INFJ is the most mystical and empathetic out of all the 16 personality types. They are also the rarest of all the types, making up just 1.5% of the US population. How to spot an INFJ?
These people often have a very well-developed intuition that hardly ever serves them wrong. Others often perceive them as wise, all-knowing and almost psychic in nature, because of their foresightfulness.
There is nothing supernatural about them though; their precognition makes perfect sense when we look at their preferences — Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Judging.
These quiet and peaceful introverts are a very valued presence in the lives of people around them — but why? How to spot an INFJ among other introverted types?
What makes them so special and impactful for others and why are they so different from other introverted intuitive types? How do they compare to, say, an INTJ? Or to an INFP?
In order to understand INFJs better, this article will weigh them against other personality types. You will be able to see their similarities and differences.
Hopefully by the end of this piece, you will have a deeper knowledge of how to spot an INFJ and what makes them such unique individuals.
Page Contents
INFJ Characteristics
The INFJ is the personality type that is most likely to be perceived as mystical, wise and understanding. These people have a knack for telling complex emotions apart — but what else are they known for? Here’s a short list:
- They need time away from others to recharge, like most introverts, but are able to make deep and meaningful relationships with people
- They have a sturdy belief and value system, that they won’t hesitate to stand up for
- They’re soft spoken and empathetic
- They’re idealistic, but in a realistic sense, rather than seeing the world through rose-colored glasses
- They like to plan, but when a decision needs to be made, they take into consideration how it can impact the outside world and people around them
How To Spot An INFJ – Key Differences from Other Personality Types
Something important that you should be aware of is that each personality type is made up of a combination of different Preferences. These preferences are:
- Extraversion (E) vs. Introversion (I)
- Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N)
- Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F)
- Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P)
Next to that, we also have different cognitive functions: Introverted Feeling or Extraverted Sensing, for example. This means that no two extroverted personality types are the same — because their other functions differ from one another.
Given these differences, we figured that the best way to illustrate how to best spot an INFJ was to compare them to the other 15 personality types.
INFJs vs SJ Temperament Types
SJ temperament types (ESTJ, ESFJ, ISTJ and ISFJ) are driven by the Sensing and Judging preferences. These personality types are very structured and like establishing and following rules.
To them, strategizing, careful planning and abiding by an organization’s norms and traditions are essential for society’s smooth existence. Their core philosophy resonates with INFJs to some extent, as they are also very orderly.
However, while SJ types are practical and deeply rooted in reality, INFJs like to dream and float around looking to answer the question “What if?”
The ESTJ personality type – The Administrator (A.K.A Executive) – is driven by traditional values, such as honesty, leading by example, and putting utmost dedication in their work.
ESTJs are guided by Extraverted Thinking as their Dominant function, which means that they rely heavily on logic and facts when a decision needs to be made.
They largely disregard their feelings when such a time comes, in order to reach a rational and objective conclusion.
They are also very practical — you won’t be able to interest them in theoretical or abstract ideas and concepts. Things that they can’t see, touch or see the practical implication for, can quickly cause them to lose interest.
INFJs perceive and interact with the world in a completely opposite way to ESTJs. Their dominant Introverted Intuition makes them focus more on the future than at the current reality.
They like to daydream and their head always seems to be in the clouds. Their imagination knows no bounds and this is why they are much more interested in the big picture, rather than in individual details.
INFJs intuitively sense connections between concepts and patterns and they don’t have to go in deep thought to figure them out. Their intuition is so advanced and perceptive, that it seems mystical at times.
The Auxiliary function of INFJs, which is Extroverted Feeling, means that when making decisions, they focus on their own feelings about the situation, as well as in what way it will impact those around them. This importance on emotions can often overrule common sense and logic for them.
Essentially, ESTJs and INFJs don’t have much in common — except for their judging nature. The difference in their values and life philosophy is drastic, and these two types may never truly understand where the other is coming from.
