ENFJ, Mentor, Visionary, Extraverted, Linguistic, Naturalist
- Your Results Snapshot
- Your Personality Type
- ENFJ – The "Mentor"
- Your Cognitive Functions
- Famous People of Your Type
- Career Matches for Your Type
- Your Temperament
- NF – The "Visionary"
- Famous Visionaries
- Visionary Career Matches
- Your Preferences
- Extraversion vs. Introversion in You
- Sensing vs. Intuition in You
- Thinking vs. Feeling in You
- Judging vs. Perceiving in You
- Your Multiple Intelligences
- Your Linguistic Intelligence
- Your Naturalist Intelligence
- Your Intrapersonal Intelligence
- Your Interpersonal Intelligence
- Your Musical Intelligence
- Your Kinesthetic Intelligence
- Your Logical Intelligence
- Your Spatial Intelligence
- Your Career Matches
- Sharing and Saving Your Report
- Further Learning
Your Results Snapshot
You have a unique set of traits that make you who you are. The study of personality identifies and organizes your characteristics and behaviors in such a way as to help you better understand yourself. Your Personality Max report is intended to equip you to lead a more effective and fulfilling life.
Your Personality Type is ENFJ (Mentor)
Extraverted (E) + Intuitive (N) + Feeling (F) + Judging (J)
Your Temperament is NF (Visionary)
Intuitive (N) + Feeling (F)
Your Top Intelligences are Linguistic and Naturalist
“Personality is to a man what perfume is to a flower.” — Charles M. Schwab
Your Personality Type
Your personality type is ENFJ. This is based on your four Preferences: Extraversion (E), Intuition (N), Feeling (F) and Judging (J).
Many of today’s theories of psychological typology are based on the work of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, who wrote Psychological Types in 1921. He was the founder of analytical psychology, which studies the motivations underlying human behavior.
Your personality type is a detailed classification of the innate characteristics that make you who you are. Each of the four temperaments can be divided into four types, making a total of 16 distinct personality types. As with Temperament, your type is determined by the strength of your preferences.
No personality type is better than another. Each person has a unique set of equally valuable characteristics. Understanding your type can be useful in many ways, including relationships and school or career.
ENFJ – The “Mentor”
ENFJs are driven by their desire to help others reach their fullest potential. They are affectionate, charismatic and deeply caring. ENFJs feel called to enrich the world with their altruistic contributions. They are often called upon to help others in times of need.
“A man who won't die for something is not fit to live.” — Martin Luther King Jr.
ENFJs direct their energy outward. They are gregarious, talkative and assertive. They love people and social gatherings. They are energized by interaction, are expressive and enthusiastic. Mentors are Intuitive. They are imaginative and deep. Their thought process is abstract and focused on possibilities. They are idealistic and complex people.
ENFJs are Feelers that make decisions with their heart. They are passionate and profoundly empathetic, caring and warm. ENFJs are decisive, organized and structured. They like to complete tasks and they seek closure. They often plan ahead.
Relationships are the centerpiece in the ENFJ's life. Everything they do revolves around establishing a meaningful connection. Their greatest desire is to praise, nurture and understand. They are very protective of the people they love. They enjoy spending time with people and possess the ability to bring out the very best in others. ENFJs inspire others to learn, develop and grow. They seek reconciliation and healing in conflict situations.
ENFJs thrive when they are in a position to help others. They do well in environments that provide meaningful interaction and very little conflict. They get bored when the job involves too many details or paperwork. They are natural teachers and counselors. They work with enthusiasm and order.
Mentors learn through interaction and imitation. They see connections in every aspect of life. For Mentors, learning is a global and integrative process. Personal growth has to do with finding their calling in life. They possess a great sense of mission and purpose.
ENFJs value honesty, openness and understanding in their relationships. Their greatest contribution is their ability to throw all their energies into developing others and making a lasting difference in people’s lives.
