If you have ever wondered what has molded your personality besides genetics and the immediate environment, you have probably taken a personality test. Let’s suppose the test results said you belong to the ESTP type, and motivated you to find a detailed description of the same to gain a better understanding of this exceptional personality. Or if you’re just someone who is curious about this personality type, you can end your search for answers here. This article will provide you with everything you ever wanted to know about the ESTP personality type.
So let’s start from the beginning. Even though the 16 personalities test is not scientifically accredited, it gained immense popularity by the end of the 20th century. Many companies, as well as the US government, use this personality categorization in their recruiting process. The 16 personalities theory creator, Katharine Briggs, started studying Carl Jung’s personality types when her daughter Isabel, left for college and she experienced, what is called, the “empty nest” syndrome. Briggs was so fascinated with Jung’s findings that she started consulting him about the meanings of the terms like ‘Intuitive’ or ‘Thinking’, which we now use to refer to dominant preferences. Soon, she decided to form a personality classification system together with her daughter, and this is how the story of the 16 personalities test began.
Now that we’ve covered our bases, let’s dive into the world of The Daredevil. You can keep on reading to get a better understanding of their personality traits, relationship compatibility, and best ESTP career matches, as well as the ones they should avoid. Apart from that, you will discover fun facts, like who are some of the famous ESTPs or what sense of humor they possess. We hope you will enjoy this informative ESTP guide.
Page Contents
ESTP Facts
Most people would describe ESTPs as inexhaustible thrill-seekers, who are not afraid to take risks and be in dangerous situations. They may also add that ESTPs are practical and will solve problems quickly and efficiently. And additionally, these personalities will be easy to spot in a crowded room, because they love to joke and involve others in interesting conversations, so they will probably be in the spotlight.
Here’s an array of facts that refer to a typical ESTP, according to the 16 Personalities Manual:
- ESTPs are most commonly perceived as dominant, demanding, flexible, and sociable
- They are more likely to suffer from chronic pain
- ESTPs are one of four most assertive personality types at college
- Simultaneously, they are one of two personality types with the lowest GPA at college
- The ESTP work ethics is based on autonomy, variety, and independence
- ESTPs are most likely to be found in marketing, business, skilled trades, and law enforcement.
Now that we have presented some facts about this fierce and energetic personality type, let’s look at the statistics.
ESTP Percentages
As with other personality types, we have come across different information on ESTP personality distribution and frequency, depending on the sources we consulted. According to the data presented by the 16 Personalities Institute, which based their study on the US population, ESTPs make up 4.3% of the American population with their preferences distributed in the following way:
- Extroverted 49.3%
- Sensing 73.3%
- Thinking 40.2 %
- Perceiving 45.9 %
The ESTP preference distribution shows that people with the Sensing (S) preference are dominant among the US population. Simultaneously, Perceiving (P) and Thinking (T) types hold much lower percentages, while extroverted personalities make up almost half of the population. 16 Personalities research also shows that when it comes to gender distribution, ESTP men prevail with 5.6% over ESTP women, who represent 3% of the US population.
On the other hand, David Keirsey, an eminent clinical psychologist, based his research on the globall population and found that ESTPs make up 10% of the general population, which places them high on the list of the most common personality types in the world.
ESTP Nicknames
Many professionals and authors that study and write about different personality types tend to give them names that best depict their dominant personality traits. ESTPs are known as energetic, highly driven, practical types who enjoy facing challenging situations. They are also charming, talkative, and sociable. When blended into names, these features produce the following results:
- Energetic Problem Solver (official 16 personalities site)
- Energetic Promoter (Niednagel)
- Promoter Executor (Linda Berens)
- Promoter (David Keirsey)
- The Supreme Realist (Brownsword)
- The Ultimate Realist (Otto Kroeger)
Numerous other ESTP nicknames, more colorful than the ones above, can be found online that describe the ESTP’s stronger sides. For example, ‘Entrepreneur’ focuses on their leadership and problem-solving skills, ‘Persuader’ points to an ESTP’s power to inspire others to follow their lead. The ‘Dynamo’ best describes their immense energy. And given their readiness to jump where others would fear to tread, ‘Daredevil’ is the ESTP nickname we will use in our articles for this personality type.
