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ENTP Relationships with Other Personality Types

ENTP Relationship Featured

The ENTP personality type is not only one of the rarest, but also one of the most charismatic and inspiring personalities. With their love for adventure, their never-ceasing creativity, and their unique sense of humor, ENTPs are often the desired friends and preferred partners. But, just like with every personality type, they have their flaws and incompatibilities, especially when viewed from the perspective of other types. This article will help you better understand these relationships and will expand on ENTPs’ best and worst qualities in relation to other personality types. In addition to that, we’ll answer the following questions:

  • What is the ENTP partner like?
  • What is the best match for an ENTP?
  • Which types make the best friends for ENTPs?
  • Which types have a good work dynamic with ENTPs?
Before we dive in let’s make sure you know your personality type! Head over to our comprehensive personality test to find out!

ENTP Relationships and Dating

ENTPs are extremely friendly and outgoing, and with a penchant for finding out how things work and what makes others tick. They’re empathetic and compassionate, always there when you need a friend, a listener, or a shoulder to cry on. However, this doesn’t mean that they’re particularly good at expressing their own feelings and emotions. Often afraid to show their vulnerability and weaknesses, they hide behind the mask of humor – one of their strongest weapons. Don’t worry though – with some patience, understanding, and good communication (something that the ENTPs are famous for), things will fall into place and your relationship will thrive. And here’s the best part – the ENTP personality is anything but boring when it comes to relationships and dating. They’re flexible, energetic, and playful, always ready to surprise their partners and friends with thoughtful dinners, spontaneous trips, or a gallery or museum visit, where they’ll be able to stand out with their extensive knowledge and enthusiasm.

If you wish to know more about their traits and characteristics, you can read our article on ENTP personality traits.

ENTP Dating

Unlike their introverted friends, the ENTPs (Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving) charge their batteries by socializing and interacting with other people. They’re always up for exchanging ideas, debating, or even just bantering with some dry, sarcastic jokes – this is absolutely their strength. When it comes to dating, the ENTP personality seeks constant growth, both individually and relationally. They find a great deal of happiness in situations and activities that improve their knowledge and creative skills. This can often be challenging to their partners, but, trust us, the work is worth it. As they say – keep your eyes on the prize.

ENTP Best Match

Despite the fact that this type is extroverted and therefore extremely social and outgoing, the ENTP’s perceptive nature actually makes a great match with other personality types who use Introverted Intuition as their dominant function, such as INTJs and INFJs. You’ll recognize these amazing partnerships quite easily – after all, “a match made in heaven” is an expression for a reason. The high energy levels and the unstoppable enthusiasm of the ENTP personality type pairs perfectly with the calming, laid-back nature of both the INTJ and INFJ types, which creates a nurturing balance that brings comfort to both partners.

ENTP Compatibility

ENTP compatibility with other personality types is quite impressive, partially due to their incredible conversational skills, extensive knowledge on a vast variety of subjects, and their mastery of humor. However, just like with the process of examining potential matches based on zodiac signs, there are many different factors that determine the quality of your relationship with an ENTP.

In order to better picture the possible differences between the ENTP and another personality type, we must imagine differences in temperaments and consider the way that certain personality types express themselves. As you know, the ENTPs are extremely energetic and often feel the need to be in the spotlight – this could be considered overwhelming to more introverted types, and could potentially be a dealbreaker. Other differences in personality traits could arise from incompatibility in a sense of humor, the pace of life, or even preferences on simple, day-to-day activities.

In general, ENTPs get along better with other Intuitive types, rather than Sensing ones. Yes, in the end, it’s all subjective – but let’s focus on science for a bit and get into the details of ENTP compatibility with others. The rest of this article focuses on ENTP’s matches with all the other personality types. You’ll find out what works and what doesn’t in terms of friendship, romance, work, and other partnerships between the different personalities.

ENTP Compatibility Chart

To illustrate ENTP’s compatibility with other personality types, we have made a chart, divided by each temperament type. The color coding for the chart is as follows:

Blue – types that are most similar to ENTPs in terms of values, interests, and life philosophies.
Green – types that are quite similar to ENTPs but have intriguing differences, which can produce a healthy relationship with plenty of personality growth opportunities.
Yellow – types that are somewhat similar to ENTPs and could be compatible with them, but some work will be needed to make things thrive.
Red – types that are polar opposites to ENTPs and are likely to clash with their personality. Relationships between these types will require a lot of work.