Characteristic of an ENFJ
- Idealistic
- Sociable
- Warm
- Gregarious
- Introspective
- Expressive
- Altruistic
- Complex
- People-oriented
- Caring
- Charismatic
- Assertive
- Positive
- Supportive
- Encouraging
- Organized
- Abstract
- Enthusiastic
- Loyal
- Leader
- Empathetic
- Selfless
- Affectionate
- Passionate
Typical Strengths
- Can read others motives and feelings
- Excellent communication skills
- Driven to meet others needs
- Affectionate, loyal and affirming
- Honors commitments
Possible Weaknesses
- Can harbor hurt feelings
- Tendency to manipulate
- Tendency to smother
- Blames self when things go wrong
- ENFJs make up 4% of all 16 personality types. ENFJs are one of the most rare personality types. Of the NF types, ENFJs are the least common (along with ENTJs).
- 1 in every 40 males is an ENFJ (2.5% of all males). 1 in every 18 females is an ENFJ (5.5% of all females). Male ENFJs are the least common type-gender combination for Extraverts (along with female ENTJs).
- There are significantly more female ENFJs than male, with females outnumbering males more than 2 to 1. One reason there are more female ENFJs is that females tend to be Feelers (F) while males are more often Thinkers (T).
Your Cognitive Functions
You engage the world through four cognitive functions. Each function is directed outward toward people and surroundings (Extraverted) or inward toward your thoughts (Introverted). Your primary function is Extraverted Feeling and secondary is Introverted Intuition.
Extraverted Feeling (Primary Function)
You use this function most often. When Feeling (F), you make decisions based on feelings. The Extraverted Feeling function allows you to tune your behavior to the needs of others. Is it the ability to relate and the desire to connect with others with warmth and consideration as well as draw others out and responds to expressed or unexpressed needs.
Introverted Intuition (Secondary Function)
Your use of this function is somewhat high. With Intuition (N), you process data through impressions, possibilities and meanings. Introverted Intuition enables you to have a sense about the future. It is the ability to grasp a pattern or plan. Information commonly hard to understand and dissect is more easily processed through Introverted Intuition.
Extraverted Sensing (Tertiary Function)
You use this function but to a lesser degree. Through Sensing (S), you process data with your five senses. The Extraverted Sensing function allows you to process life through your experiences. It is being aware of what is seen, smelled, touched, heard and tasted. It is being energized by experience and living “in the moment.”
Introverted Thinking (Least Function)
You use this function least of the four. While Thinking (T), you make decisions based on logic and reason. The Introverted Thinking function enables you to categorize and analyze information that you receive. It is the ability to identify inconsistencies and know how things work as well the ability to solve problems.
Famous People of Your Type
Here is a sampling of famous people and fictional characters that are likely to be ENFJs like you.
- William Cullen BryantPoet
- King DavidKing of Israel
- Abraham MaslowPsychologist
- Elizabeth DoleSenator
- Francois MitterandFrench President
- Bob SagetActor, Comedian
- Dick Van DykeActor
- Andy GriffithActor
- Randy QuaidActor
- Peyton ManningNFL Quarterback
- Mikhail GorbachevPresident, Soviet Union
- Diane SawyerTelevision Journalist
- Tommy Lee JonesActor
- Ralph NaderAttorney, Political Activist
- Martin Luther King, Jr.Minister, Civil Rights Activist
- Kirstie AlleyActress
- Ben StillerActor, Comedian
- Matthew McConaugheyActor
- Pete SamprasTennis Champion
- Ben AffleckActor
- Margaret MeadCultural Anthropologist
- Bilbo BagginsLord of the Rings
- Faye ValentineCowboy Bebop
- Danny TannerFull House
- Jules WinnfieldPulp Fiction
- Captain ArcherStar Trek: Enterprise
- CatherineWuthering Heights
- CharlotteCharlotte's Web
- Steve KeatonFamily Ties
- JesseBefore Sunrise
- NeilDead Poets Society
Career Matches for Your Type
ENFJs may find satisfaction with the following careers which tend to match well with their Mentor personality. This list is not exhaustive and these are not guaranteed to be perfect matches for you but this may be a helpful starting point if you are planning to pursue a new career.