ESTP Description
Who is an ESTP? A strong-willed thrill-seeker and exceptional problem-solver? Or an unfocused, easily bored risk-taker? It actually depends on the point of view, however, both answers are true. Let’s try and find a middle ground between ESTP’s strengths and weaknesses to paint an objective portrait of this personality type.
Situations that promise a heated action are perfect to meet the demands of an ESTP. They are adrenaline junkies who love living on the edge and overcoming difficulties. This personality type is inclined to taking risks more than any other type on the personalities spectrum. Their Extroverted (E) preference is responsible for their willingness to take risks and the inexhaustible amount of energy and enthusiasm ESTPs spread wherever they go. They love being among people, entertaining them with their direct sense of humor and charm that often gets ESTPs to become the center of attention. Even though they are communicative and tend to make friends easily, they avoid forming deeper relationships.
Given their Thinking (T) preference, these personalities may struggle with understanding the feelings of others and expressing their own emotions. As this dominant preference makes ESTPs rely on logic, they can not grasp the importance of feelings, thus, may feel uncomfortable around emotional people. As they are always ready to take action and move fast towards their goals, they may perceive emotional outbursts as unnecessary obstacles that slow them down on the way to success. However, when they care about someone, they tend to show their love and affection through actions rather than words. For this reason, people close to an ESTP could expect to be showered with gifts and pleasant surprises. ESTPs may not be prepared to listen to lengthy emotional confessions, but they will compensate for this lack of attention by doing something useful to comfort someone they love.
ESTPs highly value honesty and truth. This is why they are direct, matter-of-fact types of communicators who don’t hold back when expressing their thoughts or opinions. For this reason, many see them as inconsiderate or rude because they tend to say things as they are, disregarding other people’s feelings and not heeding the possible consequences.
On the other hand, ESTPs are believed to be efficient problem-solvers because they can gather facts and data and process them quickly to find the most practical solution. Once they get into the action, they are unstoppable towards their goal. In situations like these, their open and direct communication can be a desirable trait. By stating clear instructions and expectations, ESTP personalities avoid possible misunderstandings, ensuring that everything runs smoothly.
The other thing ESTPs care about deeply is the freedom to do things their way. This means they will confront any authority that tries to limit this freedom and make them follow a fixed plan. They are flexible and adapt easily to any environment or situation. This means that they will most likely thrive in a fast-paced environment where they can work independently, while any repetitive or routine activity will bore them easily, and they will likely move on to find something more interesting to do. We hope that this short description will help you get a clearer picture of an ESTP type. Let’s focus now on four dominant preferences that largely affect ESTPs behavior and the world outlook.
ESTP Preferences
If you’re wondering what the acronym ESTP stands for, we’re here to tell you that these four letters represent the four dominant Preferences of a personality type. Following is a detailed explanation of an ESTP’s preferences.
Extroversion (E)
Extroverted types turn to the outer rather than the inner world to draw their energy and validation. It is also believed that extroverts find their much-needed stability in the outer world and use it to balance their turbulent inner world. ESTPs are typical extroverts who enjoy the company of others, flirting and making jokes to be in the spotlight. They always seek action and excitement because they enjoy the adrenaline rush. ESTPs are bursting with energy, always on the move, overcoming obstacles along the way.
Sensing (S)
This preference refers to the source someone is drawing information and impressions from. The Sensing types understand things around them through their senses. This feature makes them practical people who rely on facts and real-life experiences. ESTPs are capable of gathering information quickly, using it to come up with instant, practical solutions for any situation. Thanks to this preference, ESTPs tend to notice beauty in everything around them, transferring it into their unique style. They are also keen observers of body language and facial expressions. This extraordinary “power” helps ESTPs anticipate someone’s actions and attitude and adjust their behavior accordingly.
Thinking (T)
Thinking preference refers to the decision-making process a person relies on. This means that people with this preference base their decisions on logic rather than feelings. Therefore, they will avoid endless intellectual debates about intangible ideas related to hypothetical future situations. On the other hand, ESTPs will gladly engage in a productive discussion that will lead to imminent results.