ENTP Compatibility Chart


The ENTP and INTJ personality fall in the “blue zone” of the compatibility chart. Remember the “match made in heaven” expression earlier? Well, this is it. ENTPs and INTJs have similar values and life views, which makes them incredibly compatible.


The main goals for the ENTP personality when it comes to communicating with others are intellectual stimulation and personal growth. This can sometimes be challenging, as it’s hard to find a partner who can keep up with the constant need for new experiences and greater knowledge. In this particular match, both the ENTP and INTJ types value good conversation and an occasional debate, a challenge that feels extremely rewarding for the ENTP. The communication between these two personality types is healthy, deep, and honest. Both partners are usually open about their feelings, and even if there’s a misunderstanding somewhere along the way, they’re perfectly capable of fixing it and moving on quickly. What’s important in this relationship is to make sure that there is enough affection and both verbal and physical affirmation to show how much each partner values and cares for the other. Simple compliments and positive feedback will do the trick.


It’s common for ENTPs and INTJs to find common ground in diverse areas. This often shows up as a keen interest in particular topics like science, art, movies, or literature – literally anything that could lead to long conversations and an exchange of personal interests and passions. Despite the fact that they tend to hide their inner feelings well, ENTPs are deeply sensitive; whenever they feel things, they feel them at 100%. With the help of INTJs’ healthy communication habits, the hidden feelings of the ENTP often come to the surface and form a steady connection between the two personality types, which only gets stronger with time.

At Work

Both ENTP and INTJ personality types highly value logic, science, and reason. This is helpful, as they’ll be able to learn new things from each other and grow as a team. However, as both personality types fall into the ‘rational’ category, they will both stick to their own beliefs and arguments, and in cases where they differ from one another, they may find themselves in the middle of a heated debate. To better deal with these situations, ENTPs and INTJs should try to prioritize not only the scientific, factual side of things but also their emotions and compassion. Overall, developing mutual understanding will improve the already fruitful workplace relationship between ENTPs and INTJs.


The ENTP and INFP fall in the “green zone” of the compatibility chart. This means that they have a lot of similarities and are overall a good match, but there are still a few differences between them.


Given ENTPs’ Intuitive and Thinking preferences, they have a constant need for growth, new knowledge, and interesting ideas. This sometimes leads ENTPs to approach relationships a bit differently than other types, as their main goal is ultimately intellectual stimulation.

In a situation where we have an Intuitive Thinking personality type (ENTP) and an Intuitive Feeling personality type (INFP), there might be some differences in the way that each romantic partner perceives the relationship, the emotional charge they put into it, and the way they deal with conflicts and misunderstandings. The ENTP type is driven by logic and reason, while the INFP is more sensitive and sentimental. However, this can sometimes be beneficial as the two partners balance each other out and therefore mutually further the progress of their romantic relationship.


Communication between ENTPs and INFPs can be challenging in terms of emotional dynamics and personality traits in general. Since we’re talking about a friendship between an extrovert and an introvert, this requires a lot of mutual understanding and compromise.

Despite the fact that both ENTP and INFP have an idealistic approach to the world, the ENTP person is usually focused on things such as business, entrepreneurship, science, and professional development. The INFP type, however, has more abstract, ‘human’ goals, such as making people happy through charity work, educational projects, and other humanitarian initiatives. The balance between each person’s goals and values can be achieved through constant communication and enough time for both people to process information and situations and react properly to them.

At Work

ENTPs and INFPs tend to meet each other’s intellectual needs through long conversations about art, science, culture, and politics. This is extremely valuable for their working process, as it makes brainstorming and exchanging ideas a simple task. The downside of this relationship is that the ENTP personality might be more open and proactive than the INFP. ENTPs may forget to give introverted INFPs enough space and time to express their thoughts and take ownership of their own working capabilities.


