The famous leader Winston Churchill once said, “Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.” And his sentiments are an excellent example of the ESTP personality’s outlook on life. Also known as The Daredevil, the ESTP personality type is an action-driven thrill seeker who seeks both challenges and pleasure passionately, without engaging themselves emotionally. ESTPs prefer taking immediate action rather than contemplating endlessly about what their next step should be. They are energetic, entertaining, and joyful with a blunt sense of humor (read more about the ESTP humor in our article). That said, ESTPs may easily take a joke too far, hurting people’s feelings without even noticing. This may happen due to their Thinking preference, which leads the ESTP to rely on logic rather than emotion when making decisions. They may not grasp the importance of feelings, so it may take some patience and compromise for other personality types to form significant, long-term relationships with ESTP personalities.
On the other hand, ESTPs are colorful, and convincing types who aren’t afraid to dive into risky situations. When these traits are combined with a logical mind, a natural leader is born, one who will gladly lead others through hazardous and exciting adventures. If this personality type manages to temper their immense energy and their love for taking risks, they can create numerous meaningful relationships with other personality types.
This article will offer an overall review of various ESTP relationships. We hope that you will discover an array of interesting information about the ESTP’s behavior in different social roles.
If you have an ESTP in your life, you will find out what to expect from this personality in a romantic or a professional relationship. You can also learn more about ESTP as friends and parents.
On the other hand, if you have ESTP personality preferences, this article will offer you a chance to see how compatible you are with other types from the personality spectrum. Not only will you find out what types are the best match for the ESTP personality type, but you will also discover the ways to improve relationships and overcome differences with the types from the opposite side of the personality spectrum.
ESTPs in Romantic Relationships and Dating
A person with ESTP preferences will seek a self-confident partner who will plunge into different adventures with them without hesitation. ESTPs do not handle emotions well, so an ESTP partner may be overwhelmed if their partner needs constant validation. Besides, people who want to attract an ESTP personality need to bring some mystery to the relationship. ESTPs are constantly seeking adventure, and they will enjoy a partner who shares the same drive. This said ESTPs would love to be with someone who can keep offering new thrills and keep them constantly excited.
The ESTP is an extrovert, an outgoing personality who knows how to grab someone’s attention and keep them interested. They enjoy the challenges and thrills of flirting and can be quite charming when they want to seduce someone. However, their tendency to take things too far may mislead others into thinking that the ESTP’s intentions are more serious than playful flirtation. In reality, ESTPs tend to tone down their flirting when they are around someone they genuinely like, even though this can be a demanding task for them.
People who engage themselves in romantic relationships with the ESTP type can expect loads of fun and exciting activities coming their way. ESTPs are energetic, playful risk-takers who live in the present moment. They will go above and beyond to make their partners feel special by showering them with surprise gifts or involving them in unexpected adventures. Also, ESTPs will not shy away from a spirited intellectual discussion – that is, if it will lead to some real-time action.
However, ESTPs tend to separate physical intimacy from emotional intimacy. And, while they will gladly meet their partner’s physical needs, they may struggle to show their true feelings. They may not understand the importance of connecting on a deeper emotional level in romantic relationships. For this reason, they may come across as people who cannot commit to others. This is one of the misconceptions about the ESTP personality type. ESTP personalities will need time to get to know their partners before they commit to the relationship. But, once they do, they will go above and beyond to make their loved ones happy and satisfied, remaining completely honest and loyal to them.
One thing the ESTP type needs to accept is that every relationship requires a lot of work and patience to grow – not every day can be a walk in an amusement park. ESTPs can work to build lasting and healthy relationships by using their ability to anticipate their partner’s behavior and actions. Also, their strong problem-solving abilities may help them to better meet their partner’s needs. On the other hand, they may need to work on recognizing and sharing emotions.
Now that we have described how ESTPs tend to behave in romantic relationships, let’s see which personality types may create lasting relationships with this intriguing personality.
ESTP Best Match
The truth is that the ESTP type is capable of creating lasting relationships with most of the other personality types. The question is, however, how many compromises they will have to make in this demanding process. Here, you will find out what personality types are considered the best matches for an ESTP personality due to their preferences and outlook on the world.