Also, the Thinking preference determines how an ESTP addresses feelings. As we have already stated, they may have a hard time grasping the significance of emotions, and this frequently reflects in their communication. They tend to be brutally honest and straightforward, disregarding other people’s feelings. Many may find this communication style insulting and hurtful.
Perceiving (P)
Perceiving preference is related to the way personalities approach various tasks in life. Therefore, ESTPs are flexible and highly appreciative of their freedom, so it is highly unlikely for them to accept fixed schedules. They will prefer to work independently rather than to follow orders imposed by an authority.
That said, fast-paced working environments will be perfect for unstoppable ESTP types to show off their leadership and problem-solving skills. Even though flexibility has many strong sides, there is the flip side to the coin. Namely, ESTPs tend to struggle with maintaining focus when tackling repetitive or monotonous tasks. For this reason, they may easily abandon current projects to seek some new exciting experiences.
ESTP Cognitive Functions
Cognitive functions are responsible for the way people perceive and interact with the world around them. They are closely related to preferences and their combination defines 16 different personality types. The four cognitive functions are divided into stronger and weaker functions. Stronger functions (Dominant and Auxiliary) largely define a person’s behavior, while the weaker functions (Tertiary and Inferior) play a smaller but significant role in their outlook of the world. So let’s focus on the ESTP functional stack:
- Dominant function- Extroverted Sensing (Se)
- Auxiliary function- Introverted Thinking (Ti)
- Tertiary function- Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
- Inferior function- Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Extroverted Sensing (Se)
Having Extroverted Sensing as the dominant function defines someone’s understanding of the world. Se types take in impressions and process information through their senses. Therefore, a dominant Se function in ESTP functional stack is responsible for their constant search for new thrills, and sensations. Also, a dominant Se allows them to be grounded in reality, savoring the present moment and all the beauty around them. Se personality types tend to translate the stability of the outer world into their turbulent inner world. ESTPs love to be engaged physically in some activity because they can put their physical abilities to the test, often pushing these beyond the limits. Simultaneously, they will work relentlessly until they reach set goals, motivating others to give their best.
Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Personality types with Ti as their auxiliary function, like ESTPs, tend to make judgments based on logic and reason, rather than intuition. Because of this introverted function, they tend to become inwardly focused and intense during the decision-making processes, but people would hardly notice this change in an ESTP’s behavior on the outside. Introverted Thinking brings a significant structure into an ESTP’s inner world. It enables these personalities to process gathered information and use it in the best possible way. The Ti function is of contextual and intuitive nature and stems from the right side of the brain.
Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
Extroverted Feeling is a tertiary function in the ESTP stack, and it defines how this personality type addresses their core values and the way they interact with others. ESTPs have amazing communication skills and can be quite charming even when they are not aware of the impression they leave on others. However, they tend to disregard the feelings and values of others, unless they are their loved ones. Fe types know how they feel deep inside, but need a certain validation from others to gain a clearer picture of their emotions. However, the main purpose of Fe is to clarify someone’s attitude towards their values. Fe types, like ESTPs, don’t like to question their goals or analyze how they feel. Instead, they prefer to go with the flow and deal with different emotions as they come along.
Introverted Intuition (Ni)
This cognitive function plays a minor role in defining the ESTP’s personality traits. Being extroverted types, ESTPs prefer to live in the moment rather than contemplating hypothetical, future-oriented prospects. This does not mean that they are incapable of devising future plans or envisioning possible outcomes, but for ESTPs who are focused on the present, this may seem like an unnecessary waste of time. On the other hand, by taking immediate action and moving towards desired results, ESTPs can anticipate how these results may affect future situations. If you want to find out more about these specific cognitive functions, you can check out a detailed analysis of the ESTP personality traits in our separate article.
ESTP Personality Traits
Now that we have explained the ESTP preferences and cognitive functions, let’s look at some of the typical ESTP personality traits. This section may best answer the “How to spot an ESTP?” questions by referring to their strong sides and their shortcomings, to help readers gain a better understanding of the ESTP personality type.