The relationship between the ENTP and the ISFP personalities falls into the “yellow zone” of the compatibility chart. These two personality types do have some things in common, but issues may occur if they don’t manage to overcome their differences and communicate about their problems.


There are a few important things that we should keep in mind when it comes to the relationship between ENTPs and ISFPs. If we take a look at the big picture, the major difference between the two personality types is the way they approach life, both in the little details and in their main goals. With the Intuitive Thinking nature of the ENTP, their major purpose is to find knowledge, inspiration, and intellectual stimulation, whereas the ISFP has dominant Sensing and Perceiving personality traits, which means that their goal is far more simple – to have fun and enjoy the ride.

On the bright side, as the ISFP personality type is more likely to prioritize overthinking, the ENTP partner can find an opportunity to relax and appreciate every little experience in this relationship.


As an extrovert, the ENTP personality type is more likely than the ISFP to do the talking and engage in debates about topics that interest them. On the contrary, ISFPs are introverts, which means that they can be quiet and observational and would often think twice before speaking. A potential risk in the friendship between an ENTP and an ISFP is the combination of the straightforwardness of the ENTP, and the ISFP’s ability to sense and read into even minor changes in their friends’ tone, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. Both types should work on their patience with each person’s personality traits and try to meet halfway to avoid serious conflict.

At Work

It’s no wonder that the ENTP personality type is often referred to as ‘The Debater’. ENTPs enjoy deep discussions, exchanging ideas, and planning for the future using logic and reason. On the contrary, the ISFPs are more focused on the current situation and are likely to simply work on problems that require immediate solutions. Another difference between the two personality types is that the ENTP is more energetic and prioritizes their need to improve, grow, and change, even if that means ignoring the little details on the way. Their colleague, the ISFP, is more traditional and would rather stick to the already established rules and best practices, rather than experimenting with unknown territories.


Similar to the relationship between the ENTP and the ISFP, the dynamic between the ENTP and the ESFP also falls in the “yellow zone” of the compatibility chart. The difference, in this case, is that the ESFP personality type is extroverted, which is one step closer to better communication and chemistry when it comes to their interactions with the ENTP.


As the dominant personality traits of the ESFPs are Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving, they’re more likely to focus on the moment and “live in the here and now,” which often clashes with the ENTP’s idealistic approach and their need to connect with their partner on a deeper, more intense level. The romantic relationship between the ENTP and the ESFP can be quite challenging, as both partners need to be aware of their differences and make a lot of compromises along the way. However, there’s a potential for a lot of fun, spontaneous dates, and last-minute trips, due to the ESFP’s “living in the moment” philosophy which the ENTPs can appreciate and learn from.


ENTPs and ESFPs balance each other perfectly. Being big thinkers, ENTPs are often stuck in their heads and caught up in their own imagination. Here’s where the ESFPs can step in to help their friends focus on the present and enjoy the moment before it’s over. Just like with every friendship, there can be major differences in the way that both of these personalities communicate with each other. To make this friendship work, they need to focus not only on their words but also on the emotional charge they bring, as the ESFPs are more sensitive and require a more tactful approach than ENTPs.

At Work

Similar to the working relationship between the ENTPs and the ISFPs explained above, there are likely to be some difficulties in the way that these two colleagues interact with each other. The ENTP’s entrepreneurial spirit and never-ending thirst for knowledge often lead them to focus on how things might be in the future, even if that future is 50 years from now. Quite the opposite, the ESFPs tend to follow other people’s paths and are likely to trust the practices that are already working, rather than exploring new, unknown territories.


ENTP and ISTJ fall in the “red zone” of the compatibility chart. This means that there are likely to be major differences between them as they don’t have much in common. This can cause some friction in their romantic approach, their friendship dynamic, and their workplace relationships.


As people who spend a lot of time caught up in their imagination and seeking more (whatever “more” means in different circumstances), ENTPs are often baffled by the traditional way that ISTJs approach everything in life – from daily tasks to relationships of all sorts. However, despite these differences, both romantic partners can learn from one another and improve their partnership by communicating their triggers and solving their problems as they occur. As a bonus, the ISTJs can infuse some structure into ENTPs’ chaotic daily life by creating little tasks for them and helping them follow a productive routine, even if that means taking the trash out every Sunday or paying the bills on time.