This should show you how differently Judging can be expressed by different types, and how a shared preference doesn’t necessarily equal harmony and mutual understanding.
The ESFJ personality type – The Caregiver (A.K.A Consul) – is an extremely caretaking type. They are nurturing, supportive and always looking out for the wellbeing of everyone around them.
ESFJs want to be accepted by society so they are likely to stick to established social norms in order to get in the good graces of those around them.
Their dominant cognitive function is Extraverted Feeling and as such, they have no trouble adjusting their behavior to fit the needs of whoever requires it.
It makes them extremely considerate people but also judging, as they tend to make their mind up about people and situations based on what their gut tells them. This can lead them to false perceptions of people, due to needlessly harsh judgements.
INFJs are also very oriented toward other people’s feelings and wellbeing. They like to make sure that everyone is okay and happy, and are willing to go out of their way to ensure this is so.
People from this personality type are guided by empathy and they often offer the right kind of emotional support when needed. They aren’t intrusive but hold deep respect toward other people.
However, even if both INFJs and ESFJs are guided by a sense of compassion, ESFJs are much more practical and pragmatic than the NF personality type.
Social norms are important to INFJs, however if something goes against their strongly established values, they wouldn’t be willing to just roll with it. ESFJs and INFJs share some similarities in caring for other people and the ability to empathize with them.
However, there are some major differences between them as well — the main one being the direction of their energy (Introvert vs Extrovert), as well as the degree of their willingness to bend their own personality in order to fit into social settings.
The ISTJ personality type – The Archivist (A.K.A Logistician) – is hard working and orderly, and people of this type carefully consider their decisions and actions.
Guided by Introverted Sensing as their Dominant function, these people have a very keen sense of right and wrong. They are very efficient and logical and when they seek a solution to a problem, they will take the most rational way possible.
Very principled, they always believe that work comes before play. The most important thing for people of this personality type is to be efficient, productive and deliver results that are in line with expectations.
Their blunt approach and hard honesty might make them seem cold and robotic, but they just don’t like to waste their precious time with unnecessary pleasantries.
INFJs share some similarities with ISTJs. INFJs also value order and dedication to hard work, but they can only commit 100% if they are passionate about the task at hand.
INFJs are extremely idealistic and want to actively help change the world. They are likely to find a desk job at a bank uninspiring and dull, as it doesn’t fit their activist vision.
In fact, INFJs are very picky about their ideal working place — it’s interesting to dig deeper into their work habits and best career matches.
Moving away from occupations, INFJs are also very responsible. You can always count on them to get the job done on time — they take deadlines very seriously and not as something that is optional.
ISTJs have a lot in common with INFJs — except for the mystical empathetic nature of the latter, which is unmatched by any other personality type.
Something else that sets them apart is that while Examiners are practical and pragmatic, INFJs are guided by their feelings and strong emotional core. This doesn’t correspond with the ISTJ way of living life and can cause a possible rift between these two.
The ISFJ personality type – The Defender – are loyal, quiet, and kindhearted people pleasers. They go above the expectations of what others required from them, but aren’t too fast to take the credit for their accomplishments.
In fact, their humbleness is one of the biggest challenges for them to overcome. Their dominant function is Introverted Sensing, which (similarly to ISTJs) makes them prone to focus on details and concrete information.
However, in contrast to ISTJs, their Feeling preference means they are more sensitive, empathetic and emotionally expressive. This personality type is firmly grounded in reality and respects traditional norms.
Their decision-making process relies on past experiences in order to more accurately determine the best possible course of action in the current situation.
INFJs can find a kindred spirit in ISFJs. They share their emotional expressiveness and care for their community, and the world as a whole.
This is because of their shared Feeling preference, which compels them to follow their heart and emotional drive. They are also prone to projecting other people’s feelings as their own.
However, both ISFJs and INFJs should be careful, as they can easily get too invested in the well-being of people around them, causing them to burn out or fall into a melancholy state.