ESTP Strengths
- ESTPs represent sources of inexhaustible energy and are known for their “can-do” attitude. Once they find an exciting challenge they will go above and beyond to tackle it, encouraging others to join them and do their best to overcome difficult situations.
- They are bold and fierce. ESTP personalities will use their intelligence, physical predispositions, and drive to get what they want at all costs.
- ESTPs are charming and communicative personalities and can quickly become the heart of any group they are in. People love being around them because they are spontaneous and have a great sense of humor.
- ESTPs are exceptionally observant, which enables them to predict how others would act by “reading” their body language.
- ESTPs are honest and blunt communicators, meaning that people will always know where they stand with them. Many will respect ESTP personalities for their communication style, and see this as a strength rather than a weakness.
ESTP Weaknesses
- The ESTP personality type tends to be judgmental. This is a drawback of their ability to “read” others. ESTPs will rely on this first impression when they judge others. For this reason, they may miss the opportunity to meet or form significant relationships with someone because of their initial impression.
- The ESTPs may get impatient and inconsiderate when they think someone doesn’t follow their lead and do not share their drive and efficiency towards achieving desired goals.
- They lack structure in their lives. They prefer flexibility and freedom to strict schedules. They may find the latter constraining and irritating.
- ESTPs have a short attention span and tend to lose interest in projects and activities quickly. Once this happens, they tend to move on without finishing what they have started.
Here are some other personality traits typical to an ESTP:
- They are action and goal-oriented
- They are bold risk-takers
- They are assertive, ambitious, and communicative
- They will work relentlessly until they reach their goal
- They are practical and grounded in reality
- They use logic, facts, and data in the decision-making processes
- They are flexible and adapt easily
- They may not accept authority easily
ESTP Relationships
Even though people generally love being around an ESTP, given their energy, charm, and constant need for action, not every personality type will enjoy their company. Numerous personalities will not be able to cope with their lack of understanding of the feelings of others and their blunt communication style. For these reasons, we decided to present a snippet of the ESTP compatibility chart that will include personality types that may be perfect matches for this energetic personality. Simultaneously, there will be a section from the same chart, containing personality types that are challenging opposites for an ESTP. For those who want to find out more about ESTP’s relationships with personality types that are not mentioned here, they can check out our separate article.
ESTP Best Matches
Here is a section of the ESTP compatibility chart, containing personality types that ESTPs are most likely to create meaningful relationships with the following:
Many who would think that two ESTPs will make a perfect match may not be far from the truth. Two ESTPs will have an amazing time together, being spontaneous, energetic, and charming, always seeking new exciting adventures. They both love taking risks and will plunge into hazardous adventures with exceptional enthusiasm. ESTPs are known for their self-confidence, meaning they will not take other people’s opinions to heart.
That said, two ESTPs in a relationship may find it hard to share feelings on a deeper level. They may not grasp the importance of other peoples’ emotions. ESTPs live in the moment and will look for the next enjoyable thing to do. However, since they believe actions speak louder than words, they will show their love and affection by doing something nice for their romantic partner.
As action-driven personality types, two ESTPs may make an excellent team, focused on solving real-time problems efficiently. Both being self-confident and convincing, ESTPs will have no problem encouraging other team members to follow their lead and get the job done swiftly.
ESTPs may build a meaningful and fulfilling relationship with an ISTP personality if they manage to control their extroverted side and let the ISTP personality shine. They are both Sensing, Perceptive types who make decisions based on logic. The only difference is the ESTP personality type will seek adventures and take risks boldly, while ISTPs will enjoy being in the heart of the action for a while and then withdraw to their inner world. That said, ESTPs may help ISTP personalities come out of their shell and take initiative more often.
Practical and action-oriented ESTPs will be an amazing motivator to the rest of the team until the problem is solved, or a goal is reached. ISTPs also like to jump to the heart of the problem and find an efficient solution. Therefore, these two personality types may complement each other in a team because they have similar approaches to problems.
Both personality types are extroverted, action-oriented, energetic, and persuasive personalities. And while ESTPs are fun-loving thrill-seekers, ESTJs are natural-born leaders who make sure that things get done and everybody follows the plan. Both these personality types are vocal and direct in expressing their thoughts. Simultaneously, ESTP and ESTJ cannot grasp the significance of emotions, so they tend to show they care by doing something useful for each other, or by buying a gift.