ISTJs tend to enjoy a more calm, slow way of living. They need a lot of rest and quiet time to recharge, and this is sometimes confusing to the energetic ENTPs. The Extroverted personality trait of the ENTPs helps them interact more easily with other people, which can be exhausting to introverted ISTJs. Both people need to aim to meet each other halfway and must always respect both their needs and boundaries; if they fail, this friendship will likely be doomed. However, they do share a Thinking preference, and each type can learn from the different ways that the other uses logical thinking. ENTPs may be able to support ISTJs in considering change and new ideas, while ISTJs can encourage their ENTP friends to achieve their goals by implementing a level of routine and consistency.

At Work

ISTJs are more than happy for other people to carry on a conversation and take the burden off their shoulders, especially when it comes to project pitches and presentations. This doesn’t mean that they let the ENTP decide on everything, however, ISTJs need extra time to sort out their thoughts and communicate their ideas. This is why patience and mutual understanding, especially when it comes to both personalities’ different paces, are crucial for a healthy working environment.


ENTPs and INTPs fall in the “green zone” of our compatibility chart, which means that they have a good partnership with minor differences. ENTPs are quite similar to the INTP personality, and the main difference is that they’re extroverts and therefore more energetic and active than their introverted counterparts.


We can easily say that ENTPs and INTPs speak the same language. Both personality types are passionate about different subjects, and they can talk about them for hours. Conversations between ENTPs and INTPs are an important part of the relationship, and these two romantic partners can indulge in meaningful discussions and exchange ideas until the wee hours of the morning. The big risk in this partnership is the fact that both personality types value the logical expression more than their emotional one, which makes it possible for them to ignore all topics related to feelings and, well, love.


Both personality types have a different approach to friendships due to their Extroverted (ENTP) and Introverted (INTP) nature. ENTPs should be mindful of their energy, especially when they’re engaging in a heated debate or simply showing excitement about a new event in their life. A big bonus is that both ENTPs and INTPs are Intellectual or Thinking types, so one thing is certain – conversations between them will never be boring.

At Work

It’s common for both ENTPs and INTPs to focus more on the big picture and make big plans about the future, forgetting the little details that actually shape these big plans. This means that they’ll need to take a reality check once in a while and press the “pause” button in order to consider all aspects of the working process – this is the only way they can be truly productive.


ENTPs logically have many things in common with other ENTPs – that’s why the dynamic between these two personalities falls in the “green zone” of our compatibility chart. Yes, opposites attract, but no one can deny that similarities sometimes attract even more. Just like this case.


ENTPs are considered dreamers, visionaries, debaters. They’re in constant need of intellectual connection and mental stimulation, which works well in this particular personality match. When communicating with other ENTPs, the Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving Extroverts often skip the small talk and jump straight into deep conversations about space, science, technology, or art. Constantly occupied with their big plans and intense imagination, sometimes ENTP romantic partners can neglect their emotional side, which can lead to their relationship turning cold and mundane.


While both ENTP people are smooth talkers and enjoy the occasional debate, this can sometimes have a negative effect on their friendship. Despite finding each other’s company inspiring and refreshing, sometimes the need to take the microphone and talk about their own views can sabotage the healthy communication they usually share and lead to arguments. It’s important that both ENTPs respect each others’ right to express themselves in order for this friendship to be successful.

At Work

Yes, ENTPs are incredible intellectuals – they’re clever, energetic, and always full of ideas. However, they can sometimes lose focus on the little details and lack structure in their day-to-day tasks. This can result in missed deadlines, unnecessary risks, and even crossed boundaries, especially if both parties disrespect each other’s opinions and right to speak their mind.


ENTP and ESFJ fall in the “red zone” of the compatibility chart. They don’t share many similar values and personality traits and this can cause friction between them.