Another thing these two personalities don’t agree on is the extent to which one should be grounded in reality — INFJs prefer to dream big and bold, no matter the situation. Their imagination simply cannot be controlled, even if such an attempt is made.
INFJs and ISFJs look very similar to one another. The main difference between them comes when we compare their dominant cognitive functions — Ni for INFJs and Si for ISFJs.
This means that ISFJs are more realistic and practical, compared to an INFJ. They are likely to have more grounded expectations and reactions than their idealistic counterpart.
ISFJs also prefer to stick to what they know when problems need solving, whereas the creative INFJ would opt for a more unconventional method. However, both types enjoy structure and order, are sensitive and caring, and live according to their principles.
INFJs vs SP Temperament Types
SP temperament types (ESTP, ESFP, ISTP and ISFP) are driven by the Sensing and Perceiving preferences. These personality types are spontaneous and good at thinking on their feet. They often like to tinker with various gadgets and tools, and make great artists.
Personality types from the SP temperament are fun, energetic and are always up for telling a good story — which is why INFJs are likely to find them very exhausting.
While they share some characteristics, such as seeing the big picture and disliking routine, SP types largely lack INFJs intensity and depth in relationships.
The ESTP personality type – The Daredevil (A.K.A Entrepreneur) – is a people magnet — charming, talkative and entertaining, these people are extremely outgoing and love socializing.
They love nothing more than to be the center of attention and are very adept at knowing how to keep that attention on them. ESTPs don’t particularly like abstract theories, and instead enjoy living in the here and now.
Their dominant function is Extraverted Sensing, which means that they get energized most when interacting with people and living in the moment.
Because of that, they tend to be extremely outgoing, sensation-seeking and engaging, to the point that some people find keeping up with them too intense.
INFJs have an NF personality type, which means they are sensitive, empathetic and idealistic. They enjoy forming deep and meaningful relationships and are invested in understanding people on a deeper level.
Given all their idealism, they may sometimes lose track of reality and get lost in their own minds. This is something that an ESTP can’t understand.
They are a very in-the-moment kind of people, which brings a sort of practicality with it. They like to live in reality, as it has so much to offer for them and they are too busy experiencing every second of it.
ESTPs like to communicate in a straightforward and concrete manner, while when INFJs talk, they talk in a more abstract and what-could-be way. To an ESTP this is a waste of time.
Essentially, INFJs and ESTPs don’t have much in common — including no shared Preference. They have very differing viewpoints on life and place importance on vastly different things.
One is focused on the future, the other on living in the moment. One is very involved in their own inner world, while the other surrounds themselves with people and things.
One prioritizes quality over quantity, while the other is more prone to feeling like they are missing out on life. We will let you figure out which is which.
The ESFP personality type – The Entertainer – is the epitome of a social butterfly. These people love to entertain others and nothing gives them more joy than spending time with their friends.
ESFPs don’t know the definition of the word “boring” — because it’s never boring where they are. They don’t particularly like learning from books and lectures — nothing beats a hands-on experience for them.
Curious, talkative and energetic, they always make an appearance, wherever they go. ESFPs “here and now” mentality can sometimes cause them future problems, and their dislike for routine and organization makes them appear unreliable.
INFJs have a very different energy, compared to ESFPs. They like thinking about things more in depth and make an effort to understand the underlying causes of things.
To them, the meaning of symbols, patterns and metaphors is easy to grasp, even without much explanation. Their high intuition is to blame for that. INFJs enjoy reading — given their Introverted nature.
They don’t have any trouble being alone for prolonged periods of time, as they love spending time with themselves. This shy and mystical personality type prefers to blend in with their surroundings, rather than be the center of the spotlight like ESFPs.
What is interesting about ESTPs and INFJs is that their Inferior functions mirror the dominant one in the other. The INFJ Inferior function is Se, which is dominant in ESTPs, and in return ESTPs struggle with their Ni, which is dominant in INFJs.