Apart from a relationship with another ESTP, it is expected that ESTP types can most easily form meaningful relationships with an ISTP, an ESTJ, or an ENTP. This is because these three types all share values and interests similar to The Daredevil personality type. This is not surprising, since all of these personalities share the Thinking preference, which influences the way they make decisions. Besides, they also have either a prominent Extroversion or Sensing preference, which significantly affects their perception of the world.
ESTP personalities may also be drawn to personality types with whom they have intriguing differences, like ISTJs, ESFPs, ENTJs, and ENFPs. Even though these types may share some ESTP preferences like Extroversion, Sensing, or Perceiving, ESTPs may be most interested in their differences, seeing them as challenges they need to tackle to build promising relationships.
Keep on reading to learn more about ESTP compatibility with other personality types, and to find out what to expect from ESTPs in other kinds of relationships and social roles.
ESTP as a Friend
As self-confident, charming, and spontaneous people, ESTPs will make for a fun and fascinating company. If you want to be an ESTP’s friend, you have to be ready to go along with an array of action-packed and often risky activities. You’ll often find your ESTP friend in the heart of the action or the center of the party. Or, with their penchant for adrenaline-pumping physical activities, an ESTP will enjoy participating in team sports and sharing the excitement with their friends. Also, they will not avoid invigorating intellectual discussion, especially if it leads to an efficient solution. However, don’t try to engage them in one-on-one serious conversations about global issues, if you are not ready to take some action right away. ESTPs are blunt and honest people who like to do what can be done right away, rather than endlessly discussing possible solutions to a problem.
Assertive, communicative, and tolerant, ESTPs will make friends easily, wherever they go. Also, they will do their best to make others feel included by involving them in various activities. However, ESTPs will not force anyone to join them. They will take no for a complete answer and try to find someone else to share the exciting adventure.
ESTP as a Parent
ESTP personalities will be parents any child would wish for. Energetic, spontaneous, and action-driven, they will enjoy spending time with their children. Their spontaneity and desire for excitement will align perfectly with their children’s desire to explore new things. ESTP parents will encourage their children to follow their hearts and make their own decisions. Also, their children will always find their ESTP parents to be reliable teammates and helpers with school projects.
The main thing, ESTP parents may have a hard time coping with is their children’s feelings, because ESTPs may not naturally understand how to foster deep emotional connections. Thus, it can become overwhelming when an ESTP parent has to deal with a highly emotional child. Their blunt and “say it like it is” communication style may be more of a hindrance than a help in these situations.
ESTP in the Workplace
ESTP’s are prominently practical, action-oriented personality types that will focus on the available resources and the things that need to be done to reach set goals. When they find solutions, they will move quickly through a working process that leads to imminent results. ESTPs will be invaluable team members in crises because they are flexible and always ready for action. Besides, they rely on logic for their decisions (due to their Thinking preference) and will think clearly and critically in every situation.
As Extroverted and Perceiving personalities, they prefer having a relaxed and flexible atmosphere within the team. This may cause tension and misunderstanding between them and colleagues that prefer following well-devised plans. ESTPs enjoy taking immediate actions that will lead to visible results, without being constrained by strict schedules or rules.
Even though ESTPs’ style may not mesh with everyone in the workplace, people can still rely on ESTP managers to take charge and lead the team in crisis. Also, ESTPs are highly convincing and also perceptive of other people’s behavior and actions, so they will easily adapt their approach to problems to be acceptable to others. On the other hand, ESTPs may have problems with long-term planning because they cannot visualize the future easily. They prefer having a set goal in front of them and taking immediate action towards reaching it. You can find out more about the best ESTP careers in our separate article.
ESTP Compatibility
Most people who meet the ESTP personality type for the first time would probably describe them as energetic, communicative, charming, and popular. This, however, does not mean that everyone would enjoy the company of an ESTP. In the array of the 15 other personality types, some will find ESTP personality traits challenging to handle.
For these reasons, let’s make an ESTP compatibility chart to see what personality types may be an amazing match for an ESTP. Simultaneously, this compatibility chart will show which personality types may find it challenging to build significant relationships with The Daredevil, due to stark differences in character.
Blue – types that are most similar to ENFPs in terms of values, interests, and life philosophy.
Green – types that are quite similar to ENFPs but have intriguing differences, which can produce a healthy relationship with plenty of personality growth opportunities.
Yellow – types that are somewhat similar to ENFPs and could be compatible with them, but some work will be needed to make things work.