- Teacher
- Professor
- Social Worker
- Career Counselor
- Counselor
- Therapist
- Psychologist
- Psychiatrist
- Church Worker
- Trainer
- Human Resources
- Librarian
- Writer
- Nurse
- Diplomat
- Consultant
- Artist
- Editor
- Administrator
- Actor/Actress
- Events Coordinator
- Facilitator
- Homemaker
- Musician
- Designer
- Engineer
- Occupational Therapist
- Politician
- Project Manager
- Sales Agent
- Senior Manager
Your Temperament
Your temperament is NF since you lean toward the Intuition (N) and Feeling (F) preferences.
We identify your temperament by the strength of your Preferences.
Many psychologists, philosophers and other thinkers have for centuries proposed that there are four temperaments that can describe a person.
Temperament is a more broad classification than Personality Type. Each of the four temperaments is like an umbrella over four related personality types (for a total of 16 personality types).
NF – The “Visionary”
Visionaries (NFs) are empathetic, generous and original. They are caring individuals who are not only sensitive to the feelings of others but also very adept at identifying them. They are idealistic and driven by values they deeply believe in and defend. Visionaries desire to understand themselves and to be understood for who they really are.
As gifted teachers and mentors, they are interested in helping others grow and reach their potential. Visionaries are futuristic and charitable. In their relationships, they require authenticity, depth and meaning. They value harmony and enjoy pleasing others. Visionaries wither in critical and competitive environments. They dislike conflict and conformity.
Anne Shirley: Don’t you ever imagine things differently from what they are?
Marilla Cuthbert: No.
Anne Shirley: Oh Marilla, how much you miss.
Famous Visionaries
- King DavidKing of Israel
- ShakespearePoet and Playwright
- Peyton ManningNFL Quarterback
- Mikhail GorbachevLeader of Soviet Union
- Dr. SeussWriter, Cartoonist
- Diane SawyerJournalist
- Nelson MandelaPresident of S. Africa
- Martin L. King, Jr.Minister, Activist
- Sandra BullockActress
- Regis PhilbinTelevision Personality
- Charles DickensNovelist
- Upton SinclairAuthor, Journalist
- Mark TwainWriter
- Robin WilliamsActor
- Bob DylanActor
- Albert SchweitzerTheologian, Physician
- Princess DianaPrincess of Wales
- Audrey HepburnActress
- Helen KellerAuthor, Activist
- Johnny DeppActor
- Dr. Doug RossER
- Kevin ArnoldWonder Years
- Luke SkywalkerStar Wars
- Tin ManWizard of Oz
- CalvinCalvin and Hobbes
- Anne ShirleyAnne of Green Gables
- E.T.The Extra-Terrestrial
Visionary Career Matches
NF’s are commonly skilled at and often find satisfaction with the following careers.
- Social Worker
- Teacher/Professor
- Charity Worker
- Activist/Advocate
- Counselor
- Psychologist
- Human Resources
- Trainer
- Writer
- Actor
- Musician
- Artist
- NFs (Visionaries) make up only about 14% of the general population.
- Female NFs outnumber male NFs nearly two to one, with males making up only about 5% of all people.
- Many great idealist thinkers and leaders in the world have been NFs.
Your Preferences
Your preferences are Extraversion (E), Intuition (N), Feeling (F) and Judging (J). These determine your Personality Type and Temperament.
There are four pairs of opposite preferences. Everyone has a greater tendency toward one preference than the other in each pair. For example, in the Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F) dichotomy, you personally have a stronger tendency toward Feeling (F). Each preference has a single letter (such as “F”) that identifies it.
Extraversion vs. Introversion in You
Extraversion (E) and Introversion (I) are opposite preferences.
Your natural tendency toward one is stronger than the other.
Extraversion and Introversion describe how a person directs their energy either outwardly toward people and
activities or inwardly toward thoughts and ideas. Of the two, your dominant preference is Extraversion.
Although everybody exhibits characteristics of each preference to some degree, you can be referred to as an Extravert.
