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Everything You Need to Know About ESTJ

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Are you an eager ESTJ looking to find out as much as possible about your type? Or are you a different type who’s just curious about an ESTJ person you know? In either case, you’ve come to the right place! Here you’ll find a comprehensive hub of knowledge about the ESTJ personality type.

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The ESTJ is one of the most strong-willed, reliable, and charismatic personality types. But adjectives can only tell us so much, in order to gain a better understanding of ESTJs, we will explore not only their defining traits, preferences, and cognitive functions, but also how they behave at work and what careers are a good match for them. We’ll also look at their common strengths and possible weaknesses, as well as their compatibility with other types in different kinds of relationships. What’s more, we will explore their unique sense of humor and list famous people and fictional characters that fit the ESTJ profile.

But first, let’s paint a quick portrait of this personality type, ESTJs (also known as The Administrators) are born leaders. They feel at home when they are in charge, they excel at guiding others toward a common goal and loyalty and tradition are among their cherished values. They are committed to their family and thrive when there is well-established order.

You’re unlikely to find an ESTJ slacking on the job, as they are one of the most hard-working and dependable types out there. To top that, they are practical and rely on tried and tested methods, so they usually get the job done. Logic is important to them and they focus on the factual, to the point of ignoring emotions, which could sometimes make them seem insensitive. However, ESTJs are sociable and magnetic; they often occupy the spotlight (and bask in it too).

ESTJ Facts

ESTJs are part of the SJ Protector temperament, also known as the Guardian temperament, as defined by psychologist David Keirsey. Besides The Administrators, this group includes ESFJs, ISTJs, and ISFJs. Personality types from this temperament are defined by their Sensing (S) and Judging (J) preferences, and as such tend to be down-to-earth and methodical. This is especially true for the grounded and industrious ESTJ. Here are a few facts about this personality type:

  • ESTJs are one of the top-ranking types in resources available for coping with stress
  • ESTJ students are among the four types with the highest college GPA
  • ESTJs are least likely to contemplate suicide in college
  • ESTJs are among the types most likely to graduate from college
  • ESTJs are among the highest in job satisfaction
  • ESTJ values include health, achievement, and financial stability
  • ESTJ ideal career paths include business, banking, and finance

ESTJ Meaning – What Does ESTJ Stand for?

As you probably know, the four letters that describe each of the peronality types signify their Preferences. In the case of the ESTJ, those are Extroversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging. Preferences are personality dimensions, which define a person’s natural tendencies. They are based on a framework developed by Carl Jung. Every single personality type is made up of four different preferences, one from each of the following pairs:

  • Extroversion (E) vs Introversion (I)
  • Sensing (S) vs Intuition (N)
  • Thinking (T) vs Feeling (F)
  • Judging (J) vs Perceiving (P)

Besides preferences, the four letters also provide information about another aspect of the personality type breakdown – their Cognitive Functions. These describe how different types tend to process information and make decisions. Each psychological type has a stack of four cognitive functions, ordered from dominant function (most often used) to inferior function (least often used). Here are the eight possible functions:

  • Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
  • Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
  • Extroverted Sensing (Se)
  • Extroverted Thinking (Te)
  • Introverted Feeling (Fi)
  • Introverted Intuition (Ni)
  • Introverted Sensing (Si)
  • Introverted Thinking (Ti)

ESTJs’ dominant function is Extroverted Thinking and their auxiliary function is Introverted Sensing. But what exactly does this mean? Let’s explore The Administrator’s preferences and functions in a bit more detail.

ESTJ Preferences


Extroverts tend to focus on the outside world. As Extroverts, ESTJs favor group activities and social situations instead of spending time alone. The Administrators are sociable and energetic, they are usually talkative and assertive. Occupying the spotlight comes naturally to them, combined with their other traits, ESTJs’ outgoing nature motivates them to lead others in pursuit of a common goal.


People with this preference focus on the here and now. As sensors, ESTJs think in concrete terms and rely on their senses when processing data. Their thinking is literal so they tend to see things as they are. The Administrator is practical, and relies on common sense and established ways. Activities such as daydreaming or speculating about a topic, often associated with intuitive types, is rare for ESTJs.


This preference is defined by objectivity. ESTJs base their decisions mostly on facts and often disregard emotions. This doesn’t mean that The Administrators are completely disconnected from their feelings, but that they tend to rely on reason when evaluating and responding to a situation. ESTJs can also be said to value facts over tact, which can sometimes make them seem critical or insensitive, especially by personality types that rely mostly on their feelings.