An ESTP and ESTJ may get along perfectly in a team, if they focus on the qualities they share, and try to compromise on the things they cannot cope with. Both personality types share the enthusiasm to solve problems quickly and move on to other things that need to be done. However, a flexible ESTP will seek the fastest practical way to get results, and may not accept the ISTP’s strict plans.
ENTP may be the perfect partner for an ESTP because they share similar values and perceptions of the world. A friendly and outgoing ENTP person loves to entertain and engage others in various activities, and is always on the quest for the “next big thing,” the same as an ESTP. This relationship will be full of action-packed activities, entertaining and exciting moments, and lively discussions
These two prefer working in fast-paced environments tackling challenging issues. However, while an ESTP will seek the fastest and most practical solutions, an ENTP will look for innovative and groundbreaking ones. However, if they accept their differences as learning opportunities, they may become more productive.
ESTP Challenging Opposites
Let’s see the other end of this compatibility chart and what types may be challenging opposites for ESTPs due to clashing preferences. The red section presents the personality types ESTP may want to stay away from. However, if they do decide to start a relationship with one of these types, they will need to invest a significant amount of time and energy to make it work.
ISFJ personalities are private, hardworking, and loyal. They are also people-oriented personalities who deeply care about their values. These characteristics clash with the action-centered, energetic, and risk-taking ESTPs, who are self-confident extroverts.
Therefore, both partners in this relationship would have to invest energy and patience to make it work.
INFJs are serious, deep, and intuitive personalities. They are shy and quiet, except when they feel they need to defend their core values. In these situations, they may get quite vocal and assertive. Thus, ESTPs may find it hard to get on their wavelength. Furthermore, ESTPs may find INFJs sudden emotional outbursts overwhelming. For all these reasons, both partners in this relationship need to be ready to make compromises, if they want it to last.
Being logical, private, and the independent types, INTPs may come across as detached and hard to get through to. Their world outlook relies on logic, and they love spending time tackling difficult logical problems rather than socializing. For all these reasons ESTPs, who enjoy adrenaline-pumping and action-packed activities, may not be interested in starting a relationship with the INTP personality type.
INFPs are one of the most intriguing personality types because they are shy and reserved introverts, who simultaneously want to be well-informed and involved in various activities. They are constantly seeking harmony and meaning, while deeply caring for their values. For all these reasons, ESTPs and INFPs may build interesting relationships in which they will motivate each other to grow and change for the better.
ESTPs in Romantic Relationships
It is a common stereotype that ESTPs have trouble committing to a meaningful relationship, due to their inability to grasp the importance of feelings. However, that doesn’t hold true once they find someone they truly care about. ESTPs will look for a self-confident person who will follow them in their action-packed adventures. Furthermore, those who want to attract an ESTP’s attention need to have an air of mystery around them. This will motivate ESTP personalities, for they love a challenge, to try and get closer to this intriguing person.
Even though ESTPs like to keep most of their relationships superficial, and conversations light and charming, they will tone down their flirtatious side once they fall in love. This proves they take relationships seriously when they’re with the right partner, and will do anything to make it work.
That being said, people who start a relationship with an ESTP may expect lots of exciting experiences and surprises. ESTPs may struggle with expressing emotions, but they will do their best to fulfill their partner’s physical needs. Their exceptional ability to read people’s body language may help them better understand what their partners want or expect from them. This way, they may build and maintain deep and meaningful relationships with their loved ones.
ESTPs as Friends
Self-confident, charming, and tolerant, ESTPs can easily make friends, wherever they go. They will do their best to make others feel good by involving them in various activities. However, they will not get offended if someone refuses to follow them in their adventures. And will try to find someone else to share the exciting experience with. ESTPs look for friends who will be faithful companions in their hazardous adventures. As this personality type likes to be surrounded by people, they will enjoy team sports. In short, ESTPs will make great friends to have fun with and try out new things with. Energetic and enthusiastic, they will be always on the move, making sure that every moment counts.
