When in a one-on-one situation, I usually do more
I prefer speakers that communicate
When around other people, I
A quiet weekend at home is
I make decisions based on
I am more likely to measure things with
I am more likely to invest in
I like to finalize decisions
I am more likely to have my
I entertain myself with my
I am more excited about what might happen
Others might describe me as more
With people, I am more often
I process information through
When I have a task to complete, I usually
When there is a need to correct someone, I am
When paying at a store, I often
The prospect of social activity
I am more comfortable with
I usually leave for appointments
I have more fun engaging in
Others might perceive me as
Being the center of attention is
I would classify myself as a
After a social gathering, I feel
It is important for me to
When dealing with problems, I focus on the
When judging others, I am
I dislike it when people are too
I am most comfortable being
On a free night, I like to
Talking about feelings and emotions is
I have a hard time sitting still for too long.
I have a lot of energy for physical activity.
I am quick to get involved in social groups and activities.
My mind is like a computer.
I am good at artistic composition.
I can easily double or triple amounts in my head.
I enjoy nature walks in scenic places.
I can easily remember new songs.
I like to write and I am good at it.
I love music and have my favorite singers and musical groups.
I usually have a song running through my head.
I like to attend classes or read to learn more about myself.
I am good at chess or other strategy games.
I can find my way around unfamiliar places.
I enjoy social events and prefer them to being home.
I organize things by category.
I love being active outdoors.
I notice when others make a grammatical mistake when they talk or write.
I enjoying teaching others.
I like to work with my hands.
I prefer books with a lot of pictures in them.
I can tell when music is off-key.
I can remember places I've been vividly.
I love to meet new people and make friends.
I like being with many friends.
I am able to picture things clearly in my head.
I like sports and exhilarating experiences.
I like to learn about different kinds of flowers, birds, trees, plants, etc.
I would rather spend the evening at home than at a social event.
I like using fancy words.
I like learning other languages.
I think of my books as cherished possessions.
I notice colors and shapes.
I learn best when I can touch things rather than just look at them.
I like to counsel others; people often talk to me about their problems.
I am aware of changes in the weather and environment.
I am good at knowing what others are feeling.
I enjoy gardening or have always wanted to keep a garden.
I know the lyrics and the melody to a lot of songs.
I can't imagine my life without music.
I am proficient at playing musical instrument(s).
I enjoy camping, hiking, walking and climbing.
I notice nature above all other things.
I am usually singing or whistling or tapping a song.
I notice and enjoy different sounds.
Singing is a great joy for me.
I think about starting my own business and being self-employed.
I like to spend time thinking and reflecting.
I wonder how things work.
I like tinkering with something to figure out how it works.
I enjoy science experiments.
I talk about things I've read.
I like having pets / I love animals.
It is easy for me to identify how I feel and why.
I have good coordination and motor skills.
I am good at solving visual puzzles.
I learn new skills by doing them rather than reading about how to do them.
I enjoy television shows about animals and nature.
I easily remember quotes and famous sayings.
I feel alive when I come in contact with nature.
I look for rational explanations for things.
English is/was one of my favorite subjects in school.
I want to understand why I am the way I am.
Geometry is easier for me than algebra.
I know what I want to accomplish in life.
I am a natural-born leader. People follow me.
I enjoy participating in team sports.
I am bothered by pollution.
Instructions that consist mostly of illustrations are helpful to me.
I memorize something by repeating it out loud.
I prefer talking on the phone over e-mail.
Movement around me is distracting.
I enjoy sharing what I have seen with my eyes.
I tap my foot, fidget or eat while I read or study.
I have good coordination and motor skills.
Visual aids and handouts make learning easier for me.
My favorite memories involve action or physical activity.
I refine my ideas by talking and "thinking out loud".
I like to shake hands, hug or pat others on the back.
I am good at solving visual puzzles.
I am good at following verbal directions.
I get excited about learning through hands-on experience.
I remember people's faces.
I sound out a word when trying to spell it.
I visualize characters and settings when I read a story.
When I can't figure something out, my instinct is to ask someone to explain it.
I start doing things before reading the instructions.
I can easily follow written directions.
When having trouble with something, I experiment until I get it right.
When spelling, I try to picture how a word looks.
I need to take breaks from sitting and re-energize by moving around.
I enjoy crafts and making things.
I learn a lot from discussions.
I need charts and diagrams to help me understand information.
I enjoy listening to people talk on radio shows, audio recordings, etc.
If asked, I can add numbers without writing them down.
I am expressive and use a many gestures.
I am good at taking things apart and putting them back together.
Doing work with my hands is satisfying.
I enjoy learning by reading and looking at books.
Lectures capture my attention.
I am quick at finding my way with a map.
I am distracted by sounds.
I am able to picture things clearly in my head.
I am good at remembering people's names.
I like working with tools.
