.

ISTP stubbornness, difficulty to validate others’ emotions and tendency to get easily bored can all trigger them to engage in risky behavior. When combined with logic, this spontaneity can be one of their biggest strengths, allowing them to easily fit in any new situation. Despite always being on the go, they know how to prioritize and aren’t quick to release their energy onto the world. This makes them one of the best personality types to handle a crisis — their love for daring adventures and eagerness to get their hands dirty helps in this respect.


  • Common among male college scholarship athletes
  • Lowest ranked in using social coping mechanisms
  • One of the least likely types to complete college
  • One of the least satisfied types in their marriage or relationship
  • Top personal values are Independance, Stability and Security
  • Likely to get a career in agriculture, law enforcement, skilled trades and technical fields
The Artist (ISFP)

No other personality type is as eager to challenge traditional expectations more than the ISFP. What’s more, they do so with their daring and creative view of the world, expressed in their design and aesthetics. They do not shy away from challenging and reinventing themselves if they see fit. This creates a sense of spontaneity about them, which can surprise even their closest family and friends. Artists have a knack for gambling and risky behavior, but their attunement to their environment and the moment often allows them to do better than most. They enjoy connecting with others and usually have the perfect compliment stored up that can melt any heart. They are sensitive to harsh criticism and it can be hard for them to step out of the moment long enough to let things cool down.

The results for ISFPs are plain — they dislike commitments, which can cause them some problems during the course of their lives. Whether it be finding a partner, progressing at work or making important long-term plans, they need to learn how to strengthen their weaknesses and make them their ally. This can be done without compromising their beloved freedom — if they manage to discover the delicate balance. Fortunately thanks to their charm and ability to relate to others’ emotions, they will never walk alone. The curious, passionate and imaginative Artists are people who definitely leave their mark on the world — in one way or another.


  • In college, likely to report low levels of assertiveness
  • In essays, projected themselves the fewest number of years into the future of all the types
  • Among the least likely personality types to stay in college
  • Most likely of all types to report stress associated with finances and children
  • In a national sample, likely to value a work environment which provides security, clear and simple instructions, and no expectation of extra work hours
  • Likely to get a career in health care, business, and law enforcement
The Persuader (ESTP)

Persuaders are best described as magnets that attract people. Their energetic, witty and humorous personalities are widely appreciated by those around them. They live for laughing and entertaining big crowds and aren’t very fond of talking about abstract ideas or taking part in complicated discussions about global issues. Instead, they prefer to be in the here and now — to talk in an easily understandable language, that people find easy to connect to. They often find it hard to stand still and prefer to leap into action rather than to strategize beforehand. This can mean that they find it hard to thrive in very organized structures, such as school, not because they are not smart but because they clash with their hands-on-learning mentality.

Nothing goes unnoticed by ESTPs — their personality type assessment is the most perceptive out of all the types. Using their observations and strong intuition, they don’t shy away from calling out people whenever they see fit. Something they should often remind themselves of, however, is that not everyone is as open as they are — some people don’t look too kindly to their personal lives being broadcast. It’s not that they do this with malicious intent — it is just their straight shooting and colorful personality that can’t be leashed by social norms. Precisely their down-to-earth, energetic and charming attitude is the reason why so many people flock to them and are attracted to their friendly enthusiasm.


  • More frequently found among patients suffering from chronic pain
  • One of the top types in reported assertiveness in college
  • Among the likeliest types on the 16 personalities chart to stay in college
  • One of the two types with lowest college GPA
  • Top personal values are variety, independence and structure.
  • Likely to get a career in marketing, business, law enforcement and skilled trades.
The Entertainer (ESFP)

The energy of ESFPs is often contagious — in social settings they will be the first to break into a song or dance. These people enjoy excitement, love new adventures and are extremely people-oriented. Nothing brings Entertainers more happiness than sharing joyous moments with their friends. Because of their highly social nature, they are especially lively when they are the center of attention and hate being alone. Curiously enough, they are the type that has the strongest aesthetics sense out of all the personalities. They can often be seen expressing that sense of style in their clothing choices, home decor and overall environment.

Even though they may seem self-centered at first glance, this is not the case at all for ESFPs. They are sensitive to others’ emotions and are happy to help, should someone come to them with a problem to solve. One of the main challenges they struggle with is coming to terms with the duties and responsibilities that bring them back to reality. They are the most likely out of all personality types to rely on luck and a helping shoulder from their friends, rather than doing the hard and often boring work that precedes fun activities. They are often poor at planning, which can frustrate them when it comes to reaching a bigger, long-term goal. They need to acknowledge these weaknesses in their personality and actively work to overcome them, otherwise they risk potential unhappiness.


  • Among the most likely types to stay in college
  • One of the two most likely types to watch more than 3 hours of TV per day
  • One of the types with the lowest income
  • Tend to be satisfied with coworkers at work, but dissatisfied with job security, salary and stress
  • Top personal values are Family, Health, Friendships, Financial Security, and Spirituality
  • Likely to get a career in health care, teaching, coaching, and child care

Personality Types Compatibility

When it comes to finding your best match, the 16 personalities test is probably the best relationship personality test out there. If you are curious about which types go well together, take a look at the personality compatibility chart listed below.

Type: Compatible with:

As well as being used as something of a relationship guide, the 16 personality types test can have more useful applications. For one, it can be used as a useful work personality test, with which employees can be better matched with jobs they can excel at.

In Conclusion

As you probably have concluded by now, the 16 personalities test is accurate enough to paint a good picture of the kind of person you probably are. Of course, this article scratches only the surface of personality types, and provides just a nutshell summary of the 16 personality types descriptions. If you aren’t sure which is your own personality type, you can take our 16 personalities test, completely for free, to find out.

The personality types themselves are just the beginning. Dig into preferences, cognitive functions, and some fun resources with these articles.

Four Temperaments
Each personality type belongs to one of four temperaments (SJ, SP, NT, NF). For example, INFP belongs to NF. Temperament can be thought of as the “big picture” of your personality.
Personality Preferences
Preferences are a way of classifying a person’s natural tendencies. There are four pairs of opposing preferences (e.g. Extraversion vs. Introversion) for a total of eight. A person will lean more toward one than the other.
Cognitive Functions
Each personality type engages the world through four cognitive functions. Each function is directed outward toward people and surroundings (Extraverted) or inward toward a person’s thoughts (Introverted).

Personality Types Population ChartFamous People by Personality Type
A list of personality types of well-known people.

Fictional Characters by Personality Type
Personality types of fictitious characters from books, movies, etc.

Frequency of Personality Types
The frequency of each personality type by population and by gender.

Career Matches by Personality Type
Careers of interest for each personality type.

How To Tell One Personality Type From Another
Clues to help you spot all 16 personality types, and to tell them apart.

Best Personality Type Relationship Matches
The most compatible 16 personality types relationships, and the best match for each personality type.

16 Personality Types Memes and Humor
Hilarious 16 personality types memes and jokes.

The Most Common Personality Traits According To Your Type
Find out about the most common personality traits for each personality type.

Take our Free Personality Test to receive 20 pages of personalized results with more than 30 charts. We believe it is the best personality test online today. No registration required.


Q: What are the 16 personality types?
A: The 16 personality types are: INTJ (The Strategist), INTP (The Engineer), ENTJ (The Chief), ENTP (The Originator), INFJ (The Confidant), INFP (The Dreamer), ENFJ (The Mentor), ENFP (The Advocate), ISTJ (The Examiner), ISFJ (The Defender), ESTJ (The Overseer), ESFJ (The Supporter), ISTP (The Craftsman), ISFP (The Artist), ESTP (The Persuader) and ESFP (The Entertainer).

Q: What is the most common personality type of the 16?
A: According to statistics, the most common personality type is ISFJ (=13.8%), followed by ESFJ (12.3%) and ISTJ (11.6%). Notice how all of these types come from the Protector type group. This may be because these personality profiles were the most prominent in the tested population, but another reasoning may be that people with these personalities find it easier to define themselves with a test such as this one. Their abilities to sense and feel make answering questions a more straightforward process, whereas other types might have difficulties making concrete choices about defining themselves.

Q: What is the rarest personality type?
A: INFJ (1.5%), followed by ENTJ (1.8%) and INTJ (2.1%). A reason why INFJs are the rarest types can be because they are so lead by feeling and on personality tests, INFJ people can often bleed into different personalities, because of their people-pleasing tendencies. True INFJs perceive themselves differently than how other people view them. Their abstract thinking processes and communication can further cause them to view themselves in many different ways, which are hard to pinpoint exactly. This in turn makes it difficult to construct an accurate personality profiling.