ESTPs as Parents
Energetic, spontaneous, and ready for action, ESTP personalities would enjoy spending time with their children. Their spontaneity and the desire for new excitement would correspond perfectly with the child’s desire to explore new things. As parents, ESTP would encourage their children to follow their hearts and make their own decisions. An ESTP’s child would always have reliable teammates and assistance with school projects by their parents. However, they may struggle to cope with their children’s feelings. This may become a serious issue when combined with their brutally honest communication style. For this reason, ESTPs need to work hard and develop a softer side, that will enable them to better communicate with their children.
ESTPs at the Workplace
ESTP’s are practical, action-oriented personalities who would use the available resources to do what needs to be done, in order to reach set goals. When they find desirable solutions, they move swiftly through the working process. ESTPs would be invaluable team members in emergencies because they are flexible and always ready for action. Besides, they rely their decisions on logic given their Thinking (T) preference. As Extroverted, Perceiving personalities they prefer having a relaxed and flexible atmosphere within a team. This may, however, cause tension and misunderstanding between them and colleagues that prefer following well-devised plans. ESTPs enjoy taking immediate actions that will lead to visible results, without being constrained by strict schedules or rules.
ESTP Careers
Now that we know what to expect from an ESTP in the roles of a lover, friend, parent, and co-worker, let’s see which careers will best suit this personality type, and what jobs ESTPs should avoid.
ESTP Career Matches
Here is a short list of the careers that ESTP personalities may find the most rewarding, based on their preferences and personality traits. However, if you want a more elaborate list, you read our article on ESTP careers.
- Entrepreneur
This career choice is not surprising considering that the ESTP type is often referred to as the Entrepreneur. With their exceptional leadership and problem-solving skills, ESTPs will be more than able to run their business. And they would not fear taking the necessary risks to build a name in the competitive business world. Being enthusiastic motivators they will not have a problem convincing others to follow their lead. They are practical and tend to think on their feet, coming up with the best possible solutions. For all these reasons, ESTPs will enjoy being entrepreneurs.
- Construction Manager
As Sensing types, ESTPs love tackling practical problems that involve their senses in devising practical solutions. This is why ESTPs may find the job of a construction manager fulfilling and enjoyable. Apart from engaging their senses, ESTPs will have the opportunity to work in a dynamic environment, tackling several tasks at once, showing off their multitasking skills.
- First Responder Jobs
As we have already mentioned, ESTPs are the right people to have on board in emergencies. As they crave to be in the heart of the action. not fearing danger or life-threatening situations, the roles of a paramedic, firefighter, or police officer will be a perfect fit for ESTPs. These people are the first who arrive at the scene of an accident or crime and never know what adversity they will need to face. ESTPs would appreciate the adrenaline-pumping action, the danger, and the satisfaction of solving challenging issues that are blended in these professions quite appealing.
ESTP Careers to Avoid
After presenting the best ESTP career matches, we will now name some of the professions that may not appeal to this personality type. As action-oriented types that like to move swiftly towards set goals, ESTPs will thrive in a fast-paced working environment where they can freely showcase their numerous skills. When this is not the case, and ESTPs have to tackle some repetitive or routine tasks on a daily basis, they will get easily overwhelmed, feeling constrained and stifled. For these reasons, ESTP personalities should avoid the following careers.
- Librarian
- Curator
- Craft Artist
- Clergy
- Physician Assistant
- Veterinary Technician
- Public Health Nurse
- Dental Hygienist
- Preschool Teacher
- Electrical Engineer
- Chemical Engineer
- Electronics Technician
- Chemist
- Market Researcher
- Organizational Psychologist
ESTP Famous People
Extroverted, ambitious, assertive, with exceptional observance and leadership skills, ESTP personalities have all that it takes to become famous. Thus, it is not surprising that the world of show business, sports, literature, and politics is packed with this personality type. Here, you will find some of the famous ESTPs from different walks of life. And if you want a more in-depth explanation, read our article on ESTP famous people.