I am good at laying out a step-by-step plan.
I look for the most practical way of doing things.
My desk is neat and organized.
I like filling in details.
I am more interested in facts than theories.
I remember people's faces.
I like fantasy and make believe.
For something to be credible, it needs to be logical.
I am an effective communicator.
I enjoy classes where I can move around and try things.
I am good at remembering people's names.
I am good at understanding feelings and expressing emotion.
I am happiest when I am creating or expressing myself.
I need a totally quiet setting to study.
I can easily remember new songs.
I like information that is precise and measurable.
I am vividly imaginative.
I am drawn to people who are knowledgeable/experts.
I study better with background music.
I prefer realistic stories instead of fantasy.
I prefer to work on many projects/assignments at one time.
I keep my feelings controlled.
I am good at seeing connections/relationships among ideas.
I have hunches and I follow them.
I am able to picture things clearly in my head.
I am proud of being straightforward and being honest, even if it's tough to hear.
I find it hard to forgive and can hold a grudge for a long time.
I feel happier giving to others than receiving things.
When people don't understand me, I can get upset or not want to talk.
I find it hard to say no to people's requests.
I can act like a martyr when people don't appreciate me.
When I'm relaxed, I am energetic, self-confident, and helpful.
I am not good at expressing emotions other than anger.
I am a nice person and don't like to put myself first.
I need to be constantly stimulated and enjoy new, fun, and exciting things.
I believe that rules and procedures are important and should be followed, and I get frustrated when others don't follow them.
I don't like being bored and try to avoid doing things that are boring.
In close relationships, I want to be told that I'm loved and wanted.
I try to be helpful and kind to others and make them feel special.
I like to think about things and try to understand them.
I think it's important to be well-organized and punctual, both for myself and others.
My family and friends help me when I need it.
I have doubts about my own choices and opinions.
I don't like it when people are too possessive and make me feel uncomfortable.
I think my reasons for helping others are good.
I am motivated by the need to have peace and harmony in my life.
I don't like being around people who are always negative.
I want to be better than what is expected and be the best in my profession.
I like being in charge and being the boss.
I tend to see the negative side of things and look for what needs to be fixed.
I get hurt easily by what people say or do.
I take my time to think before I speak and might not say anything if I don't feel comfortable.
I am proud of being self-disciplined, moderate, and fair.
I like being around people more than being alone.
I like to plan for anything that might happen.
I think life is meant to be enjoyed and I'm hopeful for the future.
I like taking risks and the excitement of competition.
I make decisions based on facts instead of emotions.
I work very hard and take responsibility for my actions.
I am motivated by the need to be appreciated, loved, and connected to people.
I think being strong and independent is important and I take pride in taking care of myself and expect others to do the same.
I don't trust people I don't know well.
I am motivated by being great and getting recognized for my achievements.
I don't like fighting and try to keep things calm.
I think I should be in charge because I am the strongest and most confident person in the group.
I don't see the point in going through a lot of pain and try to avoid it.
I can get really hurt if someone is mean to me.
I like talking to people and getting to know them.
I have big ideas and want to do something good for the world.
I can be anxious, defensive and suspicious when things are tough.
I get annoyed by people who don't seem smart or informed.
Sometimes I feel like I'm not like other people.
I know how to make people like me.
I want to be close to people and feel hurt when I'm not.
I am easy-going, relaxed, and always see the good in things.
I get frustrated when I don't have enough time to do all the fun things I want to do.
I don't like it when people keep asking me to do things.
I think negative feelings get in the way of getting things done.
When I'm stressed, I can be intolerant, inflexible, and demanding.
I am afraid of being criticized or judged by others.
I believe that competition is good and I like competing.
I do well in places where I can make things or be creative.
I have a lot of friends and support them by cheering them up.
When I am relaxed, I am friendly and open to others.
I like to keep moving and some people might think I'm too active.
People feel comfortable telling me their problems.
I sometimes go too far in the pursuit of fun and pleasure.
It's hard for me to make choices because everything seems good.
When I'm relaxed, I am honest, competent, and charming.
I get jealous of other people's things or experiences.
I like to talk and be playful and sometimes act without thinking.
I get frustrated with people who are not clear or can't make up their minds.
I think it's extremely important to have personal integrity.
When I'm stressed, I can be possessive and demanding.
When I'm afraid, I try to face it and overcome it.
I think it's important to be polite and have good manners.
I can be critical, skeptical, and act like I know more than others.
I feel like there's something missing in my life.
I am excited and eager to accomplish my plans.
I hope to find someone special to love.
When I am not stressed, I am rational, reasonable, and accepting.
My relationships with people are very important to me.
I can be forgetful and not pay attention to details.
When I'm relaxed, I am thoughtful, sensitive, and objective.
Some people think I am too emotional.
I am nice and supportive when things are going well.