Red – types that are poles apart from ENFPs and are likely to clash with their personality. Relationships between these types will require a lot of work.
Possible Soul Mates
The blue section of the compatibility chart contains four personality types that are expected to form lasting relationships with ESTP personalities due to numerous shared preferences. Although these may not be perfect relationships, ESTPs and ISTPs, ESTJs, and ENTPs have the capacity to overcome possible differences easily and find the common ground for further growth.
Intriguing Partners
The green section contains types from the 16 peronalities spectrum that ESTPs may find interesting due to their preferences. All the personality types from this section share at least one preference with an ESTP. Simultaneously, they all have different principles or outlooks on life that may seem interesting to ESTPs, who love challenges. Overall, ESTPs may create fulfilling relationships with ISTJs, ESFPs, ENFPs, and ENTJs if they succeed in balancing their contrasting preferences and their similarities.
Hypothetical Complements
The yellow lower half of the ESTP compatibility chart is filled with personality types that may complement ESTPs if considerable effort is invested in these relationships. Besides, ESTP has to be patient and ready to make compromises if they want to build lasting relationships with an ISFP, INTJ, ESFJ, or ENFJ personality type. If they decide to get to know these personalities better, ESTPs may find that they have many things in common. Simultaneously, they will need to be ready to work on overcoming their differences.
Challenging Opposites
The bottom red zone of this compatibility chart is reserved for personalities with whom ESTPs may find it difficult to create significant relationships. However, the wide discrepancy in personal preferences between ESTPs and ISFJs, INFJs, INTPs, and INTJs may be a great learning opportunity for both partners. For example, ESTPs may begin to realize how important other people’s feelings are and become more sophisticated communicators. Forming lasting relationships with these personality types may be difficult, but not an impossible mission for an ESTP personality.
Now that we have gone through all four compatibility chart sections, let’s see in detail what people can expect from ESTPs relationships with each of 16 personality types.
These two personalities fall under the “blue” zone of the compatibility chart, their similarities could help form successful relationships.
In Relationships
Many would think that two ESTP personalities would make a perfect match. And in some respects, this may not be far from the truth. ESTPs will have an amazing time together, as they are both extroverted, energetic, charming, and adventurous. They both love taking risks and will plunge into hazardous adventures with exceptional energy and enthusiasm. ESTPs are known for their self-confidence, meaning they will not take other people’s negative opinions to heart. Therefore, they will understand each other without having to share much emotionally, and if they do share conflicting opinions with one another, they will be able to work through disagreements without too many hurt feelings.
For all their strengths and positive attributes, however, two ESTPs in a relationship may find it hard to share feelings on a deeper level. Namely, ESTP personality types may not grasp the importance of other peoples’ emotions. They are immersed in the present moment and will look for the next enjoyable thing to do before they sit with and acknowledge their feelings.
However, ESTP partners may be able to make up for their avoidance of emotion by using their Sensing preference to predict what their partner needs, by observing changes in their behavior or even facial expressions. And, they will do their best to meet these needs physically or practically.
However, they will not go further and try to connect on a deeper emotional level. For this reason, they may have to learn how to recognize each other’s inner feelings and deal with them to build a strong and sustainable relationship.
At Work
As action-driven personality types, two ESTPs may make an excellent team, focused on solving real-time problems efficiently. Self-confident and convincing, an ESTP duo will have no problems encouraging other team members to follow their lead and get the job done swiftly.
However, flexible and energetic ESTPs may struggle with strict plans and will prefer taking “on the spot” action to devising complex strategies for the future. This means they may have a hard time working in a highly structured environment.
ISTP falls under the “blue” zone on the compatibility chart. These two types could easily overcome their differences to form successful relationships.
In relationships
ESTPs may build a meaningful and fulfilling relationship with an ISTP personality if they manage to control their extroverted side and let their introverted partner come forward. ESTPs and ISTPs share the same preferences except for Extroversion/Introversion. They are both Sensing and Perceiving types who make decisions based on logic. The main difference is that the ESTP personality type will seek adventures and take risks boldly, while ISTPs will enjoy being in the heart of the action only for a while and then will withdraw to their inner world. That said, ESTP partners may help ISTP personalities to come out of their shells and be more proactive.
On the other hand, the Thinking preference they share may cause these two types to struggle with sharing emotion. Both types may not recognize the significance of other people’s feelings, but this does not mean that they are inconsiderate people. However, they will have to make an effort to accept and process feelings to make this relationship work.