The Judging preference is characterized by sequential thinking. As a Judge, ESTJs like order and structure. They do not like to leave a job undone. The Administrators usually don’t rest until all tasks are finished, and they don’t take deadlines lightly. It’s worth pointing out that the Judging preference has nothing to do with being judgemental, but rather describes how daily activities are approached.

ESTJ Cognitive Functions

Extroverted Thinking

Extroverted Thinking (Te) is ESTJs’ dominant function. It refers to their propensity to base their decisions on logic. Extroverted Thinking helps them to organize their thoughts, as well as to look ahead and determine the consequences of their actions.

The Administrators’ outward focus motivates them to take charge of a situation. Te function also accounts for ESTJs’ strong aversion to idleness. They are constantly on the lookout for disorder and inefficiencies and they take quick steps to correct those.

Introverted Sensing

Si is an auxiliary function for the ESTJ and is used fairly often. Sensing drives The Administrators to process information through their senses. It explains their good memory for detail and their ability to connect present to past experience. It also accounts for ESTJs’ preference for following established ways.

The inward direction of this function leads ESTJs to believe that there is a good reason for things to be the way they are and to be wary of novelty. However, this can sometimes make them seem rigid.

Extroverted Intuition

Extroverted Intuition is an ESTJs tertiary function and isn’t used as much as Te and Si. It allows them to form impressions and explore possibilities when receiving information. When using this function, The Administrators develop their ability to seek new ways of looking at things and finding underlying meanings.

Combined with their practical and closure-seeking nature, Ne can help ESTJs unleash their creative side when solving problems. If this function is well developed, it can also make them more effective leaders.

Introverted Feeling

The inferior function, Fi is ESTJs’ least used function from their stack of four. When used, it leads The Administrators to base their decisions on emotions and to be more in-tune with other people’s feelings.

Since ESTJs don’t use this function very often, they tend to assume that others operate the same way they do, which could be viewed as stubborn or insensitive by others. It also means that this function operates mostly subconsciously, guiding The Administrators through their “gut feeling” and desire to connect to others.

ESTJ Description – ESTJ Personality Traits and Characteristics

By now, you probably have a fairly good idea of what ESTJs are like. But to help paint a fuller picture, we’ve compiled a list of words commonly used to describe The Administrator:

  • Committed
  • Concrete
  • Confident
  • Critical
  • Decisive
  • Dependable
  • Direct
  • Disciplined
  • Dutiful
  • Efficient
  • Grounded
  • Hard-working
  • Logical
  • Loyal
  • Objective
  • Organized
  • Practical
  • Productive
  • Punctual
  • Responsible
  • Sociable
  • Talkative
  • Traditional

For a more detailed exploration of ESTJ traits, check out our article.

ESTJ Strengths and Weaknesses

As with all types, ESTJs can express personality traits in a healthy or unhealthy way. If taken to an extreme or left unexamined, these traits can hinder growth and development. So while ESTJs are one of the most grounded and dependable personality types, they can also sometimes seem too rigid or critical. Below we’ve outlined some common strengths and possible weaknesses of The Administrators.

ESTJ Strengths

Dutiful and Reliable – ESTJs have a commitment to duty and to doing the right thing. They respect tradition and have a strong sense of responsibility towards family and community. This makes them an indispensable part of society that often helps maintain communal ties.

Loyal and Decisive – ESTJs like order and stability, making them dependable and trustworthy. They respect hierarchies and abide by norms even when faced with external pressure. You can count on The Administrators to keep their promises and stand up for what they believe in.

Closure-seeking and Result-oriented – ESTJs often try to find ways to make things more efficient. They bring order to chaos and don’t rest until there are no tasks pending. Their determination and strong organizational skills drive their projects to completion and motivate others to do their best.

Social and Energetic – ESTJs are full of energy and enjoy spending time with others. They often become the life of the party; their humor and liveliness affect the energy of a room. Their preference for structure and predictability makes them fond of long-term, reliable relationships, so they make trustworthy friends and partners.

Decisive and Efficient – ESTJs are effective leaders. They tend to abide by norms and demand the same of others. Confidence in their abilities and their strong vision of what’s right also drive The Administrators to take on leadership roles. ESTJs seamlessly take charge of a situation, assign tasks to others, and work towards an objective.

ESTJ Weaknesses

Rational and Unaffectionate – The Administrators’ reliance on pragmatism and facts hinders their ability to express their feelings. What’s more, their focus on logic may lead them to ignore not only their own but other people’s feelings as well. Although their aim is to get the job done, others may see them as lacking affection.