Dating an ENTP can sometimes feel exhausting, and this is likely to be true when the other romantic partner in the relationship is an ESFJ. In order to reach a certain level of harmony, both personality types need to take many deep breaths and make even more compromises – otherwise, there’s a big chance that this relationship won’t work. A potential trigger for misunderstanding and conflict in this match is the fact that the idealistic ENTP is usually willing to take risks or change plans if there’s a chance for them to grow and improve personally or professionally. The ESFJ, on the other hand, prefers a more organized approach and would rather plan everything in advance than leave room for changes. ENTPs will also have to work at recognizing and considering the emotions of their ESFJ partners, as well as opening up about their own, to honor ESFJs’ Feeling preference.


It might be really difficult for ENTPs and ESFJs to find common ground when it comes to their friendship. Being a true intellectual, the ENTP would choose hobbies and activities that stimulate their mind, improve their knowledge, and help them generate ideas that might change the world. On the other side, the ESFJ personality type prefers to experience life through their body, be it through sports, crafts, or anything that gets them moving. This can cause tension between the two friends as the decision on how to spend their time together can be extremely difficult.

At Work

We could categorize these two personality types as “thinkers” (ENTP) and “doers” (ESFJ). This difference in character isn’t necessarily bad, though; it has the potential to improve their working relationship through the ENTP’s fresh ideas and the ESFJ’s strategic planning and task coordination. With a bit of effort and lots of communication, the ENTP and ESFJ could actually make quite a good workplace team.


Just a quick look at these two type abbreviations could give you an idea of how major their differences are in personality traits. This is precisely why the ENTPs and the ISFJs fall in the “red zone” of the compatibility chart.


Despite their intellectual capabilities and their love for growth and knowledge, ENTPs are often impractical and can neglect little details, such as small romantic gestures, spontaneous initiatives, or even small verbal expressions of affection. This can create friction between the two romantic partners, as the ISFJs are more focused on the Sensing and Feeling personality traits and need to be acknowledged and appreciated rather than taken for granted. If they want their relationship to grow, ENTPs must cultivate patience, consistency, and emotional sensitivity for their ISFJ romantic partners. ISFJs can learn to be more direct about their feelings and appreciate their ENTP partners’ capacity for change and innovation.


A friendship between ENTPs and ISFJs could be challenging and, frankly, not always possible. While the ENTPs are more relaxed and often stuck in their own imagination, the ISFJs need organization, structure, and a solid plan, even if just for a lunch meeting. This can sometimes lead to the ISFJs thinking that all the responsibilities are on their shoulders, which can be exhausting. On the bright side, both personalities are good at dealing with difficulties and conflicts, so as long as they work on their differences and meet each other halfway, there’s a big chance for this friendship to bloom.

At Work

As introverts, ISFJs need a lot of time and space to process their own thoughts and strategies. This can sometimes cause friction with the ENTP’s high energy level and naturally hyperactive persona. It’s always good to remember that compromise is key; as long as both ENTPs and ISFJs respect one another and overcome differences in communication and pacing as a team, good results will follow.


The relationship between ENTPs and ESTJs falls in the “green zone” of the compatibility chart. This means that the ESTJs are amongst the good matches for ENTPs and there’s common ground in terms of shared values, visions, and temperament.


A romantic relationship between an Intellectual type (ENTP) and a Protector type (ESTJ) is usually successful as both personality types complement each other perfectly and have similar emotional charges. As energetic extroverts, both ENTPs and ESTJs are extremely social and outgoing, and can often be found at loud parties, social gatherings, or various cultural events. As much as they both enjoy spending time with other people as a couple, these two romantic partners should be mindful of their own energy levels and spend some quiet time by themselves from time to time to recharge their batteries.


Both ENTPs and ESTJs feel most alive when they’re out and about, especially when they’re surrounded by other people who share their interests and beliefs. It’s not uncommon for this personality match to not be the heart of the party and bring the fun with them wherever they go. This has a positive impact on the ENTP and ESTJ’s friendship, as both of them could finally spend time with someone who matches their energy levels and adventurous spirit.

At Work

ENTPs and ESTJs balance each other perfectly within the working environment. ENTPs and their big dreams and ambitions meet ESTJs’ impeccable organization skills and a slight obsession with scheduling and planning, which makes them a perfect match and a great team, capable of wonders.