At Work
Prominently practical and action-oriented, ESTP coworkers will be effective motivators to the rest of the team while they solve problems and reach their goals. Similarly, ISTPs also like to jump to the heart of the problem and find an efficient solution. They will bring immense knowledge and experience to the team, accompanied by a determination to get things done. However, ISTPs tend to withdraw from social interaction as soon as they finish what they have started until some new challenging task appears.
Therefore, these two personality types may complement each other in a team because they have similar approaches to problems. On the other hand, their limited attention span is a shared feature, so both ESTPs and ISTPs may need to practice staying focused at work.
These two types fall under the “blue” zone of the chart, they could form a successful bond having worked through their issues with ease.
In Relationships
ESTPs and ESTJs have many common features they can use to build a lasting relationship. They are both extroverted personalities – action-oriented, energetic, and persuasive. And while ESTPs are fun-loving thrill-seekers, ESTJs are natural-born leaders who make sure that things get done and everybody follows their plan. This personality trait in ESTJ’s may be a deal-breaker for the flexible ESTP, who does not like being told what to do.
Both types are direct and outspoken when they want to share their thoughts, and this manner of communication may often seem rude and hurtful to others. This is because both the ESTP and the ESTJ tend to disregard other people’s feelings in their desire to get into action, solve problems, and move on. However, they will not mind each other’s direct communication style because both personality types use honesty as the means to overcome obstacles.
Since ESTPs and ESTJs do not naturally grasp the significance of emotions, they tend to show they care by meeting each other’s needs in a practical way. While other personality types may find these two types inconsiderate and unfeeling because they struggle with showing emotions, the ESTP and ESTJ will understand each other perfectly.
At Work
ESTP and ESTJ team members may work like well-oiled machines together if they focus on qualities they share, and try to compromise when it comes to their differences. For example, both personality types share an enthusiasm for solving problems quickly and moving on to other tasks. However, flexible ESTP will seek the fastest practical way to get results, and may not appreciate strict plans from the ESTJ. On the other hand, following well-devised plans is important to ESTJs, and they will make sure everybody is on the same page.
ENTPs also fall under the “blue” zone of the compatibility chart, they might get along well with ESTPs, for the two will likely resolve their issues without much difficulty.
In Relationships
Because of their similar values and outlook on life, the ENTP may be the perfect partner for an ESTP personality. The ENTP, a friendly and outgoing person, loves to entertain and include others in various activities; they are always on the quest for the “next big thing,” same as an ESTP. This relationship will be full of challenging adventures and lively discussions. Although both are great charmers and fun to be around, they will turn into pragmatic, logical decision-makers when making choices.
Both ESTP and ENTP types handle emotions the same way: they tend to disregard their importance. They love to be in the center of the action, sharing their effusive enthusiasm with others – until they get bored. Once this happens, they will rush into another great adventure, without looking back. That said, practical ESTPs may struggle with the ENTP’s intuitive side; ENTPs like to spend time discussing abstract concepts, which at first may not seem useful to an ESTP. Therefore, ESTPs may need to become more patient with their ENTP partner’s thinking process if they want the relationship to work.
At Work
These two prefer working in fast-paced environments where they can tackle challenging issues. However, while an ESTP will seek the fastest and most practical solutions, an ENTP, as a true Intuitive type will look for innovative or groundbreaking ones. Different approaches to problems may be the clashing point for these two personalities. But if they see these differences as learning opportunities rather than obstacles, they may improve their work performance.
We have finished analyzing the potential relationships between ESTP personalities and types from the green section of the ESTP compatibility chart. Let’s see now, what types in the yellow zone ESTPs may find intriguing enough for a relationship.
ESTP may find personality types from the “green” section of the chart interesting to get to know because of the differences between them. The ISTJ personality type is a perfect one to start with.
In Relationships
Even though ISTJs share the Sensing-Thinking preferences with the ESTP personality type, ISTJs are deeply private, hard-working, and traditional types that prefer staying behind the scenes. All of these characteristics may be intriguing and even mysterious to the jovial and energetic ESTP.
ISTJs may seem detached and cold to others because they are deeply immersed in their inner world due to their Intuitive preference. ESTPs, who like a dose of mystery in their romantic partner, may find this attitude challenging, so they may invest considerable time and effort to get closer to an ISTJ person and discover what lies behind their stony exterior.
Same as ESTPs, ISTJs may struggle with showing and understanding emotion. Possessing both Thinking and Judging preferences, ISTJs tend to rely on logic and well-organized facts rather than emotions. They tend to keep feelings to themselves, and will not show that they are hurt, which can cause problems in this relationship in the long run.
At Work
ISTJs, who are hard-working, committed, and detailed planners, may complement energetic and practical ESTPs who like to move quickly towards the goal. ESTP workers will have to learn how to cope with the ISTJ’s detailed plans and stay focused each step of the way until it is completed. On the other hand, they may encourage private ISTJs to step out of the background and take credit for their work.
The ESFP personality type falls under the “green” zone of the compatibility chart. These two can learn from each other’s differences and get along well.
In Relationships
On account of their three shared preferences, these two types may have an amazing time together in a romantic relationship. ESTPs and ESFPs are both bursting with energy, seeking new adventures and activities they can plunge into together. Also, they are in sync with each other’s needs and will go above and beyond to meet these needs in a practical way.
People love being around this pair because they are charming, entertaining, and communicative. This may present a hypothetical problem for two attention-seekers like ESTPs and ESFPs, because they may start to battle for the limelight. The other problem that may arise between these two personality types involves their contrasting approach to feelings. Namely, highly sensitive and deeply emotional ESFPs may not appreciate the blunt and vocal way an ESTP communicates. The ESTP will have to learn to be sensitive to their own emotions and their partner’s in order to make the ESFP feel respected and safe.
At Work
ESFP and ESTP coworkers may be great teammates. Both personality types are focused on seeking practical solutions that will lead to instant results. Additionally, they will motivate others to put forth their best efforts and reach set goals quickly. However, action-oriented ESTPs will tend to move quickly through the working process, focusing solely on the goal. This is where people-oriented ESFPs may help them slow down and listen to other people’s ideas that may lead to better solutions.
ENFP falls under the “green” zone of the chart. These two types can find great learning opportunities when working through their differences.
In Relationships
Many might wonder whether the blunt and direct ESTP could create a lasting relationship with the caring and friendly ENFP, who wears their heart on their sleeve. Yet, despite obvious contrasting ST and NF preferences, or maybe thanks to these, ESTP personalities may find a common ground with ENFPs and complement each other perfectly.
ENFPs can show their ESTP partners how to handle emotions and be more considerate in their communication with others. At the same time, energetic ESTPs who don’t like to waste time may show intuitive ENFP types how to improve their time management and avoid procrastination. Moreover, since their shared Extroversion and Perceiving preferences give them common ground in social interaction and relating to the world, ESTPs and ENFPs may make a fantastic match if they work on their differences.
At Work
The ENFP is probably one of the friendliest and most caring personality types, so they will make sure that everybody gets along within a team. Furthermore, they will appreciate everyone’s opinion and make sure that every voice is heard. Action-oriented ESTPs may not understand this urge to address people’s feelings, but this kind of assistance from the people-centered ENFP will come in handy.
ENFPs are creative, future-oriented, and innovative personalities, looking at things from a fresh perspective. This said they may often get caught up in their thoughts, failing to follow through. ESTPs, who are focused on moving quickly through the process and solving problems efficiently, may help ENFPs to concentrate on the current project until the job is done.
ENTJs also fall under the “green” zone of the chart. These two types can learn a lot from each other and form a strong bond if they work through their differences.
In Relationships
Although they only share the Extroversion and Thinking preferences, it seems that ESTPs and ENTJs may form successful relationships. Both personality types are assertive and self-confident, looking for new challenges wherever they go. Furthermore, the ESTP and ENTJ will not have communication issues because both types prefer to be blunt and direct when expressing their thoughts. Furthermore, they both enjoy a fierce but productive debate when it results in a valuable resolution. ESTP and ENTJ personalities do not often prioritize other people’s feelings because they are both focused on the goal and actions that need to be taken to reach it. Thus, there is little risk of bruised egos in this relationship because neither ESTPs nor ENTJs take criticism to heart and do not place a high priority on feelings.
At Work
ENTJs are born leaders who look into the future, predicting the possible outcomes of their actions. Strong-willed, confident, and assertive, they will devise detailed, long-term plans and make sure that everyone follows them. Then, they will work tirelessly towards reaching set goals. While ESTPs may appreciate this drive to action and getting things done, they may have a hard time accepting strict schedules from their ENTJ coworkers.
