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Compatibility of Enneagram Type 5 with Type 6: Loyally Investigating Love

Establishing potential relationship matches is only one area where Enneagram personality typing is often utilized. Corporations have harnessed the Enneagram as a guideline when placing new employees, as well as when helping their existing employees with career changes. Mental healthcare facilities also use the Enneagram to establish a clear understanding of a client’s personality.

This article on Enneagram Type 5 compatibility with Type 6 discusses the positive and negative aspects of a pairing between Fives and Sixes.

Type 5 Compatibility With Type 6

Some facets that can affect the outcome of Enneagram Type 5 compatibility with Type 6 include the dominant wings of Fives and Sixes, and whether the individuals are in an integrative or disintegrative state.

Also, a dissertation study conducted at Walden university examined the results of 324 couples—they determined that men and women choose partners differently and also share different compatibility levels with differing personalities. EnneaDyads, and secure or insecure attachment styles, may also affect the outcome of Enneagram Type 5 compatibility with Type 6.

Compatibility Score

The score of 31% for Enneagram Type 5 compatibility with Type 6 is based on the core types of Fives and Sixes.


Maybe EnneaDyads have little impact on the success of a relationship, or Allied and Integrative partners may show success if the individuals have insecure or mismatched (one secure and one insecure) attachment styles. Another theory is that success may be found in these individuals in the following order

  • Ally
    • Woman is 5 and man is 4/Man is 5 and woman is 6
    • Woman is 6 and man is 5/Man is 6 and woman is 7
  • Disintegrative
    • Woman is 5 and man is 8/Man is 5 and woman is 7
    • Woman is 6 and man is 9/Man is 6 and woman is 3
  • Integrative
    • Woman is 5 and man is 7/Man is 5 and woman is 8
    • Woman is 6 and man is 3/Man is 6 and woman is 9
  • Matching
    • Woman and man are both 5
    • Woman and man are both 6
  • Shadow
    • Woman is 5 and man is 6/Man is 5 and woman is 4
    • Woman is 6 and man is 7/Man is 6 and woman is 5
  • Non-related
    • Either the man or woman is 5 and their partner is 1, 2, 3, or 9
    • Either the man or woman is 6 and their partner is 1, 2, 4, or 8

Anxiety and Avoidance in Attachment Styles

While most relationship success comes from both partners having secure attachment styles, integrative attachment styles follow closely behind. Also, couples may “earn” secure attachments if they experience mutual stress or growth.

With the low anxiety and high avoidance of Fives, and the high anxiety and high avoidance of Sixes, these are both insecure attachment styles. Regardless, other dynamics may affect Enneagram Type 5 compatibility with Type 6.

Wings, Growth, and Stress

In both Fives and Sixes, the wings of Fours, Sixes, Fives, and Sevens show insecure attachment styles.

It’s important to note that couples often experience success along their integration and disintegration (growth and stress) lines and because of this, Enneagram Type 5 compatibility with Type 6 may change.

What Each Type Brings to the Relationship

The varied personality traits specific to an actual Five and Six couple will affect Enneagram Type 5 compatibility with Type 6.

Enneagram Type 5: The Investigator

Fives prefer spending time alone and unnoticed rather than with people. This may make them seem detached. They also rarely concern themselves with how others perceive them. Despite the distance they place between themselves and others, they do still hope for a significant connection.

They may withdraw from those who interrupt their solitude or place demands on them.

Although they’re organized and dependable, they may lack confidence in their abilities. Usually, they are curious, so they will constantly search for alternative sources of knowledge. They prefer to do this in their own time, without challenges, as they favor predictability over success or self-gratification.

Insecure in themselves, they may, silently, root for the underdog. They are calm and don’t seek to hold power over others.

Enneagram Type 6: The Loyalist

Sixes are notably loyal and reliable, however, they may fear being betrayed. They thrive on situations remaining constant, and people, unwavering, as they find security in the expected. This means that they may be averse to new experiences and that they like to be in control of situations.

Their mistrust of others means that they may be slow to form close relationships. Once they do, however, they’re loyal, warm, and caring partners.

Sixes can be divided into two categories

  • Phobic: escape their anxiety triggers
  • Counterphobic: challenge their fear triggers

They can be hardworking, creative, and adapt to fit the social mood. However, they can be pessimistic in their outlook and their self-doubt makes them needy of reassurance.

Enneagram Wing Contribution

The wings of each Enneagram Type may alter their personality mildly or severely. This will change the ultimate results of Enneagram Type 5 compatibility with Type 6.

Enneagram Type 5w4, Type 5w6, Type 6w5, and Type 6w7

Fives with a wing of Four may be more emotional, engaged, and friendlier toward people. Their innovative skills may take on a slightly artistic flair, and they may be more accepting of alternate beliefs.

Four’s attachment style: insecure.

When Six is the dominant wing of Fives, they may get less lost in their thoughts and be more concerned with the welfare of those close to them. They may be a little more controlling and slightly less insecure.

Six’s attachment style: insecure.

6w5 will be slightly different to 5w6, in that they will maintain Sixes’ main characteristics with an infusion of Fives’. This may make Sixes less concerned with the future, perhaps more involved in their own thoughts, and less concerned with the approval and reassurances of others.

Five’s attachment style: insecure.

If Sixes have a dominant wing in Seven, they will probably be a little less susceptible to fear and anxiety and be more socially confident.

Seven’s attachment style: insecure.

Positives of This Pairing

Fives and Sixes share many common characteristics, making Enneagram Type 5 compatibility with Type 6 potentially strong. They are both less social and enjoy using their intellect. Spending time together, and discussing shared interests, will likely be the setting from which this relationship slowly develops.

Their shared creativity and problem-solving skills may help them examine and overcome any issues they encounter. Also, while Fives may read and assess body language, Sixes sense the emotions of others, and in this way, they may raise their concerns instead of hiding them due to their mutual insecurities.

Trust is hard-earned from a Six partner, but Fives will prove stable partners. As trust grows between them, their affections may deepen.

Potential Issues

Fives tend neither to depend on others nor allow others to depend on them. To Sixes, this type of collaboration is an important part of a relationship. If Fives don’t drop their guard and allow this intimacy to form, this could harm Enneagram Type 5 compatibility with Type 6.

In order to trust others, Sixes may feel the need to exert some amount of control over their partners. This could exasperate independent-thinking Fives.

Since Sixes can be phobic or counter-phobic, this could alter Enneagram Type 5 compatibility with Type 6. While Fives may establish a level of understanding with a phobic Six, they may be averse to the demands of a confrontational counterphobic Six.


The level of Enneagram Type 5 compatibility with Type 6 may vary, depending on things like common sports, hobbies, or interests. They should discuss any concerns, as if they don’t, Fives could dismiss problems as insignificant while Sixes might imagine the worst.

This couple could use the Enneagram to help in their personal growth and improve Enneagram Type 5 compatibility with Type 6.

To discover your Enneagram type, complete the Enneagram Personality Test.