ISTPs are on the list of perfect matches for the ENTP personality. This is why the relationship between these two personality types falls under the “blue zone” of the compatibility chart.


A great romantic match for the ENTP, the ISTP personality type is often the organizer of fun activities, dance parties, romantic dinners, and the occasional hike. Despite the fact that the ENTPs are experiencing life through their mind and the ISTPs experience life through their body, the two partners complete each other and balance each other’s energy enough to keep the spark alive.


Unlike ENTPs, ISTPs live right here and now, focusing on the moment and their surroundings. This might seem weird to the ENTPs who are used to spending more time in their head, accompanied by their thoughts and imagination. However, these two personality types are an incredibly good match as they find each other intellectually stimulating and are able to keep the friendship strong at all costs.

Both types should beware of falling into a rut through routine, however. ENTPs should always keep in mind that ISTPs are way more practical and like to keep an eye on small details rather than the big picture. With enough communication, these two will be able to foster a healthy friendship and make use of their differences.

At Work

Sometimes communication can be difficult between an ENTP and an ISTP at work, as both personality types have different emotional charges and react to potential problems in their own way. toThe ISTP type might need more time to process information in order to find a proper solution, while the ENTP is more straightforward and active. This can sometimes cause trouble as the ISTP could feel that the ENTP is independently taking the lead without leaving them enough space and opportunity to bring their ideas into life at their own pace.


ENTP and ENFP types have a lot in common in terms of the way they perceive life and the world around them. This explains why they fall in the “blue zone” of the compatibility chart.


ENTPs and ENFPs make a perfect match when it comes to romantic relationships. They share a lot of similarities and have similar behavioral patterns when it comes to both their logical and emotional consciousness. This doesn’t mean that they’re immune to conflicts, though. The risk in this relationship is that the ENFP type is more focused on the Feeling personality trait, while the ENTP type has Thinking as one of their main traits. This could lead to situations where the ENTPs might find their partners too sensitive or even dramatic; on the other hand, the ENFPs can see their ENTP partners as cold and emotionally immature.


Just like every relationship between any two people, the friendship between an ENTP and an ENFP could have some critical moments too. This can, of course, be easily overcome with healthy communication and verbal affirmation, validating the other person’s feelings and emotions in a conflict. The easy part of this friendship is that both ENTPs and ENFPs are extroverted and have fun hanging out together and in groups. When you add both types’ endless thirst for knowledge and constant need for intellectual stimulation, you’ll get the perfect recipe for a true and loving friendship.

At Work

ENTPs and ENFPs make the perfect pair when it comes to generating ideas, brainstorming, exchanging random science facts, or simply experimenting with new and unknown approaches. This working tandem can inspire their colleagues and could even land the pair a leading role in the working process. On top of that, both ENTPs and ENFPs are extremely friendly, outgoing, and energetic, which can inspire other team members and improve productivity at the office.


ENTPs and ESTPs fall in the “red zone” of the compatibility chart. These personality types have big differences, which could cause friction between them if they don’t work actively towards finding solutions to their potential conflicts.


As Intuitive and Thinking types, ENTPs are always hungry for knowledge, experiences, and adventure. They value intellectual stimulation above all else and their ideal partner should be able to echo or at least correspond to these personality traits. ESTPs are facing the other direction, however, especially considering their Sensing and Perceiving nature. This combination can experience friction because the ENTP type is looking for an intense connection on a deeper level, whereas the ESTP personality is more focused on seeking fun experiences and good company.


The friendship between an ENTP and an ESTP could be described as a relationship between imagination and action. This can be a good thing, as it requires both people to work on each others’ flaws while also balancing differences in communication and approach. ENTPs can help ESTPs see the big picture and explore deeper levels of knowledge and possibility. In return, the ESTP person can have a grounding influence on ENTPs, helping them focus on the present and the little details they’re prone to ignore.

At Work

Both personality types are extroverts, which helps them find common ground in various communication patterns. However, conflicts may occur in the way that ENTPs and ESTPs approach problems, especially when it comes to finding a solution suitable to both of them. ENTPs are essentially innovators, so they seek out the new, unexplored, and unknown, while the ESTPs are more traditional in their working habits and prefer to stick to already established practices.