- You are 37% more Extraverted than the average
- You are part of the majority of people who are primarily Extraverted
- Females on average are slightly more Extraverted than males
Your Extraversion (E)
Extraversion is characterized by a preference to focus on the world outside the self. Extraverts are energized by social gatherings, parties and group activities. Extraverts are usually enthusiastic, gregarious and animated. Their communication style is verbal and assertive. Extraverts often need to talk. They enjoy the limelight.
- Sociable
- Energized by interaction
- Assertive
- Gregarious
- Talkative
- Enthusiastic
- Expressive
- Volunteers personal info
- Many friends
- Easy to approach
- Enjoys groups
Your Introversion (I)
Introversion is characterized by a preference to focus on the inside world. Introverts are energized by spending time alone or with a small group. They find large group gatherings draining because they seek depth instead of breadth of relationships. Introverts process information internally. They are often great listeners.
- Energized by time alone
- Private
- Keeps to self
- Quiet
- Deliberate
- Internally aware
- Fewer friends
- Prefers smaller groups
- Peaceful
- Independent
- Thinks before speaking
- Enjoys solitude
Sensing vs. Intuition in You
You use Sensing (S) and Intuition (N) to receive and process new information either by using your five senses or in more abstract ways.
Both preferences in this pair are used by everybody to some degree.
With that said, you can be classified as Intuitive since
your dominant preference is Intuition.
- You are 68% more Intuitive than the average
- You are part of the minority of people who are primarily Intuitive
- Males on average are slightly more Intuitive than females
Your Sensing (S)
Sensors focus on the present.
They are “here and now” people.
They are factual and process information through the five senses.
They see things as they are because they are concrete and literal thinkers.
They trust what is certain.
Sensors value realism and common sense.
They like ideas with practical applications.
- Concrete
- Realistic
- Lives in the present
- Aware of surroundings
- Notices details
- Practical
- Goes by senses
- Factual
- Trusts certainty
- Values common sense
Your Intuition (N)
Intuitive people live in the future.
They are immersed in the world of possibilities.
They process information through patterns and impressions.
Intuitive people value inspiration and imagination.
They gather knowledge by reading between the lines.
Their abstract nature attracts them toward deep ideas, concepts and metaphors.
They can see the “big picture” and are analytical.
- Future-focused
- Sees possibilities
- Inventive
- Imaginative
- Deep
- Abstract
- Idealistic
- Complex
- Theoretical
- Philosophical
Thinking vs. Feeling in You
The Thinking (T) and Feeling (F) preference pair refers to how you make decisions, either by objective logic or subjective feeling.
Your dominant preference is Feeling so you can be classified as a Feeler.
Each of the two preferences are employed by everybody at different times and to different degrees.
- You are 21% more Feeling than the average
- Feelers like you make up about half of the population
- The majority of females are Feelers while the majority of males are Thinkers
Your Thinking (T)
Thinking people are objective.
They make decisions based on facts.
They are ruled by their head instead of their heart (but are not without emotion).
Thinking people judge situations and others based on logic.
They value truth over tact and can easily identify flaws.
They are critical thinkers and oriented toward problem solving.
- Logical
- Objective
- Decides with head
- Seeks truth
- Rational
- Impersonal
- Critical thinking
- Thick-skinned
- Firm with people
- Driven by thought
Your Feeling (F)
Feeling people are subjective.
They make decisions based on principles and values.
They are ruled by their heart instead of their head.
Feeling people judge situations and others based on feelings and extenuating circumstances.
They seek to please others and want to be appreciated.
They value harmony and empathy.
- Decides with heart
- Dislikes conflict
- Passionate
- Driven by emotion
- Gentle
- Easily hurt
- Empathetic
- Caring
- Warm
- Subjective
Judging vs. Perceiving in You
Judging (J) and Perceiving (P) are how you interact with the world outside yourself, either in a structured or flexible manner.
All people use both of these preferences to different degrees but one is more dominant.
Since your dominant preference is Judging, you can be referred to as a Judger.
- You are 26% more Judging than the average
- You are part of the slight majority of people who are primarily Judging
- Females on average are slightly more Judging than males
Your Judging (J)