This means that they have the potential to balance each other out very well — much like what is described in this article.
These two are more united by their Feeling preference, which means that they both put more emphasis on personal feelings, rather than logical facts when a decision needs to be made.
Both are also deeply empathetic and find it easy to put themselves in the shoes of another person.
The ISTP personality type – The Tinkerer (A.K.A Virtuosos) – is handy by every definition. These people enjoy tinkering, deconstructing things to see how they work and then putting them back together again.
They are very results-oriented and waste no time when a solution to a problem is needed. ISTPs are guided by Introverted Thinking as their Dominant cognitive function.
This means that they spend a lot of time dealing with problems in their heads, which makes them appear quiet and stoic. Because of their preference to logical thinking, they often address situations from an objective point of view, rather than an emotional one.
INFJs are much more detached from reality, preferring to live in their heads, rather than have a hands-on mentality. They are very focused on the future, which to a Sensor type, such as the ISTP, won’t make sense at all.
Sensors aren’t very bothered by things that can happen 10 years in the future, since for them the most important thing is making the best out of the present.
INFJs can somewhat relate to the reserved ISTPs, since they themselves like to spend time in comfortable solitude. INFJs are very socially appropriate and easily offer comfort and reassurance.
They are regarded as being warm, but stubborn, as once they make their mind about something, they would be very unwilling to accept any further facts.
ISTPs and INFJs don’t have much in common. They share just one common preference — Introversion, which makes them quiet, laid-back and in deep harmony with themselves.
However, besides that, an INFJ might find it difficult to relate to the spontaneous, flexible and relaxed ISTP.
Objective decision-making, rather than emotional, is also something an INFJ will not agree with and cannot fully comprehend, unless put in an extreme situation (because of their Tertiary Ti).
The ISFP personality type – The Adventurer – is kind, sensitive and quiet. They are known for being considerate and peaceful, and accepting people for who they are.
Their Dominant Introverted Feeling function means that this type processes information based on their own inner feelings about it. ISFPs value their freedom greatly — but for them this freedom translates to a process of constant self-reinvention.
It also means that they dislike commitments — which can cause problems in relationships. Just like others from the SP temperament type, they identify more as doers rather than dreamers, and are firmly rooted in reality.
INFJs are also very considerate people and accept others for who they are. They don’t like changing people and are aware of everyone’s own individual uniqueness.
However, they have a preference for Intuition, rather than Sensing. This means that their interaction with the world is more connected to seeing the bigger picture and not focusing on small details.
Still, INFJs have Extraverted Sensing as their less intense cognitive functions, which means that in some situations they may take in information objectively, through their senses, rather than relying solely on their intuition.
Even so, they do this to a lesser extent, given the order of their cognitive functions. And while ISFPs don’t handle commitment well, being able to make a deep and meaningful connection (and to keep it) is of the essence to an INFJ.
Although they may look similar, INFJs and ISFPs have very different approaches to life. INFJs are imaginative, idealistic and may seem a bit naive, whereas ISFPs like staying in the present and living in the moment.
They don’t understand how reality can be so uninspiring and even dull for INFJs, when to themselves it has so much to offer. And even though they have a shared Feeling cognitive function, they express it differently, as one is Fe and the other is Fi.
Fe people are very concerned with the wellbeing of others and are willing to bend over backwards to please someone else, while Fi people have a strong inner sense of values and try to help others according to what they’re told.
INFJs vs NT Temperament Types
NT temperament types (ENTJ, ENTP, INTJ and INTP) are driven by the Intuition and Perceiving preferences. These personality types are very intelligent, determined and independent.
They are driven by their desire to master as much knowledge as possible and are considered to be high achievers. They value reason and logic, and have a low tolerance for people who can’t keep up with their intellectual wit.
INFJs find common ground with these types when it comes to their shared curiosity and innovative ideas. However, the NT preference to solve problems via logic doesn’t particularly appeal to the conceptual INFJs.