Blunt and Insensitive – Their lack of emotional sensitivity can sometimes be hurtful to others, especially to more emotionally tuned personality types. In their strive for productivity and to do the right thing, ESTJs’ can be too quick to point out other people’s mistakes. Their high expectations of themselves often extend to others.

Assertive and Dismissive – ESTJs are often quite confident in their abilities, which could make it hard for them to admit that they might be wrong. Since they are realistic and focus on tried and tested solutions, they tend to be skeptical of novel solutions and ignore other people’s opinions, especially if they don’t conform to conventional wisdom.

Bossy and Overbearing – ESTJs’ leadership skills can be viewed as a weakness if the situation doesn’t call for them. Their natural tendency to take charge may be perceived as aggressive if left unchecked. The Administrators may be especially prone to clashes with other types that tend to seek a leadership position.

ESTJ in Numbers – ESTJ Percentage and Other Statistics

Forming about 13% of the population, ESTJs are the most common of the 16 personality types. So people tend to be more Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking and Judging than the other four preferences.

In terms of gender distribution, the ESTJ male is a lot more common than the female ESTJ. About 16% or 1 in every 6 men is with an ESTJ personality type, while 10% of all women are ESTJs. This means that almost two-thirds of ESTJs are male. The main reason for this is the distribution of preferences among men and women – males are more likely to be Thinkers, while females tend to be Feelers. In fact, ESFJ is not only the most common type among women but ESFJ women are the most common type-gender combination overall.

ESTJ Nicknames

As the body of knowledge about the 16 personalities framework grows, so does the variety of terms and definitions related to the theory, including the names given to each type. And the ESTJ type is no exception. Besides The Administrator, this personality type is often referred to as:

  • Overseer
  • Boss
  • Commandant Organizer
  • Executive Personality
  • Guardian
  • Implementor Supervisor
  • Producer
  • Representative
  • Supervisor
  • Tower

ESTJ Famous People and Fictional Characters

ESTJs often reach the high ranks of their chosen profession driven by their strong will and determination. They also make for some of the bravest and most compelling fictional characters in any genre. Note that the lists below are abridged; for a full list of each category, as well as a few more categories, check out our ESTJ Famous People article.

ESTJ Famous People

Although they feel most at home in an environment that offers clear norms and structure, such as corporations or the military, their discipline and confidence can help them excel in any field. From actors to entrepreneurs, ESTJ celebrities are some of the most iconic figures in society.

ESTJ Actors & Filmmakers

Even though emotional expression is usually not their strongest side, ESTJs can be found among the most popular film stars in the world. This just goes to show that we can’t put The Administrators in a box. If they set their mind to something, they can probably achieve it.

Here’s a list of some famous ESTJs in the film industry:

  • Alec Baldwin, American actor (The Departed; It’s Complicated; 30 Rock)
  • Bruce Willis, American actor (Die Hard; Pulp Fiction; The Sixth Sense)
  • Courteney Cox, American actress (Friends; Scream; 3000 Miles to Graceland)
  • Daniel Craig, English actor (Casino Royale; The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)
  • Emma Watson, English actress (Harry Potter series; The Perks of Being a Wallflower)
  • Gordon Ramsay, British television personality (Hell’s Kitchen; Masterchef)
  • Laura Linney, American actress (The Big C; Ozark; You Can Count on Me)
  • Lucy Liu, American actress (Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Charlie’s Angels)
  • Mickey Rourke, American actor (The Wrestler; Sin City; Angel Heart)
  • Susan Sarandon, American actress (Thelma & Louise; Dead Man Walking)
  • Uma Thurman, American actress (Pulp Fiction; Kill Bill; Batman & Robin)
  • Vinnie Jones, English actor and soccer player (Snatch; X-Men: The Last Stand)
  • Woody Harrelson, American actor (True Detective; The People vs. Larry Flynt)

ESTJ Journalists and Broadcasters

Successful journalists and broadcasters are often characterized by courage and determination. They are not afraid to ask tough questions and to uncover the truth even if they ruffle some feathers in the process. Since ESTJs possess resolve and integrity, it’s not surprising that many of the most well-known journalists are classified as ESTJs.