ESTP Actors/Actresses
ESTPs have an exceptional visual memory and a keen eye for detail, which make it easier for them to transform into the characters they play. It is not surprising then that numerous iconic actors and actresses are ESTPs, some of them are:
- Meryl Streep
- Kevin Spacey
- Helen Mirren
- Milla Jovovich
- Mila Kunis
- Eddie Murphy
- Samuel L. Jackson
- Sylvester Stallone
- Antonio Banderas
- John Wayne
- Ben Affleck
- Lucille Ball
- Judi Dench
- Michael J. Fox
- Megan Fox
- Glenn Close
- Chloe Grace Moretz
ESTP Memes
The global music scene is marked by numerous talented musicians who know what they want and are not afraid to take risks for it. Some of the famous ESTP musicians are:
- Robin Thicke
- David Lee Roth
- Iggy Pop
- Vanilla Ice
- MC Hammer
- Fred Durst
- Dave Mustaine
- Travis Tritt
- Steve Harwell
- Kid Rock
- Phil Anselmo
- Bon Scott
- Amy Winehouse
- Madonna
ESTP Leaders
Some of the most memorable ESTP leaders, whether they are known for leading their nations through tough times or for displaying almost all the negative features of this personality type, are:
- Winston Churchill, former UK Prime Minister
- Theodore Roosevelt, former U.S. President
- Nicolas Sarkozy, former President of France
- Douglas MacArthur, U.S. General
- Franklin D. Roosevelt, former U.S. President
- George S. Patton, World War II General
- Camilla Parker Bowles, Duchess of Cornwall
- Bernard Montgomery, U.K. Field Marshal
- Silvio Berlusconi, former Prime Minister of Italy and media magnate
- Andrew Jackson, former U.S. President
- Lyndon B. Johnson, former U.S. President
- George W. Bush, former U.S. President
- Donald Trump, former the US President
ESTP Athletes
Here is a short list of the famous ESTP athletes:
- Steve Nash
- John Elway
- Dan Marino
- Karl Malone
- Nick Kyrgios
- Fabio Fognini
- Jimmy Conners
ESTP Fictional Characters
The literature, television, and film industry are crammed with colorful ESTP characters. Here are a few examples:
- Aladdin
- Peter Pan
- Han Solo, Star Wars
- Captain Jack Sparrow, The Pirates of the Caribbean movies
- Eleanor Shellstrop, The Good Place
- John Shelby, Peaky Blinders
- Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter series
- Jaime Lannister, Game of Thrones
- Mr. Garrison, The South Park
- Howard Stark, Marvel Cinematic Universe
- Scott Lang, Ant-Man
- Yondu
- Remy Etienne LeBeau, Gambit
- Klaus, American Dad
- Pam Poovey, Archer
- Kai, Legend of Korra
- Beast, Beauty and the Beast
- Merida, Brave
- Paul Varjak, Breakfast at Tiffany’s
- Elektra, Daredevil
- Daryl, The Walking Dead
- Amy Pond, Doctor Who
- Glen Quagmire, Family Guy
- Brian O’Conner, Fast & Furious Franchise
- Zapp Brannigan, Futurama
- Mercedes Jones, Glee
- Santana Lopez, Glee
- Sonny Corleone, The Godfather
- Harvey Bullock, Gotham
- Stan Pines, Gravity Falls
- Alfrid, The Hobbit
- Eowyn, The Lord of the Rings
- Merry, The Lord of the Rings
- Buttercup, The Powerpuff Girls
- Steve, Shameless
- Bart Simpson, The Simpsons
- Katherine Pierce, The Vampire Diaries
- Rollo, Vikings
- Carl Grimes, The Walking Dead
- Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
ESTP Memes
As we have already mentioned, ESTPs love being in the spotlight, entertaining others. For this purpose, they will use different styles of humor to keep people amused. They also do not mind making jokes at their expense, if this will liven up the atmosphere. Their amazing sense of humor is one of the reasons why people love being around ESTPs.
When it comes to people joking about other personality types, ESTPs are often the center of attention of numerous meme-makers. Thus, different social media platforms are filled with funny memes, tackling the most prominent ESTP traits, like self-confidence, brutal honesty, and their problem-solving skills.
Here is a couple of them, just to give you a clearer picture: