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A Definitive Guide to ESFP

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Let’s presume that you are one of these personality type aficionados with ESFP personality traits, or perhaps you have just entered this exciting world of personality types. Whatever the case may be, here, you will find all the relevant facts and statistics about ESFPs – The Entertainer (A.K.A The Performer), as well as the strengths and weaknesses of an ESFP personality gathered in one article. So, relax and have fun reading; after all, this is what an ESFP would like you to do.

The story of the personality types started with a research based on Carl Jung’s 1921 work, “Psychological Types.”When they started developing their 16 Presonality Type Indicator, Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers focused on achieving two main goals. They wanted to define four preferences and consequently, 16 personality types.

Though the original research was published a century ago, people are still increasingly interested in taking the best personality tests to find out which of the 16 personality types they belong to. The system’s continuing relevance is no surprise, because through the catalog of personality types, people can discover interesting things about their most prominent traits and preferences. These preferences affect the way people understand the world around them, make decisions, and create significant relationships.

In this article, we hope to offer everything you need to know about the ESFP energetic and fun-loving personality type here. Besides providing some interesting facts and numbers about ESFP personality type, this article will also focus on dominant personality traits and preferences, as well as the four cognitive functions that combine to form an ESFP personality. Also, you will find out how ESFPs behave as lovers, friends, colleagues, and parents. We include a short list of other personality types compatible with an ESFP, as well as an indication of what types from the personalities spectrum are highly unlikely to form a lasting relationship with an ESFP personality.

If you have landed here to learn more about the most promising ESFP careers, you will find a shortlist of desirable ESFP jobs, accompanied with a number of occupations a typical ESFP should avoid.

If you or your loved ones are ESFPs, you probably have an idea of this personality type’s unique sense of humor. However, this article will remind you of ESFP memes, humor, and quotes, as well as a list of famous ESFP people.

Not sure if your personality type is an ENFP? Chase away any suspicions by taking our free personality test.

ESFP Facts

Although the ESFP type is best known for their fun-loving, optimistic, and energetic nature, there is an array of other characteristics by which people can recognize an ESFP. Here is a list of less mentioned facts related to the ESFP personality:

  • Most people see this personality type as energetic, forceful, initiating, and resourceful.
  • ESFPs will probably rely on emotional rather than spiritual or physical coping mechanisms.
  • As for their learning style, ESFPs tend to seek and respect authorities in education. They love to learn from real life experience, rather than grappling with complex intellectual concepts.
  • They have the highest chance of finishing college compared to other personality types in the 16 personalities spectrum.
  • They will most likely spend more than three hours in front of TV daily.
  • They are second highest on the list of personality types who enjoy their marital life.
  • The ESFPs are believed to be among the personality types with the lowest incomes.
  • They are ideal co-workers and tend to get along with colleagues. However, they tend to worry about the workplace safety, salary, and accomplishments.
  • This personality type highly appreciates their core values, including home and family, health, friendships, financial stability, and spirituality.
  • You will find an array of ESFPs among health care and child care workers, teachers, and coaches.

Now that we have listed facts about the ESFP personality type, let’s turn to numbers and statistics related to ESFPs.

ESFP Percentages

Statistics can be a volatile science and may not always show accurate results. For this reason, we used several relevant sources to try to present the ESFP percentage among the general population. Here are some results we gained from our research.

When we compared three different sources, we concluded that the ESFP percentage ranges from 8.5% to 11% of the population. This discrepancy may come from the fact that some sources referred to the general population, while others narrowed down their studies.

According to the Personality Type Institute, which focused on the US population, ESFPs make up 8.2% of the American population, with ESFP women prevailing over men. Additionally, according to data  collected, ESFP personality type is the third most frequent personality among women, while it is seventh personality type among men Personality Type Institute statistics also showed how frequent the four ESFP preferences are:

Extraversion: 49.3%

Sensing: 73.3%

Feeling: 59.8%

Perceiving: 45.9%

This personality preferences distribution clearly shows that people with Sensing and Feeling preferences prevail among the US population. They are easier to be found than personalities with predominant Intuitive and Thinking preferences.

ESFP Nicknames

There are numerous names people use to refer to the ESFP personality type both online and in literature. All these nicknames depict ESFP’s dominant characteristics. Let’s see what are some of the most frequent names people have used to describe an ESFP personality:

  • Promoter (David Keirsley, “Please Understand Me I and II”
  • Promoter Executor (Linda Berens, “The 16 Personality Types”)
  • Energetic Promoter (Johnatan P. Niednagel, “Brain Typing”)
  • Supreme Realist (Alan W. Brownsword “It Takes All Types”)
  • Ultimate Realist (Otto Kroeger, “Type Talk”)
  • Enthusiastic Improviser – official 16 personalities test site

As for other nicknames people use for ESFP personalities online, we will mention “Ambassador,” “Performer,”and “Entertainer.”

The Entertainer is the term we will use in our articles when we talk about this bubbly and  communicative personality type. Although they love to enjoy themselves and entertain others, ESFP personalities are so much more than entertainers. They possess various personality traits that make them stand out among other types in the 16 personalities spectrum.

ESFP Description

Beside the traits we have already mentioned as typical for an ESFP, let’s fill out a clearer ESFP portrait. The ESFP type is an energetic and enthusiastic person who easily draws attention to themselves. Being in the center of attention comes naturally for ESFPs; in fact, it is one of the adventures they seek out due to their extroverted nature. They also tend to live in the present moment, making the best of life and nurturing an optimistic outlook on the world. ESFPs are great at making contacts with others and have an in-depth understanding of other people’s needs and wishes. For these reasons, people often find an empathetic and helpful friend in an ESFP personality, who will always put in an effort to make them feel better.

When it comes to solving problems, ESFPs tend to focus on real facts, rather than intangible concepts, trying to find the most practical solutions to the problem. Also, ESFPs’ decision-making process will be based on their inner feeling that “tells” them what is right. They are deeply attached to their core values, and this trait will reflect on the decisions ESFPs make. Furthermore, they will demand to be accepted and respected for who they are, and they tend to give others the same acceptance and respect.

ESFPs are free-spirited personalities who go with the flow. They highly appreciate the freedom to do things their own way, at their own pace. This is why these personalities cannot cope with strict plans and schedules and tend to break the rules when they feel constrained.

Other people often see ESFPs as enthusiastic, fun-loving people who engage others in various fun activities. ESFPs are born entertainers whose goal is to make others feel good and have fun. However, ESFPs will shy away from revealing their deepest thoughts and feelings to everyone. But,once someone gains their trust, and becomes a part of ESFP’s inner circle of friends, they will gain a true friend for life.

ESFPs are also well known for avoiding discussions about serious issues, preferring to keep conversations light and entertaining. These personalities also despise conflict and will strive to help everybody get along. On the other hand, when they feel hurt or disrespected, ESFPs will either withdraw or have an emotional outburst, which may come as a surprise for people around them.

As people who are attentive to their senses, ESFPs tend to see the aesthetic beauty in everything around them. Therefore, they have a highly evolved fashion style, filled with various colors and textures. ESFPs’ quirky and extraordinary style reflects their appreciation for authenticity.

Now that our description has given you a general ESFP definition, let’s turn to the four specific preferences which determine this type’s personality traits. Let’s do a deep dive into the meaning of the four letters “ESFP” to better understand the preferences of this type.

ESFP Meaning

For all of you who may wonder “What does the ESFP stand for?” or “What does ESFP mean?” we decided to offer explanations that will provide a better understanding of these four preferences.

E stands for Extraversion, meaning that this personality type enjoys the company of others, and they are true people-pleasers. This also means that ESFPs direct their energy toward (and often derive energy from) other people. They are more focused on the outer than the inner world. This means that they will make friends easily, trying to engage them in seeking new experiences. They are empathetic and caring people who are tuned in to the needs and feelings of others. So, you may expect that they go above and beyond to make others feel better.

S is for Sensing, which determines the way someone likes to gather information. Therefore, the Sensing preference is responsible for ESFP’s prominent practical side. Namely, ESFP personalities are people grounded in reality who like to handle real-life problems rather than contemplating ideas. Their attention to their five senses makes them great at finding hands-on solutions that bring instant results.

F stands for Feeling. This preference is responsible for the way ESFP personalities make decisions. This means that they base their decisions on their inner feeling, or instinct that tells them what the right choice is. They are in sync with their core values and usually make decisions based on their beliefs. As highly energetic and enthusiastic people, ESFPs are prone to making “spur of the moment” decisions. On the other hand, they may also want to understand all the aspects of their choice, which may prolong the decision-making process. As feeling types, ESFPs care deeply about the impression they leave on others. They crave acceptance and respect and tend to treat others as they would like to be treated.

P is for Perceiving. This preference defines the way someone with the ESFP personality type likes to approach the world. As free-spirited personalities, ESFPs will seek flexibility to do things of their own accord. They do not place a high priority on thorough planning and may feel constrained in highly structured environments. For these reasons, they perform better when working on the improvements of an existing project than when starting something from scratch. Also, ESFPs prefer working on short-term projects where they can see instant results rather than tackling the long-term ones that demand planning and consistent follow-through.

Now that we have made clear what ESFP stands for, let’s see what four cognitive functions also play a significant role in determining dominant ESFP personality traits.

ESFP Cognitive Functions

These cognitive functions are responsible for the way a personality type perceives the world around them, and the way they interact with others. We can divide these into two categories: Stronger Functions (Dominant and Auxiliary functions), and Weaker Functions (Tertiary and Inferior functions). These four cognitive functions combine with Preferences to create 16 different personality types you can find in the personality assesment spectrum. This said, let’s see what cognitive functions affect the ESFP’s behavior and their world outlook.

Dominant function: Extroverted Sensing (Se)

Auxiliary function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)

Tertiary function: Extroverted Thinking (Te)

Inferior function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)

1. Extroverted Sensing (Se)

As personalities that absorb and understand the world through their senses, ESFPs tend to live in the moment, making the best of life as it is. This means ESFPs will not contemplate what might happen in the future because they are focused on their present reality. They see the real world as the stable environment, focusing on facts to find the connection between this outer stability and the turbulence of their inner world.

We have already mentioned that, as sensing types, ESFPs prefer learning from experience, rather than engaging in complex concepts. They are also appreciative of the beauty that surrounds them. For this reason, ESFPs will try to turn their homes or work environments into enjoyable spaces that allow people to move around freely. Overall, a main goal of Se types is to have fun whenever they can, sharing their enthusiasm and joy with the people they care for.

2. Introverted Feeling (Fi)

People may get easily confused as to why the “Introverted Feeling” term is used to describe a dominant cognitive function of an extroverted personality. For this reason, we need to explain that introverted here does not describe a Preference (as in Extraversion vs. Introversion). Rather, “Introverted Feeling” refers to the inner feeling, or instinct, ESFPs rely on when making decisions. ESFP personalities care deeply about their core values and want to be treated with respect. They highly value authenticity and want to be accepted with all their qualities and flaws, treating others the same way they want to be treated.

In addition to their attention to their inner feeling, ESFPs are also caring, empathetic people with a deep understanding of the needs and wishes of others. Thus, ESFPs are perceived as personalities always ready to offer assistance, especially in tackling practical problems. They want to make people comfortable and satisfied, and will go above and beyond to achieve this goal.

The downside of being a Feeling type is that ESFPs may struggle with accepting criticism, even if it is constructive criticism. They may also take things to heart and get easily insulted. When this happens, ESFP may let their feelings get the best of them and lash out angrily at others.

3. Extroverted Thinking (Te)

This cognitive function is related to ESFPs’ prominent practical side. These personalities are focused on facts and real-life problems, looking for the most efficient solutions. In this way, they are able to take immediate action and see the results of their work. Because of their Te cognitive function, ESFP personalities tend to make instant decisions, trusting their Fi inner instinct to warn them when something does not “feel right.”

Because of this Te function, ESFPs work best with already set systems. Their ability to find the best practical solution will come in handy when the system improvement is needed. Due to their sometimes lacking organizational skills, however, ESFP personalities may struggle with starting completely new projects that demand careful planning.

4. Introverted Intuition (Ni)

Introverted Intuition is the inferior function of an ESFP, meaning that they rarely rely on it when tackling issues. This cognitive function enables people to extract information from various sections of their brains, gather data, and recognize intricate patterns among ideas. In this way, people can predict what the future will look like, skipping several steps in the thinking process.

However, ESFPs are governed by their dominant Se function, and overusing this inferior Ni function may make them vulnerable. For example, this function may convince practical and efficient ESFPs that they don’t have to figure out everything. Furthermore, this Introverted Intuition feature may be overwhelming for ESFPs, since they prefer taking action to contemplating ideas.

Now that we have provided a clearer picture of the ESFP’s four cognitive functions and how they shape this personality type, let’s focus on ESFP strengths and weaknesses.

ESFP Personality Traits

This section will introduce you to the ESFP characteristics that perfectly answer the question of “How to spot an ESFP.” On the other hand, it will provide ESFP personalities the opportunity to read all about their strengths and potential shortcomings in one place and see whether this list aligns with their personal traits. So, here is a shortlist of the most recognizable ESFP strengths and weaknesses that paint a multifaceted portrait of an ESFP personality.

ESFP Strengths

  • ESFPs are enthusiastic and optimistic people

Fun-seeking, vibrant, and energetic ESFP personalities enjoy being the center of attention. Feeling trapped when bored, they are constantly seeking action-packed activities they can share with their friends. However, this constant quest for the “next big thing” may cause others to see them as reckless people who make rushed decisions. Despite this unjust stereotype, ESFP personalities are kind and spontaneous people who like to make others happy.

Another amazing ESFP trait is their optimistic perception of life and the world around them. They tend to enjoy the moment and see the array of possibilities before them, even when times are hard. The perfect example of ESFP’s inexhaustible optimism is the former US president Reagan who said: “I want to be remembered as the president who appealed to people’s best hopes and not their worst fears.”

  • ESFPs are outstanding motivators and supporters

ESFP personalities, as people-oriented types, will do their best to create a positive atmosphere within a team and will make sure that everybody gets along. Observant of other people’s feelings, they will also easily recognize others’ talents and skills and encourage people to showcase them. ESFPs will have no problem presenting their ideas and persuading colleagues to follow their lead. Simultaneously, as team leaders, they will always be ready to hear different ideas that may lead to the most efficient solution.

  • ESFPs are excellent problem solvers

As we have already mentioned, ESFPs focus on the facts they can see or hear, due to their Se cognitive function. After they gather all the facts needed, they will take swift action and provide the practical solution that will solve the problem and bring instant relief.

When you combine their prominent practical side with their in-depth understanding of the needs of others, you will get a caring and warm ESFP personality. They are always willing to help and make someone’s life better.

ESFP Weaknesses

Besides these amazing strengths that make ESFP personalities stand out among other personality types, there are some weaknesses they can strive to overcome.

  • ESFPs can get easily bored 

As much as they enjoy the different adventures they embark on with their friends, ESFPs have a short attention span. Thus, they may get bored after dedicating some time to a single activity. For ESFPs, the world is their oyster full of exciting possibilities, and they don’t like wasting time.

It’s no surprise, then, that they can get easily distracted, especially when faced with too many choices. When this happens, the ESFP personality will make a “spur of the moment” decision, often questioning their choice in hindsight.

  • ESFPs will avoid serious talks and conflicts

As true optimists, ESFP people will often stay away from serious discussions about major issues. Despite the fact that others may see them as superficial because of this trait, ESFPs will always tend to look on the bright side of life.

Also, ESFPs may find engaging in deep intellectual conversations a waste of time. They will also tend to avoid conflicts. For this reason, they may bottle down their true feelings – only to have them spill out in unexpected ways later.

  • ESFPs may struggle with strict plans and schedules

The Perceiving preference is responsible for ESFPs’ distaste for accepting and following detailed plans. They respect the freedom to do things their way. For this reason they will thrive in dynamic, flexible, and fast-paced environments. ESFPs will be stifled by routine or repetitive activities that follow strict schedules.

Some other typical ESFP traits are:

  • Assertive and communicative
  • Fun-loving and entertaining
  • High aesthetic standards
  • Grounded in reality
  • Led by their inner feelings
  • Crave love and acceptance
  • Cannot cope well with criticism
  • Flexible and adaptable

ESFP Relationships

Now, you may think that everyone would like a bubbly, fun-loving, and entertaining ESFP personality in their life. However, this may not always be the case. Each one of the 16 personality types represents a combination of different preferences and cognitive functions. Thus, some of these types from the personality spectrum possess features that are highly compatible with the ESFP ones, while others’ preferences clash with ESFP’s dominant traits.

ESFP Best Matches

In this section, we offer a snippet of ESFP compatibility chart, detailing the personality types ESFPs are most likely to build lasting relationships with.


Best matches for ESFP are: ESFP, ESTP, ESFJ, and ISFP.

In the blue section of the compatibility chart above, you will find the types that may be a perfect match for an ESFP personality. This is just a part of the comprehensive ESFP compatibility chart presented in our ESFP relationships article, you can check out to find out how ESFP gets along with the rest of the 15 personality types.


People may think that two ESFPs would be an ideal match since they share the same preferences that determine their outlook on life. And they would be right to some extent. ESFPs share the love for fun and adventure, always looking for an interesting experience to share. They also enjoy pampering each other, making every day of the relationship count. As caring and observant types they will do their best to meet each other’s needs and to keep their relationship harmonious. However, the mutual tendency to avoid conflicts at all costs may lead to a pileup of suppressed emotions that can seriously damage their relationship later on.

ESFPs will make a powerful team at work due to their ability to solve practical problems in the most efficient way. They are always ready for action and will not stop until the job is done, motivating others to do their best. On the other hand, ESFPs may struggle with following strict plans and organization, so they need to work on improving their organizational skills.


This relationship may have a lot of potential because ESFP and ESTP personality types share the love for fun and adventure and may have an amazing time together. However, ESFPs as people-oriented types will tend to involve others in their fun activities, while action-oriented ESTPs may skip to the next excitement as soon as they get bored. Also, the way these two types express their feelings may become an issue. ESFPs do not reveal their deepest feelings lightly, and tend to be easily hurt. ESTPs, on the other hand, are blunt and direct and may not always consider other people’s feelings. Yet, ESFPs and ESTPs can build a strong relationship if they talk openly about their differences and find a middle ground.


Both ESFP and ESFJ personality types are people-oriented, caring, and energetic, which is a solid foundation for a significant and lasting relationship. Also, they are interested in helping others by offering solutions to the real-world problems. ESFP and ESFJ personality types are amazing communicators who can easily connect on a deeper level by sharing their history and experiences. There is one thing to watch out for, however; ESFPs, who highly appreciate flexibility and freedom to do things their way, may find it hard to accept ESFJ’s highly structured plans.


If they manage to tame their extroverted nature, ESFPs may build a fulfilling relationship with an ISFP personality. These two types share all the preferences except for Extraversion/Introversion, meaning they can be highly compatible if they respect each other’s way of relating to the world. So overall, the people-pleasing ESFP personality may be a perfect match for a caring but private ISFP personality type, who seeks harmony.

ESFPs and ISFPs may complement each other perfectly at the workplace. The ISFP will bring much needed creativity and attention to detail to this team, while the assertive and motivating ESFP will help withdrawn ISFPs to come into the limelight when necessary.

ESFPs and Challenging Opposites

Contrastingly to the “best match” compatibility chart section, the red section of this ESFP relationships chart contains personality types that are highly unlikely to form significant relationships with an ESFP due to their striking differences. However, ESFPs may build lasting relationships with these personality types if they invest significant time and effort in accepting their partners’ differences, and enhancing similarities.

Worst matches for ESFP are: INTP, INTJ, INFJ, and ENTJ.


Let’s see now what we can expect from ESFP relationships with personality types on the opposite side of the 16 personalities spectrum.


These two personality types will probably clash due to their striking differences in values, and outlook on life. INTPs are deep, private individuals who rely on logic and find it hard to express emotions. These traits are the total opposite of the social, communicative, and deeply feeling ESFP. However if they invest serious effort to make the relationship work, ESFPs and INTJs may realize that they complement each other and that the relationship can be a source of mutual personal growth.


Being fascinated with complex intellectual concepts, INTJs tend to spend hours contemplating these in solitude. For this reason, they may come across as arrogant and detached to a bubbly and communicative ESFP. They may find it hard to understand how INTJs prefer to spend time thinking rather than engaging in social interactions. For this reason, a relationship between an ESFP and an INTJ may present a great challenge for both personality types.


INFJs are gentle, private, harmony-seeking types. This may be compatible with a caring and warm ESFP who does not like confrontations. However, INFJs enjoy serious intellectual discussions, which an outgoing ESFP may see as a waste of time. For this reason, they may not find each other compatible, even though this relationship may have significant potential.


ENTJs are intuitive, analytical, and goal-oriented leaders who expect everyone to stick to their carefully devised plan until the job is done. Free-spirited ESFPs may find it hard to accept this assertive behavior, leaving little room for building common ground. In addition, ENTJs can get vocal in expressing their opinions and expectations, sometimes disregarding other people’s feelings. People-oriented and highly-sensitive ESFPs will not cope with this behavior easily.

ESFPs in Different Social Roles

No matter what kind of partner, friend, or colleague they spend time with, ESFPs will contribute to any relationship they create due to the array of amazing personality traits they possess. However, they may work on overcoming some flaws to improve their relations with personality types who are on the opposite side of the 16 personalities spectrum.