The ENTJ personality type – The General (A.K.A Commander) – is a natural and decisive leader. People from this personality type are analytical, tend to be hard-working and are dedicated to the task at hand.
They are good at taking action, spotting problems and making decisions based on objective and logical criteria. ENTJs are outspoken, have good people skills and are well organized.
Their Dominant cognitive function is Extraverted Thinking, which makes them quick at making decisions and acting on those decisions in an organized manner.
Their Auxiliary function, Introverted Intuition, makes them more future-oriented and considerate of all possible outcomes when a decision is needed.
Even though INFJs aren’t very analytical, they are also known to be hard workers. They can focus better on their work if they are passionate about what they are doing or if they perceive it as something meaningful, that can impact the world in a positive way.
Even if they don’t, however, they are still very diligent with their tasks, as INFJs have a strong sense of responsibility. Guided by their Introverted Intuition, INFJs are also future-oriented, similarly to ENTJs. They don’t dwell much in the past, only using it to guide their plans for the future.
ENTJs and INFJs share some similarities in their sequential way of thinking and tendency to be organized and to plan ahead. They are also intuitive people, who rely more on inner hunches than on what their environment is telling them.
This intuition, however, is expressed in a more people-oriented way for INFJs. They are always curious as to what people around them think because this helps them build upon their own imagination.
In comparison, ENTJs have a tendency to overlook the opinions of others, leaning toward their own intuition at all times.
The ENTP personality type – The Defender – is one of the most intellectually oriented personality types, who loves debating and challenging concepts and ideas.
These people are very quick witted and will challenge those who accuse them of being wrong, even if they are a little stunned at first that anyone could think such a thing.
They are in constant pursuit of knowledge and get great satisfaction by listening to others’ points of view, and then comparing it to their own.
This personality type is guided by the Extraverted Intuition cognitive function, which helps them process information quickly and gives them a holistic way of thinking.
INFJs Dominant function is Introverted Intuition (Ni). In a sense this is similar to Ne, which is what ENTPs are guided by, but it has some key differences.
Ni people are very future oriented and often (after giving it some thought) arrive at a conclusion about what could happen. This eerie quality of theirs makes them appear as mystical psychics who can predict the future.
INFJs are also very open to opinions of others and are able to put themselves in their shoes, but can get touchy if someone comments on a topic that is important to them. These people have very strong values and beliefs and they don’t take lightly if someone disrespects them.
INFJs and ENTPs don’t have much in common, other than their shared Intuitive preference. When compared, INFJs are significantly more sensitive and very perceptive to the emotional states of other people.
ENTPs stray away from such situations and take a more pragmatic and logical approach to making decisions. Both types get easily bored, but getting them out of this rut varies.
For ENTPs this means trying out different things and changing their environment frequently. And for INFJs it means reminding themselves about why they are doing what they are doing — knowing that their actions are meaningful is the key to keeping them happy.
The INTJ personality type – The Mastermind (A.K.A Architect) – is convinced that there is nothing that human intelligence can’t overcome. They thrive on discipline and knowledge and spend most of their time trying to improve situations based on careful analysis.
INTJs are confident in their abilities, are skilled strategists and strive for perfection. Guided by Introverted Intuition, they are gifted with both an analytical and conceptual mind that can easily interpret meaning from patterns. They enjoy exploring possibilities and reading between the lines to grasp the deeper meaning of a situation.
INFJs enjoy the freedom that flexibility allows them to have, but agree that coming up with a detailed plan and sticking to it is important. Similarly to INTJs, when presented with changes INFJs also need some time to recalibrate their plan in order to fit the new needs.
Both types prefer an orderly and structured environment, which is in line with their inner processes, and are very put off by chaos. Both types are very independent and like working alone.
The only difference between them comes when looking at their decision-making process. INFJs are Feelers, which means they rely on their emotions more, while INTJs are Thinkers, which means that they are more objective when coming to a decision.