We have finished with describing hypothetical relationships between an ESTP and personality types from the two upper sections of the ESTP compatibility chart. Let’s now focus on the relationships with the personality types from the bottom of this chart. These relationships may require more energy and effort invested from both partners, but this does not mean that they are impossible.
ISFP falls under the “yellow” zone of the chart. These two types could form lasting relationships but a considerable amount of effort would have to be invested to make it work.
In Relationships
ISFP personalities are private, introverted types devoted to their loved ones. They are people-oriented and care deeply about their values. Thus, ISFPs probably will struggle with criticism. They may also get easily hurt due to their dominant Feeling preference. These characteristics may clash with action-centered and risk-taking ESTPs, who are self-confident extroverts. ESTPs are vocal and direct even in romantic relationships and may hurt their ISFP partner’s feelings without noticing it. Therefore, both partners in this relationship have to invest energy and patience to make it work. ESTPs need to be patient until a reserved ISFP decides to let them into their world. On the other hand, ISFPs may need to find a way to accept the way ESTPs communicate and let their ESTP partner know when they are hurt.
At Work
ISFPs and ESTPs may be a compatible team of two at the workplace. ISFPs will bring a sense of “the right thing to do” to this duo. They are committed to teamwork and appreciate new ideas. So, they may offer a fresh perspective to pragmatic ESTPs. On the other hand, outgoing and self-confident ESTPs may often encourage reserved ISFPs to step into the spotlight and focus on achieving ambitious goals.
INTJ falls under the “yellow” zone of the chart. These two types can form meaningful relationships if they work through their differences.
In Relationships
Quiet, patient, and detached INTJ personalities look far into the future, imagining what things may look like. They are deeply immersed in their inner world, contemplating complex intellectual concepts. All these personality traits could cause INTJs to appear detached and unapproachable. Therefore, communicative and sociable ESTPs may find this relationship quite challenging. But, since they love challenges and are attracted to mysterious personalities, ESTPs may invest additional energy and effort into making things work.
At Work
As visionary types who enjoy grappling with innovative concepts, INTJ personalities will bring a fresh, often radical perspective to the team. Same as the ESTPs, they will enjoy solving difficult problems but will withdraw once the action stops due to their introverted nature. ESTPs may get along with INTJs at work if they try to accept different approaches to problems, considering it an important part of getting the job done.
The ESFJ personality type falls under the “yellow” zone of the compatibility chart. Much work will be required to form a bond between these two types if they can work through it if they try.
In Relationships
The ESFJ personality type is both people and action-oriented, with a strong sense of duty. Accordingly, they will tend to do their best and help others in practical ways, without involving too many emotions. For this reason, they may get along well with ESTP personalities, who tend to show they care about other people by meeting their practical needs.
These two personality types will not have problems sharing their opinions because both ESTPs and ESFJs are vocal, direct, and honest. However, ESFJs may tend to take criticism to the heart due to their Feeling preference, so ESTPs will have to learn how to relate and not offend their emotional ESFJ partners.
At Work
ESTPs and ESFJs share the tendency to look for the most efficient practical solutions to problems. However, while ESTPs prefer a flexible approach, the ESFJ type will make sure that everything runs smoothly, by enforcing the previously designed plan. They also tend to be controlling and demand that everybody follows their lead. For this reason, ESTPs may find it hard to cooperate with ESFJs.
ENFJ falls under the “yellow” zone of the compatibility chart. Although these two types share a few similarities, it is their differences that can act as opportunities for growth.
In Relationships
Extremely people-oriented, in tune with the feelings of others, ENFJs will be the ones people turn to when they need help. Known as great communicators, they will go above and beyond to make sure everybody gets along. They will selflessly offer assistance to people in need, making sure that everyone is appreciated. These characteristics may complement the communicative and charming, but detached ESTP, who cannot grasp the significance of feelings. Therefore, if they manage to overcome their differences and learn from each other, ESTPs and ENFJs may make a great match.
At Work
ESTPs are action-oriented problem solvers who will motivate others to move towards set goals, implementing practical solutions. ENFJs are people-oriented and organized personalities focused on meeting people’s needs. That said, the two can complement each other at work if an ESTP motivates ENFJ colleagues to focus on practical solutions. On the other hand, ENFJs may show ESTPs how to focus on people’s feelings and be more people-oriented.