I try to avoid fights or arguments.
I do well when things are organized and structured.
I am confident and like competing and winning.
People might have trouble understanding what I'm thinking.
I like doing many things at once and multitasking.
Safety and security are very important to me.
I like having special and unique things.
I can feel angry but try to hide it.
When I'm relaxed, I am open-minded, patient, and willing to listen.
I want to be the best and am confident in my abilities.
I really want people to notice me, like me and appreciate what I do for them.
I can easily adjust to different people and situations.
People think I am brave and look to me as a leader.
I am a good listener and try to help my friends feel better.
I can get grumpy or think only about myself when things are tough.
I like things that are exciting and not usual.
I like feeling needed and helping others be successful.
Once I trust people, I can be more sensitive and open.
I don't like people knowing my thoughts and feelings unless I tell them.
I don't think being a perfectionist is a bad thing and I like to make sure everything is just right.
I want to believe that everything will be okay but sometimes struggle with that belief.
I think it's important to look good and make a good first impression.
I think it's important to have friends and be part of a group.
I think it's more important to follow moral and ethical principles than to be compassionate and tolerant.
When I'm stressed, I can be distant, stubborn, and negative.
When I'm stressed, I might exaggerate the truth and brag about myself too much.
I have trouble seeing different sides of an issue and tend to see things as black and white.
It's hard for me to trust others in romantic relationships.
Sometimes I agree with others just to make them stop talking.
I think it's important to understand how people feel.
I am a hard worker and a perfectionist.
I am comfortable working alone and being independent.
I put things off and don't like dealing with problems.
I like to keep my options open and not be tied down to one thing.
I might do small things before tackling big tasks.
When I'm stressed, I can be forgetful, stubborn, and passive-aggressive.
I love working and being productive and work is very important to me.
I enjoy spending time alone working on my own hobbies.
I have my own ideas and opinions about many things.
Making decisions can be hard and stressful for me.
I work hard and know how to get things done.
Too much to do or too many choices can make me anxious, depressed, and angry.
You have to earn my trust and I will question your loyalty.
When I'm stressed, I might act inappropriately, undisciplined, and/or rebellious.
I like to make people laugh and tell stories.
I like being at home and feeling comfortable.
I think the best way to do something is the most practical and efficient way.
When I'm relaxed, I am fun-loving, imaginative, and optimistic.
In relationships, I want things to be peaceful and feel close to the other person.
I don't like being around people who are loud or overly emotional.
I would rather be respected than liked.
I am better at expressing my ideas than my feelings, especially on the spot.
I have a strong sense of right and wrong and I always try to be perfect.
I can get too much of something and want more.
I am very protective of the people I love and enjoy helping those who are less fortunate.
I can be too serious and don't like to be spontaneous.
When things are good, I am kind, caring and supportive.
I like things to be the same and can relax by watching TV, daydreaming, or reading.
I am shy and don't like talking in big groups or social events.
I worry more than most people.
I have stronger feelings than most people I know.
I am always on the lookout for dangers and unsafe people or situations.
I am more logical than emotional.
I enjoy helping people I care about with their careers.
I am motivated by the need to be correct, fair, and self-disciplined.
I might take on too much to impress people and make promises I can't keep.
When I feel anxious, I may try to control things around me.
I am motivated by the need to protect myself and my loved ones, and to be powerful and in control of my life.
I want people to rely on me and for me to follow through on my promises.
I am motivated by the need for security and support.
I like figuring things out by looking at data and understanding how they work.
Sometimes I get lost in my own thoughts and dreams.
I tend to take things too seriously and get upset easily.
I can see easily what's wrong with a situation and how it could be improved.
I enjoy a good challenge and like to fight.
I think it's more important to get a product out there before anyone else than to wait until it's perfect.
I like being independent and living simply.
I don't like showing when I'm upset and try to be nice to everyone.
I get sad more easily than my friends.
When I'm stressed, I can be rebellious, controlling, and insensitive.
I speak up and fight for what I want and need in life.
I am sometimes suspicious of other people's intentions.
When I find something I like to do, I work very hard and enjoy it.
I am sensitive to criticism, but I try not to show it.
I like to be creative and see things in a different way.
I get tired easily and need time to rest and recharge.
I'm good at convincing people and making them like my ideas.
I spend time with people who have similar interests.
I work very hard to keep my relationships good.
Some people say that I am not in touch with my feelings.
I have been setting goals for myself for a long time.
I want to be different and not like everyone else.
I am motivated by the desire to feel excited, satisfied, and happy and to do and experience more.
I like having control over my time and my own space.
I find it hard to understand why people are okay with coming in second place.
I have trouble admitting when I'm wrong.
I like to try new things and can do many things fairly well.
When I'm relaxed, I am loving, caring, and supportive.
I am hard on myself and I find it easy to be critical of others too.