Keep on reading to find out what ESFPs are like in various social roles; as lovers, friends, parents and co-workers. If you are an ESFP, you may find out what you can do to improve relationships with certain personality types. Or, if your loved one, friend, or co-worker is an ESFP personality, you may find out what to expect from them in various situations.

The ESFP in a Romantic Relationship

ESFPs are caring and affectionate lovers who like to pamper their partners and meet all their needs. They will go above and beyond to have fun and entertain their loved ones because life is short and every moment counts. For this reason, they like to surprise their partners with “no reason” gifts every once in a while. People who date ESFPs may expect a wild ride filled with numerous exciting activities. Also, ESFPs are great listeners, in sync with other people’s feelings, and willing to do everything to make their loved ones feel better.

ESFPs like dating spontaneous, energetic people who share their joy for life. Therefore, they will likely stay away from people who take things too seriously. Since they are optimistic and fun-loving, ESFPs may not get along with people who do not share their attitude that “the cup is always half-full.”

Also, ESFPs highly appreciate authenticity, craving acceptance and respect from others. So, if they feel disrespected or overshadowed in a relationship, they may either withdraw completely or have an angry outburst. However, if they manage to have a healthy relationship with their own emotions and if they overcome their fear of conflict to communicate their needs, they will be able to form lasting relationships with most personality types.

The ESFP as a Friend

As social butterflies who always seek adventure and people to share the lust for life, ESFPs make friends easily, and will make sure that their friends have a great time. They also care about their friends’ feelings and will do everything to make them feel better when they are down. ESFPs are the first to offer assistance and think of the most practical solutions to real-life problems.

Although they are open and outgoing, ESFPs tend to share their deepest thoughts and feelings only with their closest friends. People may need some time to gain the ESFP’s trust, but once they do, they will have a devoted friend for life.

The ESFP as a Parent

ESFP parents are warm and caring people who love spending time with their children, engaging them in various activities. So, there will never be a dull moment in an ESFP home because they will tend to fill it with endless fun and laughter. ESFPs will also be motivating and supportive parents, encouraging children to learn from experience and choose their life path. However, they may struggle with imposing structure and discipline in their children’s lives because they prioritize freedom and flexibility over organization and planning.

The ESFP in the Workplace

ESFPs are known for their love of high aesthetic standards, so they will do their best to turn their work environment into a comfortable but productive space that everyone will enjoy. People-oriented ESFP personalities will be exceptional team members who motivate others to showcase their skills and talents to get the job done. As persuasive and assertive team leaders, they will have no problem getting people to support their solutions. Simultaneously, they will encourage every team member to share their ideas, making sure that everybody gets along.

ESFPs love to work in a dynamic, fast-paced environment where they can do things their own way, without being constrained by strict, step-by-step plans.

ESFP Careers

Now that we have shown you what ESFPs are like as lovers, friends, parents, and co-workers, keep reading. You will find out what ESFP career matches are, and what careers ESFPs may want to avoid according to their preferences and personality traits.

ESFP Career Matches

  • Career in show business or performing arts

Since the ESFP personality type is also referred to as the Entertainer, the stage is a natural environment for them. They are energetic and enthusiastic performers, always seeking attention and action. For these reasons, careers in acting or music, as well as any other performing art may be a perfect fit for a born showmaker like the ESFP.

  • Aesthetic-related careers 

ESFPs are known for their evolved sense of style. They enjoy absorbing the beauty around them and love playing with various patterns and textures. This means that being a fashion or interior designer would be a perfect ESFP job. They have the ability to discern beauty where others fail to see it and incorporate it in fashion or home decor. Therefore, a personal stylist may also be an excellent career choice for an ESFP personality.

As fun-loving people pleasers, ESFP may find party planning to be a perfect career. They have a deep understanding of other people’s wishes and needs and will go above and beyond to fulfill them. Furthermore, ESFPs are amazing communicators who will make sure everybody is satisfied, from customers to suppliers and venue owners.

  • People-oriented careers

Although all the careers we have named are people-centered in a way, the following jobs focus on helping people solve problems or reach their potential. And these are careers where the ESFP personality can showcase all their amazing qualities. Teaching is an ideal ESFP job because they are great motivators who can recognize their students’ talents and encourage them to excel on a daily basis. Furthermore, they will easily persuade students to follow instructions until they reach a set goal.