ENTPs and ENTJs fall in the “yellow zone” of the compatibility chart. Generally speaking, these two personalities have some things in common, but in order to achieve the perfect balance in their relationship, they need to put in a lot of work and lay their ego aside.


Both ENTP and ENTJ personalities share the Intuitive and Thinking traits, which helps them understand each other better and communicate in a healthy way. Their Extroverted nature makes them passionate and energetic – a good quality to have in order to keep the spark in their romantic relationship alive. Sharing conversations and experiences is a refreshing break for both these partners, as they tend to focus on big ideas and big plans, stimulating each other’s need for knowledge and adventure. Their main issues may arise in their differing preferences for Perceiving versus Judging; spontaneous ENTPs will have to learn to honor ENTJ’s need for predictability and structure, while ENTJs will have to stretch to allow flexibility and learn to enjoy a few spur of the moment adventures once in a while.


ENTPs and ENTJs are both smooth talkers, and they find each other interesting and even challenging – which is exactly the atmosphere ENTPs need to thrive. By using their sense of logic and reason, they’re able to solve potential problems and disagreements, which builds trust and affection and adds to a healthy friendship.

At Work

These two personality types enjoy an intellectual challenge, be it a simple brainstorming session or a heated debate. They may occasionally clash over their different priorities and work style; ENTPs are likely to focus on the big picture and the newest idea, while ENTJs will advocate for more structure and detail-oriented planning. However, because of their mutual rational approach, they’re perfectly capable of measuring the pros and cons of each others’ suggestions and of making a reasonable decision that will benefit the working process and the work environment as a whole.


ENTPs and INFJs fall in the “blue zone” of the compatibility chart, which, in theory, makes them the perfect match. There still might be some misunderstandings between them, but their similarities usually prevail and help them overcome any difficulty.


ENTPs and INFJs make great romantic partners because they complement each other’s temperaments and balance the relationship through intellectual acknowledgment and emotional validation. However, the INFJ personality is usually led by their emotions, while the ENTPs are driven by their imagination and big plans for the future. This could potentially cause friction, as the INFJs might find it hard to indulge in their sensitive side fully and communicate their emotions, scared that the rational ENTPs might neglect their vulnerability and ignore the way they’re feeling.


True to their introverted nature, INFJs often prefer a slower pace and a calm environment where they can focus and recharge. This could be a problem in the friendship for the energetic ENTP, who’s always on the lookout for new experiences, social interactions, and opportunities to be active and explore their intellectual potential.

At Work

As both personality types tend to discuss major ideas and focus on the big picture, there’s often a risk for them to ignore important details when it comes to work. ENTPs and INFJs tend to neglect facts and situations that can be crucial for their development both as individuals and as a team, which can be problematic if they choose to ignore it.


ENTPs and ENFJs fall in the “yellow zone” of the compatibility chart. These two personality types share a few things in common, but there’s still a chance for friction between them due to emotional differences.


Both ENTPs and ENFJs have an energetic, bubbly approach to life, and they’re happiest when in the presence of other people and indulging their adventurous spirit in intellectually stimulating experiences. A romantic relationship between these two partners is usually anything but boring. While the ENTP may despise the ENFJ’s concept of having a routine, both partners will usually do their best to add fun to their daily activities to feel more content.


A big difference between the ENTP and the ENFJ personality is the ENFJ’s sense of responsibility and approach to small day-to-day tasks, including scheduling meetings and sticking to plans. Their varying approaches to these areas can sometimes cause friction between them as the ENTPs tend to have their head in the clouds, occupied with their ideas and imagination. The ENFJ, on the other hand, is more down-to-earth and needs some sort of stability and organization. Without these two things, the ENFJ type might perceive the ENTPs as unreliable and irresponsible.

At Work

Compromising and constant communication is crucial for the working process between an ENTP and an ENFJ. Despite the fact that they might be perceived as controlling or overreacting, ENFJs value planning and organization and would prefer to stick to a predefined schedule rather than experiment with other possibilities. This could feel limiting to the energetic ENTP, as it may give them the idea that their freedom and need for adventure are being compromised.