Sharing an Intuition preference makes both INFJ and INTJ good at conceptual thinking and makes them likely to think about the future. They both enjoy spending time alone, processing situations and following carefully laid out plans.
Their approach to problems is methodical and structured, and both are naturally creative thinkers, often bringing innovative ideas as solutions to problems.
The INTP personality type – The Logician – is very logically inclined, and people of this type pride themselves on their rationality, intellect and ability to offer unique solutions to problems.
They don’t see much value in emotions, so it’s unrealistic to expect emotional support from them — instead they will offer a practical solution to the problem at hand.
This can make them seem very cold and reserved, which they aren’t very bothered by. INTPs are guided by Introverted Thinking, which makes them want to tear things apart just to see how they work. They often want to understand something completely to its core before offering advice or a solution to the problem.
INFJs are much more emotional than INTPs, which can cause confusion for the latter, as they don’t find logic in emotions. INFJs rely more on their creativity and imagination to solve issues, rather than aiming to support their ideas with logical and objective facts.
When someone comes to an INFJ for support, they will likely be inclined to offer supportive and empathetic understanding, rather than try to solve the problem straight away.
To them, being seen as a safe haven and someone to count on for emotional help is more important than giving helpful, but cold and logical, advice.
INTPs and INFJs don’t have much in common — except for their shared Intuitive and Introverted preference, which make them more inclined to follow their gut feeling and more withdrawn within themselves.
INTPs don’t understand emotionality and don’t see any use of it, while INFJs don’t understand acting on pure logic and consider it cold and insensitive.
However both of these personality types are incredibly curious about the world around them and seek to understand it better — they just have different methods of doing so.
INFJs and NF Temperament Types
NF temperament types (ENFP, ENFJ, INFP and INFJ) are driven by Intuition and Feeling preferences. These personality types are empathetic, generous and project deep emotions.
One of their biggest aspirations is to know themselves better and be accepted for who they are. They are good at sensing and identifying the feelings of those around them and are very caring individuals.
Something that often guides NF’s is their natural idealism and unique perception of the world. They will protect and stand up for their values, as well as for causes they believe in. INFs are also a part of this temperament type.
The ENFJ personality type – The Guide (A.K.A Protagonist) – is warm, passionate and charismatic. These people like to help others reach their full potential because they believe in the people around them.
Others are in turn inspired by ENFJs’ passion and idealism and are eager to follow them. ENFJs are deeply caring and affectionate, with excellent language skills which make it easy for their messages to be properly understood.
They are guided by Extraverted Feeling, which means that other people’s feelings resonate strongly with them. It also means that they place more importance on their personal thoughts about a topic, rather than on objective facts, when a decision needs to be made.
INFJs are also compassionate and caring, having the great ability to empathize deeply with others. They have a similar inspiring trait as ENFJs, which can easily get people to follow their idealism.
Just like ENFJs, INFJs are used to tuning into other people. They can empathize so well, they can find themselves carrying other people’s burdens.
These personalities share 3 preferences, however the one that differs gives ENFJs more pleasure when dealing with people, while INFJs prefer spending more time alone.
INFJs and ENFJs have a lot in common — given that they share the same temperament type. However, they do have some differences.
The main one is that while ENFJs like surrounding themselves with people, this is something that drains INFJs out and they need their solitude.
This doesn’t make INFJs less caring toward people, they simply need more alone time when they can recharge and reflect on their experiences in peace.
Both types can sometimes ignore their own emotions and feelings on a subject, as they are too focused on people around them. This can cause them to get hurt, if they aren’t careful.
The ENFP personality type – The Optimist (A.K.A Campaigner) – is energetic, idealistic and creative. These people always know how to make an impression and are filled with good intentions about everyone around them.
They aren’t judging and instead embrace the uniqueness of character of everyone they meet. ENFPs are prone to feeling bored, which is why they need constant excitement in their lives to feel happy and fulfilled.