Social worker is another people-centered career ESFPs may find rewarding, because they can tackle real-life problems to offer relief and a better life to people in need. ESFPs enjoy helping others feel better by solving practical problems. They are also kind and compassionate personalities, which is essential in this line of work.

ESFP Careers to Avoid

ESFP personalities are flexible, free-spirited people who go with the flow. They enjoy tackling present problems, taking action the minute they find practical solutions. They enjoy working in dynamic and motivating environments, sharing their work with others. Routine and repetitive jobs bore them easily, and they will get easily distracted and lose much needed focus. Furthermore, ESFPs often despise plans and strictly structured jobs and may not cope well with meeting deadlines. So, here is a list of ESFP careers that may not be a good fit for their personality type:

  • System Analyst
  • Tech Support
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Accountant
  • Attorney
  • Judge
  • Auditor
  • Economist

ESFP Famous People

It is not surprising that the world of show business is crammed with Entertainers or ESFP types. We will offer you a shortlist of famous people from different walks of life in this section, showcasing what a wide range of different characters falls under the ESFP personality type.

ESFP Actors/Actresses

Attention-seeking ESFP people whose goal is to entertain others may see the stage as their natural environment. As Sensing types, they are expressive actors who use concrete details to gain a deeper understanding of their roles, so that they can bring their characters to life, on screen or stage.

  • Marylin Monroe
  • Elizabeth Taylor
  • Betty White
  • Bob Hope
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Judy Garland
  • Will Smith
  • Judy Garland

These are only some of numerous famous ESFPs you may find in the acting world. You will find an extensive list of famous ESFP people here.

ESFP Musicians

Bursting with energy, outstanding stage presence, and edgy performance power, ESFP musicians will do their best to keep you entertained. Here are some of the most famous ESFP music stars:

  • Elvis Presley
  • Adam Levine
  • Justin Bieber
  • Miley Cyrus
  • Dolly Parton
  • Katy Perry
  • Pink
  • James Brown
  • Ray Charles
  • Harry Styles

ESFP Leaders and Entrepreneurs

These famous leaders are ambitious and assertive with an optimistic world outlook. They are also motivating and persuasive, meaning they will get people to support their ideas in no time.

Some of the famous ESFP leaders and entrepreneurs are:

  • Peter the Great
  • Lord Nelson
  • Desmond Tutu
  • Idi Amin
  • Ronald Reagan
  • Larry Ellison
  • Howard Shultz
  • Mark Cuban
  • Richard Branson

ESFP Characters

There is an array of fictional characters with typical ESFP traits people enjoy watching in films, or TV shows, or meet in literature. Here are some of them:

  • Will,   “About a Boy”
  • Finn the Human,  “Adventure Time”
  • Jasmine,  “Aladdin”
  • Stepan Arkadyich Obłoński,  “Anna Karenina”
  • Korra, “Avatar: Legend of Korra”
  • Gaston,  “Beauty and the Beast”
  • Captain Jack Harkness  “Dr. Who”
  • Peter Griffin,  “Family Guy”
  • Cisco Ramon,  “The Flash”
  • Joey , “Friends”
  • Anna,  “Frozen”
  • Cersei Lannister, “Game of Thrones”
  • Fredo Corleone, “The Godfather”
  • Blanche, “The Golden Girls”
  • Princess Margaret,  “The Crown”
  • Michael Kelso,  “That 70’s Show”
  • Daisy Buchannan, “The Great Gatsby”
  • Homer Simpson, “The Simpsons”
  • Avon Barksdale, “The Wire”

ESFP Humor

These fun-loving personalities have a light-hearted sense of humor that can make everyone laugh. As natural entertainers, they do not shy away from physical, slapstick humor, filled with hilarious tripping and falling. They will not mind making jokes at their own expense as long as they make others laugh. However, they will not engage in practical jokes if they think that they will hurt anyone’s feelings. For the same reason, they don’t like using sarcasm or irony.

When other people joke about ESFP personality, they tend to make fun of their friendly and extroverted nature. Also, they make hilarious memes about ESFPs’ limited attention span and their need to be in the center of attention. If you visit social media platforms like Reddit or Pinterest you will find an array of excellent examples of ESFP humor.

Here are couple of them, just to give you a hint:

ESFP Meme 2 ESFP Meme 3






ESFP Meme 1