Let’s focus now on the red section of the compatibility chart. It is filled with personality types that may find it difficult to build lasting relationships with ESTP personalities, due to stark differences in their character. We named this group of personalities the challenging opposites. However, ESTPs may create significant bonds with these personalities if they embrace their values and outlooks on the world as the opportunity to grow and change for the better.
ISFJ falls in the “red” zone of the chart. A relationship between these two types is difficult but not impossible.
In Relationships
ISFJ personalities are private, hardworking, and loyal. They are also caring, people-oriented personalities who hold their values dear. Thus, the ISFJ as an organized, steady introvert is likely to clash with a risk-taking, energetic, and extroverted ESTP.
ISFJs are profoundly emotional and private people who may struggle with sharing their emotions. Thus, they probably will not show it when they are hurt. This can be a severe issue in a relationship with the ESTP, who will find it hard to read other people’s emotions, to begin with, and will also find it difficult to temper their blunt communication style. Therefore, both partners in this relationship have to invest energy and patience to make it work. ESTPs need to be patient until a reserved ISFJ decides they are worthy of trust. On the other hand, ISFJs will need to find a way to openly express their feelings and let ESTPs know when they are hurt.
At Work
ISFJ and ESTP types may turn out to be compatible at the workplace. ISFJs will bring much-needed organization, order, and planning to this team. They are committed and hard-working people who will work in the shadows until the job gets done. On the other hand, outgoing and confident ESTPs may often encourage ISFJs to share their ideas publicly, take bold action, and color outside the lines every now and then.
Although INFJ falls under the “red” zone of the chart, these two can make it work if enough effort is out in from both sides.
In Relationships
INFJs are serious, deep, and intuitive personalities. They are shy and quiet except when they feel they need to defend their core values. In these situations, they may get quite vocal and assertive. Thus, because INFJs care so deeply about their relationships and values and are concerned about serious global issues, ESTPs may find it hard to get on their wavelength. Furthermore, logical and practical ESTPs may find INFJs sudden emotional outbursts overwhelming. For all these reasons, both partners in this relationship need to be ready to make compromises, if they want it to last.
At work
ESTP personalities may appreciate INFJs unprecedented commitment to a cause. Although reserved, INFJs are committed to their values, and will openly state their opinions when needed. They will also motivate others to stay faithful to the cause and do the right thing. At the same time, this quest for a noble cause may be puzzling to ESTPs, who just want to get things done. If they manage to find the middle ground between finding the practical solution and working for a cause, ESTPs and INFJs may be an effective team.
INTP falls under the “red” zone of the chart. These two types have enough differences to make their pairing unsuitable but if they can work through it, they can form a successful bond.
In Relationships
As extremely logical, private, and independent types, INTPs may come across as aloof. Their perception of the world relies on logic, and they love spending time tackling difficult logical problems rather than socializing. For all these reasons, ESTPs (who enjoy adrenaline-pumping activities and social interaction) may not be interested in starting a relationship with the INTP personality type.
At work
INTPs will contribute to any team by offering a detailed analysis of various problems and by evaluating different ideas. However, as independent types, they will prefer working alone, expecting that every team member understands their own tasks and will not bother them with questions. This work ethic may clash with ESTPs who like to take immediate action and solve problems rather than contemplating complex ideas that do not lead to visible results.
INFP falls under the “red” zone of the chart. If willing, these two types can form a great bond by working through all their differences.
In Relationships
INFPs are one of the most intriguing personality types because they are shy and reserved introverts who simultaneously want to be involved in social activities. They are constantly seeking harmony and meaning, caring deeply about their values. If ESTPs are intrigued by these personality traits, they may build an interesting relationship with the INFP, in which they will motivate each other to grow and change for the better. However, INFP personalities are highly emotional, and this may be a clashing point because ESTPs do not naturally understand or prioritize emotion.
At Work
INFPs are devoted to their values and as the Feeling types, they will instinctively know the right thing to do. This is in direct contrast to the ESTP, who will want to make decisions based on logic and tangible results. That said, INFPs are flexible people who will adapt to others well as long as they have the freedom to express their creativity. If ESTPs manage to combine their practical side with INFPs flexibility and creativity, these two may get along well at work.