Here’s a list of some famous ESTJ journalists and broadcasters:

  • Ann Coulter, American pundit (Fox News; Augusta Chronicle)
  • Barbara Walters, American broadcaster (The View; ABC Evening News)
  • Bill O’Reilly, American journalist and television host (The O’Reilly Factor)
  • Laura Schlessinger, American radio host (The Dr. Laura Program; Call of the Day)
  • Megyn Kelly, American journalist and news anchor (America Live; The Megyn Kelly Show)
  • Mike Wallace, American journalist (60 Minutes; The Big Surprise)
  • Nancy Grace, American legal commentator (Swift Justice with Nancy Grace)
  • Richard Madeley, English journalist (This Morning; Richard & Judy)
  • Vanessa Feltz, English journalist and broadcaster (This Morning; The Big Breakfast)

ESTJ Political Figures

With their commitment to duty, honesty, and responsibility, ESTJs are a great fit for political roles. The fact that at least nine former U.S. presidents have been described as The Administrator personality type is a testament enough to that. ESTJs’ leadership skills and decisive nature also set them up for success in politics.

Here’s a list of some famous ESTJ political figures:

  • Andrew Jackson, United States President (In office: 1829 – 1837)
  • Bernie Sanders, United States Senator (In office: 2007 – present)
  • George W. Bush, United States President (In office: 2001 – 2009)
  • Harry S. Truman, United States President (In office: 1945 – 1953)
  • Hillary Clinton, United States Secretary of State (In office: 2009 – 2013)
  • Kamala Harris, United States Senator (In office: 2017 – 2020)
  • Lyndon B. Johnson, United States President (In office: 1963 – 1969)
  • Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister (In office: 1979 – 1990)
  • Mikhail Gorbachev, President of the Soviet Union (In office: 1990 – 1991)
  • Saddam Hussein, Iraqi President (In office: 1979 – 2003)
  • Theresa May, British Prime Minister (In office: 2016 – 2019)

ESTJ Business Leaders

ESTJs’ discipline, confidence, and dependability often lead them to the high echelons of business. Although they are especially effective in large, well-structured organizations where the rules for success are clear, The Administrators can also be found among the great innovators of the modern age.

Here’s a list of some famous ESTJ leaders in business:

  • Alan Sugar, English entrepreneur (Amstrad)
  • Estée Lauder, American businesswoman (Estée Lauder Companies)
  • Henry Ford, American industrialist (Ford Motor Company)
  • John D. Rockefeller, American business magnate and philanthropist (Standard Oil)
  • Martha Stewart, American businesswoman (Martha Stewart Living)
  • Sam Walton, American businessman (Walmart)
  • Steve Ballmer, American businessman (Microsoft)

ESTJ Characters in Fiction

ESTJ fictional characters can be found in any genre of fiction – from comic books to TV shows. Their courage and determination often help move the plot along, especially when decisive action is needed. The Administrators’ natural charisma often makes ESTJ pop culture characters very memorable, whether they are heroes or villains.

Here’s a list of some fictional ESTJ characters from various genres:

  • Cersei Lannister, Game of Thrones
  • Dr. Lisa Cuddy, House M.D.
  • Dwight Schrute, The Office
  • Estella Havisham, Great Expectations
  • Fiona, Shrek
  • George Costanza, Seinfeld
  • Hermione Granger, Harry Potter
  • Jack Shephard, Lost
  • King Triton, The Little Mermaid
  • Monica Geller, Friends
  • Mr. Potato Head, Toy Story
  • Simba, The Lion King
  • Tony Soprano, The Sopranos
  • Winston Churchill, The Crown

ESTJ Relationships – Best Matches and Compatibility

Learning about the 16 personality types is a great way to explore our differences and similarities. It also provides a framework for understanding how we relate to each other. Some pairs are a natural fit, while others need a bit of work to get on the same page. What’s more, different settings bring up different sides of us, so we may be a great fit with someone at work, but not so much in romance.

Below we have explored ESTJs’ relationships with other personality types in different environments. For a detailed look at The Administrators’ compatibility with each of the other personality types, check out our ESTJ Relationships article.

ESTJ Romance

ESTJs can hardly be described as the most romantic personality type. They value facts and objectivity, so they may be uncomfortable with the unpredictable nature of the early stages of dating and romance. The Administrators may also struggle with the expression of affection.

However, this doesn’t mean that ESTJs are unsuccessful in love. In fact, their confidence and charisma often make them attractive to others. Furthermore, their direct communication style, as well as their proclivity for action, often put them in the position of making the first move.

Once they are deep into a romantic relationship, ESTJs tend to be loyal and devoted. They like stability and predictability, so long-term relationships are the norm for them. Mutual trust is important for ESTJs – honesty and commitment can be expected of them, but they also expect it from their partner. They communicate directly, which can sometimes be hurtful for more sensitive and emotionally aware personality types.

Although any two types can get along well with enough mutual understanding and compromise, some pairs are more compatible than others. Too many similarities in a romantic relationship can cause a couple to get stuck, while too many differences can cause excessive friction. ESTJs tend to get along best with ESTPs, ESFJs, and ISTJs. These types have the right balance of differences and similarities with The Administrators. These three types could offer their ESTJ partner opportunities for growth, especially in the sphere of emotional expression and spontaneity.

ESTJ Friendship

ESTJ friends tend to be dependable and protective. As in any type of relationship, once you get close to The Administrator you can count on their commitment and support. However, their support is likely to take a practical rather than emotional form.

ESTJs are also very fun-loving and gregarious. They like being the center of attention and showing off their wit. They are bound to find a lively way of entertaining their friends. This can appeal to any personality type. Extroverts may be drawn by a similar preference for large social circles, while Introverts may enjoy someone else taking charge of an interaction. However, extroverts may also try to compete for the floor with The Administrators, while introverts may be overwhelmed by their liveliness.

ESTJs are most likely to get along with personality types that share their worldview to a large extent. This means that other Sensing types can be a good match in friendship, as they are likely to share a pragmatic and down-to-earth focus with The Administrators.

ESTJ Careers

Finding out what makes you tick is another great aspect of the personality type assessment. We all have natural inclinations and knowing them can help us make better career choices. In this section, we will take a look at ESTJs’ characteristics as expressed in a workplace setting, and the best and worst career matches for this type. For a more comprehensive review check out our ESTJ Careers article.

ESTJs at Work

Commitment to hard work and responsibility is one of the defining traits of ESTJs. This can help them in their job search and make them successful in virtually any occupation. Combined with their leadership skills, their discipline often leads them to exceptional achievements in any sphere.

ESTJs think in concrete terms and like ideas with a practical application, so they are often drawn to professions that deal with real-world issues, rather than abstract concepts. The Administrators’ determination makes them action-oriented; they don’t waste much time pondering their next move and always strive to finish what they have started.

Rules and traditions are important for ESTJs, so they tend to rely on established ways in their work and are suspicious of novel or untested methods. This makes them efficient and productive, but it can also make them seem inflexible. ESTJs are strong-willed and confident, but they also have a tendency to believe in their own approach to a fault. The most effective ESTJ leader is usually the one that is open to the opinions of others and doesn’t immediately disregard novel solutions.

The Administrators may also be seen as too direct or insensitive, especially by more emotionally tuned types. However, their intention is simply to get the job done as quickly as possible. It’s good for other types to keep in mind that ESTJs see confrontations and disagreements as practical matters rather than emotional ones. The Administrators value integrity and are bound to accept their colleagues’ proposals if they are logically justified.

ESTJ Career Matches

ESTJs’ hard work and leadership skills can be beneficial in any field, but some occupations are better suited to The Administrators’ natural inclinations. ESTJs place a high value on clear norms and schedules, so they are more likely to thrive in well-structured organizations, such as large businesses and the military.

What’s more, duty and loyalty are important for ESTJs and they tend to expect the same from others. This makes them a good fit for spheres that value these qualities, such as law enforcement and policy making.

Another defining characteristic of ESTJs is their focus on the practical and objective side of things. So fields where the subject matter is related to concrete phenomena and measurable facts, such as finance and engineering, are likely to appeal to The Administrators.

Here are several career paths that are a good match for the ESTJ:

  1. Military Officer

With regimented daily activities and a well-defined hierarchy, there’s probably no place more orderly than the military. ESTJs like to adhere to strict routines, respect authority, and value predictability, so the military would be a fitting environment for them. The Administrators are also decisive and action-oriented, which could help them be effective military leaders. Duty and loyalty are important for ESTJs, so they can be counted on to lead with integrity. Lastly, The Administrators are born leaders and are not afraid to take a stand – qualities that are bound to make them accountable military officers.

  1. Police Officer

Police officers’ main responsibilities are to serve and protect citizens, which is likely to appeal to the responsible ESTJ. As with the military, the field of law enforcement is characterized by strict adherence to rules and hierarchy. The Administrators thrive in an orderly environment. Furthermore, ESTJs’ strong sense of duty can give them an advantage in the field and make them dependable officers. The Administrators also value fairness, objectivity, and tradition, so it should be easy for them to find the motivation to serve their community.

  1. Judge

Although emotions are important in guiding our behavior, they generally have no place in the courtroom. As objective and decisive individuals, ESTJs can be successful judges. The Administrators are committed to fairness and tend to avoid emotional considerations, so they can be counted on to be impartial. They also respect honesty and integrity and expect it from others as well. ESTJs’ affinity for rules and structure could help them distinguish between right and wrong as defined by the law. The fact that Judges play an important role in maintaining order in communities and societies may give The Administrators a sense of purpose.

  1. Senior Manager

ESTJs’ confidence and determination make them a good match for senior management roles, such as directors and executives. The Administrators have strong leadership skills and thrive in structured environments, such as corporations. Senior managers tend to have strict routines and clear objectives, two conditions that will likely appeal to the orderly ESTJ. Also, good executives are usually decisive and responsible, which could also be said for The Administrators. Finally, ESTJs’ desire to achieve productivity can provide an advantage in a highly competitive business environment.

  1. Accountant

ESTJs’ strong attention to detail and analytical mind can help them achieve success in the field of finance. Being an accountant also requires an ability to complete complex tasks, which is definitely something the disciplined ESTJ is good at. ESTJs also enjoy making processes more efficient – a skill that can help them become successful accountants. The clear rules and the structured workflow within the accounting profession are also likely to attract the The Administrator.

  1. Engineer

There aren’t many professions more down-to-earth than engineering. Engineers deal with very concrete and practical matters, so ESTJs’ temperament is a good fit for this career path. Engineers also have to rely strictly on established practices, which can be appealing to The Administrators. The closure-seeking ESTJ may further appreciate the focus on precise results and clear goals that come with engineering.

Here is a list of some other occupations the ESTJ may be a good fit for:

  • Airline Pilot
  • Auditor
  • Banker
  • Business Analyst
  • Chef
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Coach
  • Computer Specialist
  • Detective
  • Economist
  • Editor
  • Financial Manager
  • Government Worker
  • Hotel Manager
  • Insurance Agent
  • Lawyer
  • Pharmacist
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Researcher
  • Sales Manager
  • School Principal
  • Stock Trader

ESTJ Careers to Avoid

Although ESTJs’ hard-working and dependable nature can set them up for success in any profession, there are some occupations that may not be a good fit for The Administrator’s inherent characteristics. ESTJs are very good at bringing order to chaos, but some careers have an intrinsic unpredictability that is hard to overcome. This could be too exhausting for The Administrators to be worth pursuing.

Here are some occupations which may not be a good match for the ESTJ:

  • Actor
  • Artist
  • Choreographer
  • Librarian
  • Musician
  • Photographer
  • Physical Therapist
  • Preschool Teacher
  • Psychologist
  • Receptionist
  • Restaurant Host
  • School Counselor
  • Social Worker
  • Taxi Driver
  • Veterinary Assistant
  • Writer

ESTJ Memes and Humor

As a coping mechanism, humor is a way of relating to the world, so it stands to reason that each personality type has a certain uniqueness to their sense of humor. ESTJs are down-to-earth and practical, and their sense of humor tends to reflect that. They are likely to enjoy jokes that make clever observations about people or events. Here are a couple of examples from the king of observational comedy – Jerry Seinfeld:

  • On airplane safety: “They show you how to use the seatbelt, in case you haven’t been in a car since 1965. ‘Oh, you lift up on the buckle! Oh! I was trying to break the metal apart. I thought that’s how it works.’”
  • “Just what is the handicapped parking situation at the Special Olympics? Is it still just the two spaces?”

ESTJs are not known for their sensitivity. They rarely take emotions into consideration, whether it’s their own or someone else’s. This accounts for their fondness for sarcasm and dark humor, as these are types of comedy that tend to point out people’s weaknesses without much regard for how it makes them feel. Here are a couple of examples:

  • I always tell new hires, “Don’t think of me as your boss, think of me as a friend who can fire you.”
  • Give a man a match, and he’ll be warm for a few hours. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

Memes are a unique medium for communication on the internet. And they cover basically every topic we can think of, including the 16 personality types. Here are some examples of ESTJ memes.

The Administrators like structure and predictability. They excel at bringing order to chaos and memes about them reflect this.

ESTJ Meme example

ESTJs really like to be right and they may often find it hard to accept that they might have made a mistake.

ESTJ Humor example

These are just a couple of examples. You can find more ESTJ jokes and memes in our ESTJ Humor collection.