It’s easy for them to find friends anywhere they go — given that they can connect to others so easily, but they also prioritize having deep and meaningful connections.
INFJs are also idealistic and strive to leave the world a better place, similarly to ENFPs, but they take their mission much more seriously.
Both types dislike conflict, but while ENFPs are willing to bend their views in order to avoid it, INFJs can get touchy if someone questions one of their deeply held values.
INFJs also sometimes have problems when it comes to distinguishing someone else’s feelings from their own — they can be so caring for others that they can easily forget to take care of themselves.
A natural introvert, an INFJ is more private and tends to keep to themselves, compared to the more energetic and people-person ENFPs.
ENFPs and INFJs don’t have much in common other than their common temperament type. Introverted INFJs are more reserved and quiet compared to bubbly and outgoing ENFPs.
Both types are idealistic and their gaze is focused on future possibilities. ENFPs like to avoid conflict when they can, even if it means compromising their beliefs, whereas INFJs are always ready to stand up for their values, even if everyone is against them.
Both types take great pleasure in helping others and guiding them to be the best possible version of themselves.
The INFP personality type – The Mediator – is the true idealist out of all the 16 personalities. These people are reserved and quiet but always see the good in people, and are deeply sensitive.
INFPs make for great friends, as they can empathize deeply and sincerely. Guided by Introverted Feeling as their Dominant cognitive function, this personality type likes to process their emotions inwardly.
They are also very compassionate and have a superior sense of emotionality. INFPs are very sensitive to criticism, as they tend to take everything too personally. This can often hurt their emotional nature and cause them to overthink.
INFJs and INFPs are very similar personalities, to the point that it’s difficult to tell them apart. However, if you’re wondering how to spot an INFJ, focus on their ability to be more aware of other people’s feelings rather than their own.
This is because of their Extroverted Feeling function, which makes them incredibly empathic and sensitive to outside emotions. They are also more analytical and seek to gain deeper insights about subjects.
They like to read about psychology, spirituality and personal growth, while INFPs are more interested in exploring the human condition.
If you’re still unsure how to spot an INFJ, pay attention to their tendency to understand motivations and emotions on a broader, outward level, rather than focusing solely on introspection.
They are more likely to try to get a deeper understanding of the character’s motivations and desires, instead of focusing too much on the plot.
In a lot of ways INFPs and INFJs may come across as identical personality types, but they also differ on a lot of levels.
On a surface level, INFJs seem organized and structured, however inside they might struggle to feel “together.” This is because of their dominant Introverted Intuition, which makes their internal landscape more perceiver-like. Knowing how to spot an INFJ can help you recognize these subtle contrasts.
On the other hand, INFPs come across as very flexible and relaxed on the outside, but on the inside they’re more rigid and structured, which are typical Judging characteristics.
How to Spot an INFJ
As you can see, it’s easy for INFJs to connect to nearly any other personality type. Their non-confrontational nature and deep acceptance of others—regardless of differences—make them uniquely approachable and comforting to be around.
If you’ve ever encountered someone who seems to intuitively understand your emotions, actively listens without judgment, and genuinely seeks to help you find clarity, you might have just met an INFJ.
How to spot an INFJ often lies in observing their rare combination of empathy and insight. INFJs are not only highly attuned to the feelings of others but also possess a visionary quality that helps them see the bigger picture.
They’re often the people who seem wise beyond their years, offering thoughtful advice and a safe emotional space. Pay attention to those who balance a deep concern for others with a quiet, reflective demeanor; this balance is one of the hallmarks of the INFJ personality.
Given these traits, it’s easy to see why so many people gravitate toward INFJs. Whether in romance, friendship, or professional environments, INFJs are often the ones who make others feel truly seen and heard.
This ability to connect on such a profound level is one of the reasons why people often describe interactions with INFJs as both healing and inspiring.
If you want to learn more about the potential relationships that INFJs can have with the other types (in terms of romance, friendship and work), we wrote a whole article about that.